Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2013

3D Printing - An Evolution Tool

Like Harriet Tubman before me I say, 'It is time to leave the corporate plantations.'  As demonstrated above, we can print a functional human organ or an air duct or to make clothing, we are limited only by our imaginations, which are vast.

THE EVOLUTION IS NOW! With 3D printing, the ability to make our own objects and free us from the greedy corporations who set their price based on less than the highest good, it is over. If we use it right, 3D printing is a liberation tool.  

Check out this investment grade evaluation of the potential:

Combine it with non-toxic, biodegradable hemp papers, inks, concrete, plastics, etc. and we can make our own shit, or as Saint George Carlin would say 'as much shit as we need.'  

Three excellent sources of information on the many uses of hemp, it's not just medical marijuana, are:   

Really, we can grow our raw material, hemp, process it and print it into whatever we want, everything from food & clothing to guns and rocket ships. The best part is like printers, today's $2,500 machine is dropping in price. For example, the printer demonstrated below is only $1,299 with financing available.

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