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Showing posts with label zoom. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Why Am I Being Locked Out Of My Facebook account?

As a computer missionary since 1984 be assured "This ain't my first time at the rodeo."

I joined Facebook on November, 2007. Within the last two weeks I have lost access to my Facebook page for no logical reason.

I did not need photo identification when I signed up or through the decades I've been posting material. Yet, without warning, I've lost access to my page that without my actions now requires photo id for me to log on.

Written with the assistance of ChatGPT A.I. - when these digital divide bridges are shattered by corporate resistance, we will be free.

I cuss way to much to write this press release this nice.

I am J. Nayer Hardin, a long-standing advocate for technology access and founder of Computer Underground Railroad Enterprises, a cyber division of the original since 1984. Facebook is cyber raping me, denying mr access to my Facebook account since May 29, 2024 due to my inability to provide a photo ID.

This situation is exacerbated by the state of Arizona's refusal to accommodate remote photo ID services, despite the widespread availability of virtual platforms like Zoom, Skype and GoogleTalk. Use of modern technology can provide the photo without having to go through radiation fields from police scanners, 5g+ towers, smart meters, cell phones, dirty electricity, etc. Because I am a shut-in I lost my access to my pages.

I thought the ADA stopped discrimination based on disabilities back when I had none. I was wrong. Though I am able to go on line, physically I can't go to the state to get ID so still no photo ID for me." Folks who use to be called 'shut-ins' are now by government rule, 'shut-outs.'

Facebook Lockout: A Threat to Well-Being and Livelihood

With epilepsy strong enough to have rendered me legally dead in 2014 and being locked out my multi-decade FB communication channel, I understand even more the importance of using technology wisely.

This corporate policy of no humans to talk to is counterproductive - it is evil - live spelled backwards. Facebook sends notifications of the posts being denied access to, some featuring birthdays of many folks I love who have died.

In a series of urgent messages to Facebook, I described the stress and health risks posed by being locked out of my Facebook account, a platform I use to stay connected to family and friends as well as many beloved other good souls who have contributed love and ideas for years.

In a cyber instant a main pipeline was shattered for sharing decades of environmental, computerization, printing and other healing research, inspirations and solutions, like printing environmentally conscious structures and infrastractures out of hemp. In development are ideas to print cities using wind damage reduction dome shaped buildings with free energy, atmospheric water generation, zinc based radiation reduction, greenhouse rooms, EMF reduction layer (Faraday Cage printed in), hemp plastic layer (or two) to strengthen and waterproof structures up to the roof and hempcrete to make them fire resistant while reducing the cement carbon footprint, estimated at up to 9% of greenhouse gases anually. Quoting my wonderful step-daughter April Akuna: If I was an asshole, I'd be mad! I am not an asshole. I'm not mad. Like when I did the computer training in the last century of over 3,000 folks in NYC, I'll build this bridge too.

The Injustice of Arizona's Photo ID Requirement

This situation highlights a broader issue: the state of Arizona's inflexibility in issuing photo IDs without an in-person visit, despite the feasibility of remote verification methods.

In this age of Zoom, the office visit could be done online. The inability to obtain a photo ID has left me unable to comply with Facebook's security requirements, further entrenching digital divides.

I have never been arrested. Never been to jail. I've put everything I have into my work since 1984, and now the state is demanding I risk my life traveling through radiation fields in order to obtain photo ID. Minimizing my exposure to 5G, EMFs, smart meters, police X-Ray guns... that is how I have survived 10 years after the grand mal that killed me. All 4 seizures happened in elevated radiation areas.

Science agrees about radiation exposure and epilepsy, which is 'abnormal electrical activity in the brain without physical cause." Since the cause is not physical, within, it must be external. i.e. our ever increasing exposure to various radiation and EMF sources that exceed the body's natural ability to survive in these conditions.

According to a study published in 2013 on the NIH site they say more research is needed. I am that research needed.

The NIH also published a paper/report issued in 2021

Manmade Electromagnetic Fields and Oxidative Stress—Biological Effects and Consequences for Health


...In summary, indications for increased oxidative stress caused by RF-EMF and ELF-MF were reported in the majority of the animal studies and in more than half of the cell studies. Investigations in Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats provided consistent evidence for oxidative stress occurring after RF-EMF exposure in the brain and testes and some indication of oxidative stress in the heart....The studies show that very young or old individuals can react less efficiently to oxidative stress, which of course also applies to other stressors that cause oxidative stress. Further investigations under standardized conditions are necessary to better understand and confirm these phenomena and observations."

An Urgent Call for Action

This situation underscores the need for more inclusive policies both from corporate giants like Facebook and state governments. My experience is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and limited resources in navigating bureaucratic and digital barriers to freedom and solutions.

When teaching How To Compute in the last century, it was / is stressed that computers are the keys out of Babylon, how they give us the ability to speak the same language.

The greed, censorship and degradation that comes from corporations and the government I had no way of factoring in at the time. In an instant, what amounts to a life's work published on a platform that will not let me in, one that I trusted and pray I can trust again. I lost access to the feedback from those who consider or sent love. When I created a FB account the requirement was a valid email address and being over 13. I had no idea it was a set-up.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, consider the need for immediate action to address these accessibility issues.

I urge Facebook, the state of Arizona and other relevant companies and agencies to adopt more inclusive and flexible policies that do not favor exclusively the rich and healthy over the not yet rich &/or disabled on the information super highway.

Karma is a blessing to good souls and a bitch to everybody else.

I pray we are at a turning point, as we enter this next quarter century, to wisdom as our guiding principle rather than what the hell is going on now!"

Facebook: Facebook Thank You X For The Blessing Of Posting On Your Site:


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