Sunday, May 20, 2007

Michael Moore's New Movie Sicko

Michael Moore is now the poster child for free speech in America. Lord bless Michael Moore and all who support him from family and crew to viewers.

The basis for Sicko is already experienced.

We know our doctors have become business people by law, our government protects industry and the super rich, and 9/11 was an inside job. We know that the government lied about the dangers in the dust from the exploded World Trade Center and has denied health care to many suffering from World Trade Center Illness. My site on WTC Illness is

Without seeing a frame of Sicko, we know what's in that movie made by a master film maker. We've been playing it in our minds since AIDS hit about the same time that HMO's came on the scene. I’m sure this movie reveals the 3 card Monty game called Medicine, Inc. that is based in amazing greed. It will take the amazing grace of truth to re-set our health priority from money to patient care.

Please don't read that all medical professionals are greedy. We have some great healers, like Los Angeles' Dr. Leroy Vaughn, or New York's Dr. Ivan Black and others who have managed to keep patients first. Some of our greatest heroes, like the two doctors mentioned, are in medicine. Yet, money as the priority is an unnecessary burden to place on healers, with so much work to do. Time and money spent on insurance paperwork is taken away from patient care in many cases. Some care decisions are made by non medical people without a vested interest in the outcome other than money. No wonder health care is in the state it is in.

Medical mistakes and secondary infections picked up in a hospital are now the leading cause of death. The whole healthcare conversation is about how to pay for it rather than how to implement and improve it. Crazy.

A simple shift from money to health as the foundation of decision making in health care will make a radically positive change. The focus will be on prevention, cause, rather than the costs of dealing with the effects, sickness.

Simple steps like cleaning up the environment, the hospitals, the food and water supplies can reduce the need for health care. Hemp scrubs the air of the greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows and burns clean as biofuel so it should be re-incorporated into the ecosystem immediately.

Stress kills and is at cause for many illnesses. Adjusting our systems to reduce stress, rather that create high pressure dramas is another. Legalizing hemp and promoting hydrotherapy are other stress reducers that have a positive impact on health.

It's time to dismantle the Industrial Age's fear machine and empower the Information Age's enlightenment machines so we can work together and solve our problems.

I look forward to seeing Sicko and the constructive change it can bring to the vital area of caring for the health of the world's population. It's now July 17th and the movie still has not come to Lake Havasu City, AZ nor is it available on line. I wait in faith.

Truth is the only hope we have for freedom. Michael Moore has a track record of delivering truth.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Little Oil Pimp Should Rule No More - Restore Gore

How’s the weather by you? Comfortable that the food you put on your table is safe? Do you feel good about the direction the country is going in?

We have been had, took, bamboozled, and if we don’t take our power back, we’re dead. I want to live. How about you?

The word evil is live spelled backwards. Based on results, there is evil in the White House and it’s up to We The People to clean it out. Demand truth and justice, please.

We are at the most critical time in human history. Albert Einstein said if the bees leave then man has 4 years left. The disappearing bees is a fact. The rapture is in process. It’s time for each soul to take a stand for good or evil, survival or death. Let's do what we can to survive.

We need Al Gore in the White House now. Today.


The number one issue we are dealing with is the environment. The leading environmentalist in the country is Al Gore.

I’ve been working with Richard M. Davis of the USA Hemp Museum on his recently release book HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION.

In the book Richard gives chapter and verse of how to use hemp to help solve the problem of global warming. Hemp is a biomass champion that scrubs the air of the excess greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows and burns clean as biofuel four times more efficient than corn. Hemp oil can do anything fossil oil can do, only without polluting.

An additional service that hemp can serve is to supplement the upcoming food crisis because hemp is a wind pollinated plant. A 20% recreational hemp tax could finance large scale growing on unused federal land and create a slush fund to help folks out dealing with natural disasters, i.e. Katrina.

I write about Richard’s work because with all this information on how to heal our environment by reducing the cause, excess CO2, the way the government is structured, we just keep on burning overpriced toxic energy, taking toxic medicine, and killing ourselves to the beat of fear on earth.

With Bush, this solution is still illegal. Gore can restore sanity to our government and possibly our environment.

I want my president back, the one who received the most votes. Restore Gore to his rightful role. Commission John Kerry, the other elected President of the United States to serve as Vice President. These men have made their positions on the environment known. The choice is ours.

We can still have an ’08 election (or one 4 years from when Gore/Kerry is restored to President). Yet, this next year is key to our survival and to have it in the hands of George Bush is folly. The closer we are to the truth, the more freedom we have.

The little oil pimp should rule no more.

Restore Gore.

Monday, April 30, 2007

American Media - Villains and Heroes

The American media over the last 30 years has countless villains and heroes. Many of those who stood up for truth have been fired, jailed, ignored and/or suicided for telling the truth. This is most evident in the five year old blackout of 9/11 truth. If this article only serves as a call to end the environmental solutions and 9/11 media blackout now, it's served its purpose.

Freedom of the press is an illusion in America. That can change on a dime with your help. Use the web to contact the media and demand truth be restored to news.
Instead of getting news we can use, we get whose zooming who. In February ’07, when the story broke that bees were dying, and according to Albert Einstein that means we have less than 4 years left on the planet, we were overrun with stories about how Anna Nicole is still dead and 'who is dat baby's daddy.'

The press ignores the real issues, like toxic energy is killing the earth, and talks about the price of gas could go to $4 a gallon.
Back in the '70s, 80's & 90's free energy magnetic generator inventor Bruce DePalma (Brian’s older brother) was ignored most of his adult life by the press. I published DePalma’s papers as DEPALMA, FREE ENERGY AND THE N MACHINE as a prayer to let his spirit know he is heard as a beloved published author.
We get plenty of 'Ohhhhhhh, Imus shouldn't a' said that' [in the old America the right to free speech trumped what was said], but not a peep other than web video on a simple, but illegal solution to global warming. Even with the stakes as high as the safety of the planet, the American Media is silent on what's really going on.
We can solve global warming. Richard M. Davis of the USA Hemp Museum just wrote a book called HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION based on the old government program to win WWII. He details chapter and verse how to eliminate carbon emissions from energy use by using clean burning hemp biofuel. Hemp can serve double duty in healing the earth because it also is a champion at scrubbing the air of the excess greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows.
Nazi's with an interest in oil and other toxic energies have taken over the American Media, i.e. Bush’s brother and Fox News. Until the rules radically change, politics trumps competence in the news rooms, ratings more important than truth. The press is not free to speak the truth. If they were, I'm sure Richard would have been interviewed by somebody in traditional American Media by now.

It’s been going on a long time. Bush Sr.’s father, Prescott Bush, was Hitler's US banker (yes, the president of the United States is the grandson of Hitler’s US Banker). The Nazis, who the European community was wise enough to throw out, came to America, and are now fully in power by stolen elections, a gutted constitution, and fear, fear, fear.


To keep the planet on toxic energy took fear. It is difficult to pump fear in the face of truth. Millions of people from around the world marched in protest to the Iraq war. Thousands of people protested the Bush invocation as he was guarded into the White House. While witnesses on 9/11 were saying “explosions” we were told the building fell, or burnt as a result of being hit by planes. Little to no coverage of what's really going on.
'If you're over 10
And you watch CNN
And believe everything
You're in too deep'
Rasta song

Back in the early 80's, the media was reporting that AIDS was a gay disease that was a death sentence, that crack was the result of weak souls who could not control themselves, oil was the way to go, and money was the most important thing in America.

Of course now we know that:

AIDS is not a gay disease, never was. They were just the cases most reported by the media. Twenty years after her healing without traditional medicine by working with The Healer Within, Niro Markoff is still alive and healthy, teaching folks from her experience.

Crack was the result of targeting individuals during difficult times for addiction so the Reagan administration could have a slush fund (Iran Contra), Check out Gary Webb’s book DARK ALLIANCE about Iran Contra, the book that got him killed.

Oil is killing us and American greed has caused her to sell out like crack whores in search of a fix.
The problem reaches all the way up to the FCC. The son of a general was made the head of the Federal Communications Commission. Michael Powell, son of Colin, actively threw honest reporters off the air. He left shortly after his father left his job as Secretary of State. It’s just the way things have been done for a long time. Here’s some more national examples.

1. The great, former CBS chief Watergate reporter Daniel Shorr was fired for working to get the truth out.

If you don’t know who Daniel Shorr, is:

"Schorr attracted the anger of the Nixon White House. In 1971, after a dispute with White House aides, Schorr's friends, neighbors, and co-workers were questioned by the FBI about his habits. They were told that Schorr was under consideration for a high-level position in the environmental area. Schorr knew nothing about it. Later, during the Watergate hearings, it was revealed that Nixon aides had drawn up a list of enemies, and Daniel Schorr was on that list. Famously, Schorr read the list aloud on live TV, surprised to be reading his own name in that context. Schorr won Emmys for news reporting in 1972, 1973, and 1974 .After Nixon's resignation, Schorr attracted controversy when he received and published the leaked Pike Commission's report about illegal CIA and FBI activities in 1976. Called to testify before Congress, he refused to identify his source on First Amendment grounds, risking imprisonment. This did not mollify CBS executives, and Schorr resigned his position in September 1976.

He is now a senior news analyst for National Public Radio."

When CBS News refused to allow Shorr to report a story, he then gave the story to the Village Voice to get out. It was one of those 'you'll never work in this town again if your loyalty is to the truth' messages that was heard loud and clear. It was 5 years before Ted Turner brought Shorr back to the forefront when Turner asked Shorr’s help to create what is now CNN.

2. Successful American journalist Rita Cosby had the courage to call Ira Einhorn to tell him her show was going to do a story. Ira Einhorn was put in a murder frame for speaking up for the environment back in the 1970’s. Yet the courts continue to simply refuse to hear the appeals. There is no scientific evidence he murdered Holly Maddux, not a stitch.

I don’t think Rita Cosby had time to hang up the phone before they decided to cancel her show and let her contract run out.

In my opinion, Rita Cosby is another great journalist who has lost her job as a result of having the courage to look at the truth when the country is being run by People Of The Lie. Cosby needs to be her own television network, and sell the shows to others. She can start with a web back and bring web reporting up a couple of levels.

Other notable journalist standing for truth include.

3. Keith Olberman at MSNBC who is leading the charge for truth and justice on his show Countdown. Check out his videos on you tube, Google and yahoo for a taste.

4. Veteran reporter Helen Thomas has spoken truth to power many times. Her words must seem prophetic to some now. “George Bush Is The Worst President Ever”.

5. Rosie O’Donnell is being raked over the coals (bad choice of words) for speaking up about the truth of 9/11. It was an inside job.

6.. Hunter Thompson, the first interview in the Loose Change video was suicided. He was a reporter who spoke the truth. He reportedly committed suicide while on the phone with his wife with his daughter-in-law and grandchild in the house.

7. Phil Donohue was taken off of MSNBC for questioning what was going on with the war. The same thing happened to my sister, Robin Hardin, on a local level when she was ripped off the air in Detroit for asking questions about what was going on in her city, despite the fact that her ratings were good.

8. Gary Webb’s research on Iran Contra revealed the evil and racism in American government. He was suicided on moving day into his new house. The coroner's report said Webb shot himself twice in the head, with a shotgun.

9. Dan Rather and the 60 Minutes team did the piece on the president’s lack of military service. It cost Rather a 50 year association with CBS. He went straight to the future Dan Rather Reports in HDTV. You go boy!

There are many more examples.

There is nothing we cannot overcome, and the corruption in the American government is about to be flushed. Not violently, but by the light of truth. The Bush Administration stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. They were responsible for 9/11. Now what?

I thank the traditional media for the signs they are showing that they are waking up.

I thank the Lord for the web and its ability to place truth along side of the illusions.

It is up to us to separate the wheat from the shaft. This many grains, we all need to be involved.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Virgin plans to fly 747 on biofuel in 2008

“The first commercial aircraft to be powered by biofuel will fly next year in what could be a significant step towards airlines reducing their oil consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Virgin Atlantic is to announce today that one of its 747 jumbo jets will be used to demonstrate that biofuels can power an aircraft. The project, which includes Boeing and General Electric, the engine-maker, hopes to have the “green” jumbo airborne in 2008.”

It's past time to get off of toxic energy so we can stop global warming and heal the environment. If an energy source kills us or hurts the environment, get off of it. Stop using it. Replace it with non-toxic alternatives like biofuels, solar, wind, hydro, magnetic and the like. This is not complex. It is only the greed of toxic energy that has us killing ourselves so the industry can keep getting record profits. Greed is when it's all about the dollar. It's time to be about saving our lives.

Richard M. Davis of the USA Hemp Museum, just finished a book called HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION.

The book is about how hemp scrubs the air of the excess greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows, and burns clean as a biofuel. Davis includes a piece from the US Department Of Agriculture written in 1913 that’s all about hemp and what a wonderful plant it is, how to grow and process it, etc. He applies the successful HEMP FOR VICTORY program used in World War II to the modern problem of global warming.

A tax on recreational hemp would finance growing hemp on 20% of unused federal land and provide a bonanza of job and business ownership opportunities, fully funded. The excess funds could be used to help with the effects of global warming, i.e. some the victims of Katrina still need to be resettled.

Tain't fittin. Just tain't fittin' what 'da Bushwacker and 'da insurance companies done did to dem. We should fix that!

Looks like the book is just in time for the future. The first signs of the great shift to common sense, healing global warming, have begun. Enjoy the journey.

Here’s the entire article from:

"Virgin plans to fly 747 on biofuel in 200824th April 2007

The first commercial aircraft to be powered by biofuel will fly next year in what could be a significant step towards airlines reducing their oil consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.
Virgin Atlantic is to announce today that one of its 747 jumbo jets will be used to demonstrate that biofuels can power an aircraft. The project, which includes Boeing and General Electric, the engine-maker, hopes to have the “green” jumbo airborne in 2008.

The airline and its partners are testing up to eight biofuels to determine which is most effective at altitude. Ethanol, which is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to petrol in cars, has been rejected because it does not burn well in thin-oxygen environments.

The idea of replacing petrol with biofuel in cars is a significant trend in the car industry. Last year Ford announced a £1 billion research project to convert more of its vehicles to these new fuel sources.

However, converting an aircraft to run on biofuel was thought to be a much longer-term project and the announcement from Virgin today will surprise those in the industry who have scorned the idea.

Virgin hopes that biofuel-powered aircraft could be operating commercially within five years, which could help to cut significantly the airline industry’s carbon dioxide emissions. At present air travel contributes 2 per cent to 3 per cent of climate-change gases, but that level is increasing as the activity expands. The industry is investing in lighter aircraft and new engines to improve fuel efficiency, but biofuels could eliminate oil dependence entirely.

Sir Richard Branson, the chairman of Virgin Atlantic, launched an alternative fuels division last year, pledging the profits from his airline and trains for the next ten years.

A source close to the biofuel project said: “Everyone was saying that flying a plane with alternative energy sources was a decade away, but it is going much faster than that. The demonstration by a 747 next year will be a milestone in the airline industry’s attempts to reduce its CO2 emissions and cut its fuel bills.”

Source: The Times"

Monday, April 16, 2007

What would you do if a solution to global warming was illegal?

Let’s make a global warming miracle here.

Since we all live on the earth, we each must make her a priority too.

From: A Course in Miracles, Workbook, Lesson 23, 5.1-6

" are not trapped in the world you see, because its cause can be changed. This change requires, first, that the cause be identified and then let go, so that it can be replaced. The first two steps in this process require your cooperation. The final one does not."


We can change our way of living. It's time to put down the drama and deal with the issues at hand at the level of cause and effect. Together, we can do it.

What’s true about global warming? There are excess levels of the greenhouse gas CO2 in the air, at cause for the documented heating of the earth. The glaciers are melting. The weather is changing rapidly. 80% of the adult bee population left the hives in February ’07. Einstein said we’ve got 4 years from when the bees left the hives to be on the earth. The clock is ticking and a solution to global warming is least illegal from the perspective of the oil controlled government. I beg of you, if you are in the United States to support the Industrial Hemp Act of 2007.

“This change requires, first, that the cause be identified”

One of the main problems at cause for global warming is excess CO2. While folks argue about the source of the excess gas, science says it's affecting the planet in a not so positive way for our survival here. If you have not done so yet, please see Al Gore’s AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.

“and then let go”

Let us let go of lifestyles that are killing us. Toxic energy and polluting the environment does not support life.

Now, stop pretending not to know there is a simple solution to reversing the effects of excess CO2 in the air. That is by removing the cause - sufficiently reducing the excess greenhouse gas, CO2.


My friend at the USA Hemp Museum, Richard M. Davis, has a new book, HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION. It's available in both color and black&white on line at The book was conceived at last year's Los Angels Million Marijuana March.

Richard M. Davis is scheduled to speak at this year's Global Marijuana March, ’07 in Los Angeles, the first Saturday in May.

Richard has in his book information we need to save ourselves from the results of using toxic energy. If you are interested in doing something to save your life, and man’s existence on the world, I urge you to buy and read his book when it’s available. In the meantime, visit the USA Hemp Museum’s bio fuels room. Richard’s working on a plan to use the old HEMP FOR VICTORY program successfully run during WWII as an effort to help win the war.

Just a few things I learned from Richard's book:

1. Hemp is a bio mass champion when it comes to scrubbing the air of excess CO2 gas as it grows.

2. As a bio fuel, hemp burns clean and many power plants are already adapted to burn hemp. It can be processed to run in both diesel and automatic engines for cars, planes, trains, etc.

3. After harvest, the hemp plants can also be used for paper, wood, fabric and at least 50,000 other productive uses.

4. Since hemp is wind pollinated and not bee pollinated, it can step up as a food source to feed hungry populations, building peace on earth by reducing stress in individual lives.

We’ve made part of nature illegal, soiled her delicate balance, and wonder why we have a problem with the environment. How dare us tell nature what she can and can not grow. Actions have consequences, as do reactions.

“The first two steps in this process require your cooperation.”

Let’s take some positive actions and save ourselves. Here's a few recommendations from the book.

1. Legalize hemp, tax it at 20%. Use part of those funds to help people dealing with global warming, i.e. Hurricane Katrina victims. Use another part to finance hemp growing. Immediately make available 10-20% of un-used federal land for family farmers to grow hemp to scrub the air of excess CO2. The federal government owns about 650 million acres of land (not counting DOD) so a lot of unemployed workers could find jobs and start small businesses. Monitor the environment for maximum effectiveness.

2. Make available hemp and other alternative, clean, environmentally supportive energies like wind, solar, hydro and magnetic.

“The final one does not.”

Logic says if we reduce the cause, our part - the effect will naturally be reduced, if it's not too late already.

The nerve of man to make a plant illegal. Taint' fittin'. It just 'taint fittin'.

For more on the opening quote check out: Forgiveness

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Support Rosie - Investigate 9/11

The hero Rosie ODonnel recently called from the stage of the television show THE VIEW for an investigation into 9/11.

I support her courage and stand for truth. I don't understand how one of the greatest journalists ever, Barbara Walters, could not be demanding answers to the questions raised regarding 9/11.

Please incorporate into your speaking and being your own personal call to investigate the events of 9/11 and other acts of terror by George Bush's band of Nazis. His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was Hitler's US banker. This rabbit hole is deep and long, going back to Samuel Bush.

I pray that Rosie goes back to doing her own show. And this time I'll watch. If the networks don't touch it, the web will welcome it. Her show would be a VIEW OF THE TRUTH. How the world would heal if we would use the communications tools available to us to save ourselves, like using hemp to scrub the air of the excess greenhouse CO2 gas.

We also need to stop being played and demand truth and justice in government.

The system is killing us and we need to get a grip. Look around you.

Paying more is no security that toxic food is not on your dinner table.

Over the last century or so the government has legislated acceptable pollution levels - creating our poisoned environment.

By law, i.e. hemp, they created unnecessary stress in personal lives with countless WAR ON WHATEVER that was truly a war on the American people.

Drama was created to shift the art of healing from LOVE to money based. The doctors and nurses were forced to become business people first, rather than healers.

A flat out abomination is that the ill, many children and seniors are being left behind due to the illusion of unsecured funds.

Incorporate truth into media and government. It's healing.

Begin by supporting Rosie ODonnel in her call to Investigate 9/11. It was an inside job.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bush & Hitler

The connections between the Bush family and Hitler are well documented. Do a web search for the most updated "Bush" "Hitler". You will find there are many documented links.

Found this video that shows how much the tail is wagging the dog.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sen. Specter - Where's the Shooter In The New JFK Film?

I saw no shooter in the window in the newly released footage. I'm open to the possibility I saw what I wanted to see.

JFK Assassination--George Jefferies Film is both posted above and broadcast on YouTube

On that piece is the picture of the School Book Depository

Time: 00:35 from beginning 00:05 from the end.

When the JFK assassination happened I remember my father saying 'it was a set up.' He said the same thing about Hoffa.

No wonder the photographer just put the film away. Those who have evidence against the government's story are in danger of immediate death, and there was a lot of death surrounding that case.

That School Book Depository footage, had it been released at the time, would have put the Warren Commission's single bullet theory to the truth razor of 'here's the picture, where's the shooter?'

We had all this drama about what happened to the bullet once it entered the car, but now we can add 'show us on the picture where the person is who made the shot United States Senator Arlen Specter (R - PA), author of the single bullet theory?

Please check it out. A flood of truth is better than a trickle. 9/11, war for oil, JFK&MLK&RFK assassinations , Iran Contra, etc., the flood of information cannot be stopped.

The 60's was back in the day when President of the United States meant something other than oppression and fear. JFK held within his palm the hope of a nation.

Now we must carry papers in America, turn our back on the nation's mission of accepting others in search of freedom, and continue to do the wrong thing, day, after day, after century.

Unless we change within ourselves now.

Like 9/11, it was just another drama to keep the industrial/military/congressional complex in place.

When folks simply demand only truth in our lives and affairs, we can figure out the best way to get along and heal the planet. Now would be a good time to do it. Let Divine Justice restore balance.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007 (Introduced in House)


HR 1009 IH
1st Session
H. R. 1009
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marihuana, and for other purposes.
February 13, 2007
Mr. PAUL (for himself, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. STARK, and Ms. WOOLSEY) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marihuana, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007'.
Paragraph (16) of section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802(16)) is amended--
(1) by striking `(16)' at the beginning and inserting `(16)(A)'; and
(2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
`(B) The term `marihuana' does not include industrial hemp. As used in the preceding sentence, the term `industrial hemp' means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.'.
Section 201 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 811) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
`(i) Industrial Hemp Determination To Be Made by States- In any criminal action, civil action, or administrative proceeding, a State regulating the growing and processing of industrial hemp under State law shall have exclusive authority to determine whether any such plant meets the concentration limitation set forth in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (16) of section 102 and such determination shall be conclusive and binding.'.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution


February, 2007


Los Angeles, CA - In a recent environmental report by the world's top environmental scientists, the only thing listed that mankind can do to have an impact on changing weather patterns is to reduce the excess CO2 levels from the air.

Hemp scrubs the air of excess CO2 gas - a contributing factor in global warming - as it grows. Growing massive amounts of hemp - like what was done in the World War II HEMP FOR VICTORY program - in unused federal land, can radically reduce the amount of CO2 gas in the atmosphere.

Hemp can also be used as a healing global warming tool by using it as a biofuel to replace toxic energy that is killing us. Hemp burns clean and grows fast, producing as many as four crops a year with a little bit of planning.

This solution is in development at the USA Hemp Museum, a private museum with a virtual wing located at . The Museum has thousands of hemp exhibits both on line and in the private wing. The Museum's Founder and Curator, Richard Davis announced the release of the ebook edition of his new book HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION, based on the Museum’s extensive information on hemp and the environment.

In his recent video, Davis explains the need to apply hemp as a solution to the problem of global warming and other helpful uses.

Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution
CURE Publishing - 6 min - Feb 12, 2007 -
Richard Davis explains how the hemp plant scrubs the air of the greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows, burns clean and should be used to solve the problem of ...

Why hemp?

Hemp is biomass champion, breathing in more carbon dioxide (the most abundant greenhouse gas) than any other plant. This carbon dioxide is turned into wood and fiber by photosynthesis. Hemp wood takes the pressure off our forests by making paper and building materials like pressboard.

Hemp is the best plant at consuming the greenhouse gas CO2, a step the world leading scientists say is critical to at least slowing down the dramatic effects of global warming. Remove the cause, CO2 pollution, and the effect, global warming can be reduced, if not healed.

Hemp can do all the jobs fossil fuels do now. When used as biofuel, hemp replaces toxic energy (i.e. fossil fuels, nuclear power) with clean sustainable energy. Hemp biofuel can be processed to run any engine, heat or cool any building, run any factory, and eliminate the greenhouse gases and pollution that come from modern energy sources.

The Museum is also developing a HEMP FOR VICTORY plan to successfully use hemp to help solve the survival problem of global warming by coordinating farmers with growing and market information. A council of Hemp Masters will be available on line to help with questions and problem solving. A 20% recreational hemp tax can finance the program and help deal with the current impact of global warming.

The HEMP FOR VICTORY plan is considering: the problem of global warming, benefits of hemp, land use and availability, financing with a hemp tax, restoring the family farm to grow hemp, seeds, irrigation, growing techniques, harvesting, processing, replacing toxic energy, how to use existing energy distribution systems, and other benefits from re-hemping the earth. This plan is based on the HEMP FOR VICTORY campaign of World War II (see USA Hemp Museum’s History Room).

“A state of international emergency has been declared by many of the top scientists in the world.” Davis said in a recent interview. “We have a solution. To help save ourselves from the ravages of global warming, we must grow massive quantities of hemp all over the world to reduce carbon dioxide and provide biofuel. Working together, crops can be bred for maximum earth healing affect. Markets can be coordinated. The impact of restoring the family farmers can help those who are not currently benefiting from our alleged booming economy by keeping energy dollars at home.

Decisions have consequences and our decision to stay on toxic energy is seriously impacting global warming. We must change now to survive and hemp is key to the process.”

Please support the Hemp Farming Act of 2007.

For more information on HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION contact Richard Davis, The USA Hemp Museum, All donations are tax deductible.

Global Warming


Re-hemp the planet- Stop polluting. Clean the Environment. Do it now.

Understand the problem and implement effective solutions

Institute a 20% recreational hemp tax to cover the cost

Develop and implement a HEMP FOR VICTORY program,like in WWII

Grow hemp everywhere possible to clean the air and add oxygen

Manage the melting icebergs for irrigation and drinking water

Pray and meditate to become good caretakers of the earth


Saturday, February 10, 2007

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Taxes

If the above video does not play, it's posted on Google Video.

Sherry Jackson, a former IRS agent, tells chapter and verse how the government is scamming the population, again, and again.

There is no law requiring folks to pay non-voluntary income tax. The government is taking income tax and using the money to kill innocent people in other countries, as well as in America.

Time to dump the tea again.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The President's Proposed Iraq Strategy Is Stupid

The president of the United States wants to continue a stupid strategy that does not work. What does victory look like? Why is victory important? Don't we have better things that need doing?
America has no right to tell anybody else what to do. We need to be figuring out ways to work together, not at war.
I watch the news in amazement as they discuss continuing the war in Iraq after no WMD's were there. End the conversation. GET OUT OF THERE!!! Not one damn dime for the war, any war. It’s always an ineffective strategy.
Somebody please give congress a set of balls and the wisdom to use them.

We have much bigger issues to deal with, like the planet’s ability to support life.
Between the 11,000 football fields sized break in the ice and the release of pent up methane gas in the ice as it melts, it is imperative, a state of emergency, that a Healing Hemp program be put in place immediately, similar to World War II’s HEMP FOR VICTORY program.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thundersnow - What the !@#$is thundersnow?

Wikipedia defines thundersnow:

"Thundersnow is a particularly rare meteorological phenomenon that includes the typical behavior of a thunderstorm, but with snow falling as the primary precipitation instead of rain. It commonly falls in regions of strong upward motion within the cold sector of extratropical cyclones between autumn and spring when surface temperatures are most likely to be near or below freezing."

The page has a list of recorded Thundersnow events that points to a possibility that this was first recorded in 2000:

"Links to individual events
Sierra Nevada Mountain Thundersnow: 9-10 November 2000
Central Victorian, Australia Thundersnow: 14 June 2001
Boston Thundersnow: 11 October 2005 Boston Thundersnow: 9 December 2005
Chester County Pennsylvania Thundersnow: 25 January 2006 Madison, Wisconsin Thundersnow: 16 February 2006
Aberdeen, Scotland Thundersnow: 3 March 2006
Buffalo's Thundersnow: 12-15 October 2006
Columbia, Missouri Thundersnow: 1 December 2006
Retrieved from ""

When I first heard the phrase 'thundersnow" back in 2000, I was shocked at how casually the new word was used. I've been on the planet more than a half century and I had never heard of such a crazy concept, yet it was true.

The radically changing weather patterns, moving into new areas like Katrina and thundersnow, marks the continuation of Global Warming as getting worse rather than healing. An iceberg the size of 11,000 football fields broke off in 2005, set to move south in the spring. If you missed the previous sentence, our roof is melting. It is crazy to continue engaging in activity that is killing us.

Thundersnow was just a first clue, a starting gun, for the modern global warming healing movement. Let me assure at least the 40% of the nation that was not born when Gerald Ford was president, that thundersnow is a new thing.

The world is changing and we need to give the planet what she needs to heal the clean burning, cleans the air as it grows hemp plant. A man with a plan is Richard Davis, curator of the U.S.A. Hemp Museum. For more information on hemp as a source of energy and 50,000 other good things, vist the on line museum and check out the bio-fuels page.

At least 10% of federal land (about 65 million acres) should be turned over to master hemp growers, who re-create the family farm system for those qualified, to create fuel and other healing hemp items and benefits, like cleaner air.

We can do it!

J O Y!

Friday, December 08, 2006

We've Already Had 5 Black Presidents

Allow Blocked content to see the video

We've already had at least five Black US Presidents, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Harding and Coolidge, according to Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA.

In his book BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR PLACE IN WORLD HISTORY, Dr. Vaughn covers this and other dynamic, historical facts about the contributions of Black People throughout time that can change the word from his-story to truth-story.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Stolen Election 2006?

It was recently reported that Karl Rove is confident about the elections next month. The only ways that could be true is if he knows the fix is in, like it was in the 2000, 2002 and 2004 elections. The only question is will it be enough of a fix.

The elections are like what my grandmother use to tell me about being Black. That I have to produce twice as much as any White person to get a quarter of the way, which means I have to produce eight times more just to break even.

For the 2006 US election to reflect the honest Will of the People, folks will have to vote in such great numbers that an election fix of 1 vote = 2 votes for the dominate party and 1 vote = 1/4 vote for the non-dominant party throws the corrupt out of office. I say in great numbers because the dead have a way of out-voting the living in some cities.

From what I read in the congressional report 'Preserving Democracy, What Went Wrong In Ohio,' I have no hope for a "fair election" at this time. I do have ample faith in future elections.

As Bill Maher pointed out, we can count a dollar down to the penny (fraction of a penny when buying gas), but we can't get an accurate vote count.

The government needs to learn how to use Microsoft Excel (or other universal spreadsheet program, simplified). Locked spread sheets with a person's vote, submitted on line with a follow though to the count, would clear up the situation quickly.

Libraries, with their many computers, can serve as voting places for a day (or better yet a week before plus election day) every two years to host elections for folks who do not have web access. This system would also bring more folks in touch with the opportunities to learn at their local libraries.

The system is broken beyond repair, and it's time to go back to the basics. WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT. What’s true? What's real? What's helping us? What's hurting us? Somebody else knows how stupid it is that our leading industry is health care.

Though I am born and raised in the United States, over 50, and never been arrested, it's illegal for me to vote. I live in Arizona without papers other than my birth certificate so I've become less than human in the sight of the State of Arizona.

If the government has not made it illegal for you to vote, please vote based on the highest good for all concerned.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The 9/11 Death Toll Is Still Rising

World Trade Center Illness, sickness that comes from exposure to the toxic material from the WTC, is real.

Though the government turned off the death toll clock shortly after 9/11, many people are sick and dying from exposure to the toxic material from WTC 1, 2 and 7. The names of the people who are dying from WTC Illness over the next 10 years should be added to the annually read list of victims of 9/11. As I noted in an earlier post, not just the first responders are dying.

Remember the initial estimates that said 25,000 to 30,000 folks killed on 9/11. By the time World Trade Center Illness runs its course, initial death toll numbers could be accurate. I say that because the City reports that hundreds of thousands of people were exposed.

Despite what the government is saying, the toxic dust from the WTC did not stay in Lower Manhattan. The wind carried it much further than New York City. The EPA didn’t start testing for toxic material until September 14th, giving the dust 3 days to settle down.

The toxic soup that made up the dust from the WTC contained transformer oil contaminated with PCB's, polyvinyl, chloride, copper, furans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, dioxins, asbestos, mercury from the computers and lights, thousands of gallons of jet fuel, and what the National Resources Defense Council - NRDC defined as “small hazardous waste generating entities.” Add to that an estimated 50,000 personal computers with four pounds of lead each, pulverized, and that is 200,000 pounds of lead released into the atmosphere."

It's way past time to tell the truth about the government's decision to put New York on lock down before World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7 were exploded. I write exploded because there was thermite found in the dust and all three structures were pulverized, not fallen or burned. As was the case in New Orleans during Katrina, the word "explosions" was frequently used by people who were present at the events.

From the EPA report that they said could not be quoted (so I removed the quotes): National Center for Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, October, 2002’s report; Exposure and Human Health Evaluation of Airborne Pollution from the World Trade Center Disaster.

The analysis in this report supports three general findings: 1) Persons exposed to the extremely high levels of ambient particulate matter and its components during the collapse of the World Trade Center towers and for several hours afterwards were likely to be at risk for immediate acute (and possibly chronic) respiratory and other types (e.g., cardiovascular) of symptoms. 2) The first measurements of some of the contaminants were on September 14, while other contaminants were not measured until September 23. Available data suggest that the concentrations within and near Ground Zero were likely to be highest in the few days following September 11. Because there are only limited data on these critical few days, exposures and potential health impacts cannot be evaluated with certainty for this time period. 3) Except for exposures on September 11 and possibly during the next few days, persons in the surrounding community were unlikely to suffer short-term or long-term adverse health effects caused by exposure to elevations in ambient air concentrations of the contaminants evaluated in this report.

These elevated concentrations were measured mostly within and near Ground Zero, and they lasted for one to three months after September 11. The monitoring data indicate that air concentrations decreased to background levels that are characteristic of pre-September 11 levels in the New York City metropolitan area by around January or February of 2002.

Ultimately, it will be difficult to ascertain with certainty what effects resulted when people were surrounded by initial clouds of dust, or were subsequently exposed to the elevated concentrations that are discussed in this report. Epidemiologic studies of the exposed populations that are being conducted by various agencies and institutions should provide a more scientifically robust evaluation for future evaluations of health effects.

George W. Alapas
Acting Director
National Center for Environmental Assessment

Rather than DO NOT QUOTE OR CITE, they should have been screaming the above words and evacuated the area.

It is not just the first responders who are suffering and dying. Living, working, visiting for a spell folks were also exposed, many chronically. Common sense says the wind would carry the dust to many places.

Was there any testing done to see if asbestos and other toxic material traveled beyond Lower Manhattan?

Given the dynamics of insurance, do those exposed have health options if they are among the 40 million or so uninsured in America?

Is the medical community ready to deal with folks exposed to the toxic dust?

Chronic exposure to toxic material can cause squamous cell cancer and other medical conditions. It takes 5-15 years to manifest and the reports of people dying are flooding in. There are many ways the problem of World Trade Center Illness is manifesting affecting respiratory, digestive and blood systems.

People ate, drank and breathed the dust which also included pulverized glass. This material can cause a whole host of medical problems, including death.

There is no shortage of medical literature regarding the results of exposure to toxic material. Yet, the government chose the strategy of study rather than inform folks how to take a pro-active role in protecting their health like get out of the area, hydrotherapy with distilled drinking water to help clean out the toxins and medical hemp to reduce stress, a major killer.

The incompetence, if not flat out cruelty of not providing respirators to the people in the area is criminal. Even when the President of the United States came and did his bullhorn speech, he didn’t share with the people on the pile the dangers in the dust, nor the importance of wearing respirators. Bush should have ordered the City evacuated, instead, the White House told the EPA to alter the reports. They didn’t even start testing for toxic material until the 14th.

After 5 years of "studying" the problem, in August, 2006, the City of New York released guidelines to the medical community for how to deal with WTC Illness. The report is from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene titled CLINICAL GUIDELINES FOR ADULTS EXPOSED TO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER DISASTER.

While the EPA and the City of New York are bantering blame about who was responsible for letting people be chronically exposed to a multitude of toxic substances, the result is no less devastating.

The guidelines, whose published section does not include footnotes, paints a grim picture:

Page 47:

"The World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attack and its aftermath exposed hundreds of thousands of people to debris, dust, smoke, and fumes. Studies conducted after September 11, 2001, among rescue and clean-up workers, 1-4 office workers, 5 building evacuees,6 and residents of lower Manhattan 7-9 showed an increase in respiratory and other physical and mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Many New Yorkers have health problems that could be associated with – or made worse by – exposure to the attack and its aftermath. Primary care physicians need to know how to identify, evaluate, treat, and if necessary, refer these individuals to expert care."

Page 48


Physical Exposures

The collapse and burning of the WTC and neighboring buildings released a complex mixture of irritant dust, smoke, and gaseous materials. Pulverized concrete, glass, plastic, paper, and wood produced alkaline dust. The dust cloud also contained heavy metals, as well as asbestos and other substances that may be carcinogenic. In addition, smoke released from the persistent fires in the months that followed also contained hazardous and potentially carcinogenic substances.

Environmental test results showed that the composition of dust and smoke released into the air and deposited on indoor and outdoor surfaces varied by date and location.10 Individual exposure to contaminants was determined by duration, site, activities, and use of appropriate protective equipment. Health effects related to these exposures may also vary, depending on the intensity and duration of exposure as well as on underlying medical conditions, tobacco use, and individual susceptibility.

Although heavy metals were detected in the air and dust, clinical tests performed on specimens from more than 10,000 firefighters showed no clinically significant concentrations of mercury, lead, or beryllium.11 Heavy metals are usually cleared from the blood and urine within months of exposure."

Page 49:

Table 2. Potentially WTC-Associated Conditions

Inhalation or ingestion of WTC dust and fumes affected the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses, pharynx, gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and respiratory tract.
The symptoms and signs of these conditions include:
• Sinus, nasal, and postnasal congestion
• Heartburn, hoarseness, and throat irritation
• Shortness of breath and wheezing
• Chronic cough

Some clinicians have described a syndrome consisting of a triad that is typified by:
• Upper airway cough syndrome (postnasal drip syndrome)
• Asthma/reactive airways dysfunction syndrome(RADS)
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)/laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD)

Page 51:

"Other Possibly Associated Pulmonary Conditions
Consult a WTC Medical Monitoring and Treatment Center (Resources) for further information about these and other medical problems currently under evaluation:
• Interstitial lung diseases
• Chronic bronchitis/non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis
• Rare reports of pulmonary eosinophilic infiltrates,26 granulomatous pneumonitis,27 and bronchiolitis obliterans28
• Other lung diseases

Patients may also present with other as yet unexplained conditions that require additional diagnostic evaluation. Although the dust cloud contained heavy metals, there is no recognized need to perform blood or urine testing for heavy metals in the absence of specific indicative symptoms."

The guidelines are basically a shopping list for drugs that they disclaim in size 8 type, i.e.: "Use of brand names is for informational purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene."

These 'guidelines' fall far short of what needs to be done now. They speak of managing symptoms rather than how to heal.

Here's my short list of what needs to be done now.

1. Demand unconditional screening and health care for all affected plus disability pay to cover living expenses. Many have lost their jobs over the last five years, are sick and without insurance. (#3 is how to pay for it).

2. Empower folks to use meditation, work with their Healer Within, hydrotherapy and/or medical hemp (marijuana) to manage and heal if possible. The only good news I found is the guidelines is that in the post 9/11 era, marijuana use is up. Since the problem is toxic material in one's body, cleaning out as much as possible (hydrotherapy - for drinking consider distilled water) and reducing stress (meditation, Healer Within and medical hemp) is beneficial. It's going to take a miracle to turn this situation around.

3. Legalize hemp, tax it at 20% to raise revenue to pay for the health care and other social problems. Since the hemp plant scrubs the air when growing, it can be an effective tool for helping folks by reducing pollutants in the air. It’s time Hemp the City.

4. Bring to justice those responsible for altering the EPA report that told people that the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink. It was not safe. The news a year ago said it was the White House that altered the reports.

The city was put on lock down before the buildings were exploded, with a military compliment.
People are dying as a result of both the City of New York and the U.S. government’s failed policy of lie and hope it gets better.

Demand to see the original, unaltered 9/11 air quality report from the EPA and other sources like the sewer air monitors at North River, Newton Creek, Red Hook, Owls Head and Port Richmond. They are suppose to be testing the air because the sewers are uncovered and in case someone throws something toxic into the sewers, we need to know.

5. Establish evacuation procedures that everyone knows about in the event of another emergency situation like the Christmas Tsunami of '04 or Katrina.

6. Work with and demand action from your elected and appointed officials. Even though the elections are rigged so that it's almost impossible to vote them out, there is still room to make them do the right thing and change the law to provide for WTC victims.

7. PRAY! if so inclined. I am. From what I've read, traditional medicine does not have a clue nor the resources to deal with what's going down. We have many healers, like Niro Markoff who, by working with her Healer Within, moved from HIV/Positive with ARC to 20 years later she is alive and still doing well. Or Louise Hay, who healed herself of cancer. Dr. Bernie Segal, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dwyer and other healers who work with mind and Spirt to heal the body should be brought to the front of the conversation about "How To Heal World Trade Center Illness?"

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Only The Truth Is True

I offer profound thanks to the media, who are beginning to ask the tough questions about the lies we have been exposed to. A special thanks to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and crew. It's years past time to stand up to the Nazis in the White House.

I've had it with media that allows spin. Spin ain't nothin' but a lie, an illusion, a way to divert folks from the truth. To tell folks that spin is truth is just evil, i.e. WMD, stolen elections and the truth about what happened on 9/11.

It is time to apply the truth razor of only the truth, the verifiable from all angles truth, is true.

More than the first responders are in danger of World Trade Center Illness which put a lot of people at risk of getting squamous cell cancer.

The explosive thermite was found in the dust from the WTC. The hole in the Pentagon is too small for the plane reported to have hit it.

Our food and water supplies are poisoned with chemicals that cause cancer, diabetes and other illness.

Our mandated transportation fuel, oil, pollutes the air and is creating chaos in health and finances.

Our government is corrupt as it promotes business interests over the interests of the people, killing, when necessary, to promote business interests.

What is, is what we have created, allowed. We can do better than this.

How? Let’s start now.

Immediate, unconditional support needs to be offered to all exposed to WTC dust. Chronic exposure to toxic material increases the possibility of getting squamous cell cancer. Those prevention/treatment models, plus medical hemp and hydrotherapy should be available on demand. Legalize hemp, tax it at 20% to raise the funds and, with overflow, finance the solutions to other social problems.

It’s way past time to be real about who was behind 9/11. Demand to see the NTSB reports on the planes. Bring to justice those responsible for the crime. Replace them with a transparent government on a project manager whose goals are voted on in verifiable elections.

Remove toxic chemicals from food and redesign the distribution system, Microsoft Project Manager style redesign. Harvest ice bergs and use the water for irrigation and drinking. Demand testing for Mad Cow in American cattle.

Convert to hemp and other clean burning fuels for energy production. Hemp scrubs the air as it grows. Develop free energy, like hydro, magnetic and solar offers too.

I have lost my right to vote because to vote the law requires photo ID and I don’t have a photo ID. Since I can’t vote, for those who can, know that there are Mother Fuckin’ snakes in the Mother Fuckin’ U.S. Government. Demand clean elections with verifiable voting then vote them out. Tell them to use Microsoft’s Excel and Access for vote verification. Those programs have print features built in.

Peace and Prosperity for all.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Passenger's 9/11 Cell Phone Calls Scripted?

It’s years past time to honestly look at the evidence regarding 9/11 in general and the cell phone calls that were reported to have happened between passengers on the doomed planes and folks on the ground.

If you have not yet done so, please go to Jimmy Walker’s Reopen911 , Scholars For 9/11 Truth and see the video Loose Change, Second Edition. I’m keeping an open mind on the subject and to the best of my ability withholding judgment until all the facts are in, which they are not.

Based on available evidence, opportunity, motive and ability to pull off the crime, it is very possible that 9/11 was a scripted event, from the explosions in WTC 1, 2 & 7, down to the phone conversations from the planes. Check out Alex Jones’s great piece on cell phones and 9/11.

The cover-up had been going on a long time and most of the information is still not available, i.e. the NTSB not releasing any reports on why the planes crashed, let alone what was state of the art technology and policy regarding cell phones on 9/11/01.

Flight 93 black box under wraps
Sunday, November 04, 2001
By Jonathan D. Silver, Post-Gazette Staff Writer

Flight 93's crash is considered a criminal act, and that makes all the difference. The FBI is in charge of the investigation, and everything, even the most minute details, are being kept under strict lock and key. The only information that has emerged about the cockpit noises and conversations on the hijacked flight has been snippets of phrases or sounds provided to a few media outlets by anonymous sources. On the official information front, there has been a wall of silence. The FBI, Justice Department and Federal Aviation Administration are routinely rejecting Freedom of Information Act requests for details of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Former and current law enforcement officials said the government's decision to withhold the majority of the information compiled in the Flight 93 investigation makes perfect sense to them. "You don't really know until an investigation is completed how relevant ... certain information may be," said Mary Beth Buchanan, the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. "So the need to maintain the secrecy of that information while the investigation is pending is greater than the public's need to know about it.""

How could the government have faked the calls?

The technology exists to replicate voices. All that is needed is a 10-15 minute audio sample and your voice can be replicated in any language. Responses can be programmed from a telemarketing style script.

The U.S. government has been mining phone conversations, so they had access to recording voices, conversation styles and emotional information during regular conversations.

A professor tested and found that the phone calls could not have been made at the altitudes and speeds reported by going up in planes at the speeds the 'hijacked' airliners were traveling.

Professor David Ray Griffin says the events were designed for maximum dramatic effect, i.e. the New Pearl Harbor.

Please consider: From Global Research

“More significantly, what this carefully drafted script fails to mention is that, given the prevailing technology in September 2001, it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to place a wireless cell call from an aircraft traveling at high speed above 8000 feet:

"Wireless communications networks weren't designed for ground-to-air communication. Cellular experts privately admit that they're surprised the calls were able to be placed from the hijacked planes, and that they lasted as long as they did. They speculate that the only reason that the calls went through in the first place is that the aircraft were flying so close to the ground

Expert opinion within the wireless telecom industry casts serious doubt on "the findings" of the 9/11 Commission. According to Alexa Graf, a spokesman of AT&T, commenting in the immediate wake of the 9/11 attacks:

"it was almost a fluke that the [9/11] calls reached their destinations... From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good, and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a certain altitude"

From Want To Know

“ In my work as an interpreter, I have at times flown over 50,000 miles a year, yet have never seen or heard of someone making a cell phone call from a plane. Have any of you ever heard of this? Another unanswered question about 9/11”

From 9/11 Research

“Examining the distribution of the phone calls on the flights commandeered on 9/11/01 reveals an interesting pattern. There are reports of thirteen cell phone calls from Flight 93 passengers, but only zero or one from passengers on any of the other flights. If passengers on Flight 93 were able to complete so many cell phone calls, why were they so rare on the other flights?

Presumably the teams of four or five hijackers would have been too busy flying the airplanes to police passengers. The airphone calls attributed to Flight 11 attendants Betty Ong and Madeline Sweeney both went on for a number of minutes. ”


Proof is the acid test for truth. Where is the proof that the passenger's cell phone calls could have happened on 9/11? There is plenty of evidence they did not.

Add to that the acid tests of who benefited most from the commission of the

C R I M E,

and the answers match motive, opportunity, and ability to pull off the crime.

The 9/11 passenger’s cell phone calls; seizing all video at the Pentagon; no hijackers on autopsy or passenger lists; some of the hijackers surviving their 9/11 deaths in another land; the NTSB not releasing a report on what happened to any of the planes (go to the NTSB site and do an Aviation search for 9/11/01); the war games in place; the president saying that he saw the first plane hit the WTC before there was any footage released of the hit; no plane wreckage at the Pentagon or Pennsylvania; the Patriot Act in place ready to go; WTC 7 falling in it's footprint; and the toxic dust from the exploded, pulverized buildings (my first clue as I emailed folks to get out of NYC and was told the city was on lockdown – what were they trying to hide?); etc., are screaming to be addressed.

Yet, we get news of wars, elections and Tom Cruise's baby. I should be grateful it's not more of the Jackson/Peterson/Bryant/Schivo or other drama that is none of my business.

As I look at the picture of the hole in the Pentagon, and watch the World Trade Center turn to toxic dust, I ask why are the people in charge during that time still in office? How could they respond to a crime with wars? Where did the billions of dollars of gold go that was stored at the WTC? Why did the White House alter the EPA report and what was in the original report?

We are overcoming now.

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