Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Dr. Helen Caldicott - The Truth About Fukushima

Fukushima means more cancers.  There is no way around that.

From the book by Ken Keyes, Jr. - The Hundredth Monkey, 1989 Edition - Cancer and increased radiation.  

page 39  "Dr. Helen Caldicott writes: As a physician, I contend that nuclear technology threatens life on our planet with extinction.  If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive pollutants to pose a potential health hazard far greater than any plaque humanity has ever experienced.  Unknowingly exposed to these radioactive poisons, some of us may be developing cancer right now.  Others may be passing damaged genes, the basic chemical units which transmit hereditary characteristics, to future generations.  And more of us will inevitably be affected unless we bring about a drastic reversal of our government's pronuclear policies.*"

*Book referenced Nuclear Madness, by Dr. Helen Caldicott copyright 1978.

Just about everything in that non-copywritten book that is written about nuclear war can be applied to nuclear energy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Poverty Pimps On Parade - Election 2012

POVERTY PIMP ALERT: Poverty pimps need poverty to pimp or else they stop being rich. Their policies reflect their thumbs up position to maintaining the war on drugs. Based on results, these men, who are running for president, are classic poverty pimps taking over where Iran Contra left off. They must have prohibition in place to legally jail and murder people into manageable fear, the opposite of loving freedom. 

With initial presidential primary results in, I confess I don't mind that it is illegal for me to vote. I can finally be like George Carlin and have no responsibility for choosing the lesser of two evils.  

Mitt Romney has already said in public that he is not in favor of ending marijuana prohibition.

Instead of endorsing a modern Hemp For Victory program that could quickly crop finance over a half a million new or expanded businesses, creating over 5 million jobs quickly, both men, Black and Mexican, want to keep the largest Jim Crow system since slavery going. 

They would rather see us die from stress related illness or in prison for years for interacting with a plant, than be able to use hemp, proven to send cancer into remission.

Dissolving the international drug treaties and stopping the war on drugs by Jack Herer Executive Order 420 would turn poverty and fear into prosperity and joy. It would not cost the feds a dime and would save billions in state and federal dollars on prison and foster care costs, while increasing tax revenue because people in jail now for non-violent drug war offenses would be available to earn income and pay taxes.
How could the hemp plant, the foundation for this failed prohibitionist capitalism we are dying from, turn the world economy around? Let's do the math, US specific, yet can be translated into any country's economy.

Hemp can be easily made into over 50,000 products, many, like paper, medicine, building materials, plastics, foods, fabrics and other items have markets ripe for new product development. Each product, from planting the seed to the taxes paid on the income, will create at least 10 companies with 10 employees, especially in this job deprived market. So 50,000 products with 10 companies per product is 500,000 companies. 10 jobs per company is 5 million jobs. Products like medical marijuana already have more than 10 companies with 10 employees. 

Neither man running for the presidency is in favor of stopping the racist, evil, economically strangling, family destroying, murderous drug war. Blacks and Mexicans are the fodder for the drug war, the new Jim Crow. Insane from the membrane to the nucleus.' Non toxic hemp medicine is a federal offense while Medicine, Inc. remains a leading cause of death. Our economy remains in tatters as our number one cash crop remains illegal and untaxed by the federal government. 

Stop the insanity of the drug war and support FarmAid who can help people become hemp farmers. The government is not working for the good of the people. The system is corrupt and it is our responsibility to clean it up, get it working for the highest good, and keep it updated to meet the needs of the people.

We The People must non-violently take our power back. Like Gandhi making salt, it is time to implement the ancient solution of simply returning to nature for our needs. 

Waiting for the government could get us all murdered dramatically, not a reality I want. What about you? What do you want for your future?  What can we do today to make today and tomorrow better for everyone, including us? At least part of achieving your goal can involve the hemp solution from strong hemp paved roads, to nutritious hemp foods, to additional safety in building re-inforced with hemp plastic exteriors and interiors, according to Henry Ford, 10 times stronger than steel (that should be able to stand up to much that HAARP is dishing out.)

The energy I put into helping just another poverty pimp get into office in 2008, I’m concentrating to stopping the war on drugs.  This election is bull shit…back to the lesser of two evils.  Hell no, I won't go. 

Thanks God for rendering me without ID, my crime that disqualifies me from voting.

Lord, help us overcome government and corporate stupidity this and any other day it is needed. Based on almost a century of results, the White House is not the answer. Either one of them wins and it’s just a question of new ways to terrorize the people over the hemp plant.  Without radically positive change the presidency will be filled with an anti-citizen president again. Let's solve the problem at the root, international drug policy.


Sunday, September 04, 2011

What is World Trade Center Illness?

"60 Percent of Ground Zero Workers sick in 2006


As we look at the 10th anniversary of 9/11, it's time to re-evaluate the question 'What is World Trade Center Illness?"

What we are now calling “World Trade Center Illness” (or syndrome or cough) - sickness that results from exposure to the toxic dust of the WTC - can manifest as squamous cell cancer (SCC) or mesothelioma asbestos lung or stomach CANCER. Both cancers result from chronic chemical, petroleum by-products or asbestos exposure. Exposure increases risk, and folks have been exposed to large quantities of toxic material for years now. We have to stop pretending not to know. Given the toxic cocktail of chemicals in the dust, we must even be open to new possibilities of illnesses to reveal themselves.

Since September 11, 2001, folks in parts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have been breathing, eating and drinking the dust from the World Trade Center. The toxic soup contained transformer oil contaminated with PCB'spolyvinylchloridecopperfuranspolybrominated diphenyl ethersdioxins, asbestos, mercury from the computers and lights, thousands of gallons of jet fuel, and what the National Resources Defense Council - NRDC also defined as “small hazardous waste generating entities.”

Add to that an estimated 50,000 personal computers with four pounds of lead each, pulverized, and that is 200,000 pounds of lead released into the atmosphere.

Chronic asbestos and petroleum by-products’ exposure can cause cancer. Folks have been exposed to known carcinogens, and we need to deal with this situation now.

People in New York were told “We need you strong.” Rather than evacuate the area, the city was put on lock down, and the EPA report was manipulated by the White House to reflect minimal danger in the dust. There was no choice but to consume the toxins.

From WTC Volunteer Albert Davis’ book (As told to Terri Suess ) on his experience, Getting To Ground Zero:

“The bottom line was there was a shortage of masks. I was able to get one box of matching masks and filters and delivered them to where they were needed, near the “Hole”. They were gone in an instant. I thought of asking rescue workers for their masks when they came out of the site to take a break so the next rescue worker could use it. No one else thought that idea would work so I abandoned it.”


From “Squamous cell carcinomas may also occur where skin has suffered certain kinds of injury: burns, scars, long-standing sores, sites previously exposed to X-rays or certain chemicals (such as arsenic and petroleum by-products).”

SCC can happen internally due to breathing petroleum by-products. I am dealing with this on a personal level now, which is the catalyst for these observations.

My mother-in-love, Edith Akuna, 69, worked for General Motors in Van Nuys, CA in the 1980’s. Her job on the finishing line was to put the stickers on new cars, approving the engine worked. She also pumped gas into the cars for part of her time there.

To do her job, Edith breathed the chemicals off the new, 'starting for the first time' cars for years. After developing respiratory problems, she was put on complete disability about 12 years ago.

Edith, who was otherwise healthy, died of SCC, the kind that results from chemical exposure. SCC is usually a skin cancer. Because she breathed the chemicals, the SCC was on her internal organs.

She had a mass that went from the top of her neck down her right lung, a second tumor lower on her lungs and one on each kidney. As the doctors were explaining the nature of squamous cell cancer I thought, ‘chemicals, like what the folks consumed on 9/11?'

I made the connection between WTC Illness and SCC because the transformer oil and the thousands of gallons of jet fuel, plus the pulverized plastics (petroleum by-products and other chemicals) are what folks in at least part of the tri state area have been consuming, like Edith did at her job.

Her son, Sherwood, is petitioning General Motors for a list of what she was exposed to that caused her to be released early with a full pension. We know based on Edith's job description and interviews with co-workers that petroleum by-products are on the list. Of course they have not released the list. 

The problem of WTC Illness is not just SCC.


When the towers exploded, asbestos was blown into buildings, into fabrics that people interact with, and though the WTC area has been cleaned up, much of the surrounding area has not and the dusty material was transported in open trucks.

More from the CDC on September 13, 2001.

“What are some things that can be done to limit exposure?

For the general public, the further an individual is from the site of dust generation, the less exposure there will be to high levels of asbestos. The best advice is to avoid or limit dust exposure as much as possible.”

People were told that the dust was limited to lower Manhattan. That was just not true. Paper was found from the WTC as far east as Long Island. If a piece of paper could travel that far, imagine how far the dust traveled, based on prevailing winds.”


George Carlin told a joke about how what use to be called “shell shock” is now “post traumatic stress disorder.” His point was adding more words to describe a situation is not always a good thing. We need to call the next phase of world trade center illness what it is - C A N C E R.

In my opinion, we’ve got work to do. The government and medical communities are studying the problem, but has yet to propose any real solutions other than ‘be strong’.

Regular cancer screening and treatment needs to be available at no cost for all exposed. Research needs to be done on how to effectively deal with these cancers. Consider “Sharks Don't Get Cancer : How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life” by William I. Lane and Linda Comac. Also look at hydrotherapy, stress reduction and the need for a healthy diet.

I am not a medical professional. I am a tough minded optimist. I lived in New York from ’72-98. I live in Arizona now. I LOVE NEW YORK ETERNALLY (and the tri-state area –it’s a total package).

Please share this information with anyone you know in the field. The problem is we're waiting for trends to appear rather than be pro active by letting folks know if they ate, breathed or drank the dust, their risk for cancer has increased and need to pay great attention to their bodies. Fuel them right. Hydrate. Know the cancer signs and immediately seek medical attention.

It’s taken me years of study, and experience with Edith’s squamous cell cancer, to reach these conclusions. Though I pray that I’m wrong, I couldn’t live with myself without sharing these observations from this search for solutions.

Caroline Myss in her book “Anatomy of the Spirit : The Seven Stages of Power and Healing” has a chapter “Wisdom Erases Karma.” It’s time to wise up on this issue.

Please let me know what you think and share this information with those who can help address the upcoming WTC cancer crisis.

We are overcoming now.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Cell Phones & Wi-Fi Dangers Are Real

Talk about the need for change. By rubberstamping wireless technology without adequate testing, we have been legislated to death, officially.

Superstar attorney Johnnie Cochran’s doctor, Dr. Keith Black, said publically that he believes Cochran's death was caused by his cell phone use in an interview with CNN in 2005 as reported on EMF Facts:

"BLACK: My own belief is that there probably is a correlation between the use of cell phones and brain cancer, even though there’s no scientific proof.
GUPTA: Dr. Black, who’s the head of neurosurgery at Cedar Sinai Medical Center, believes one day science will catch up to what he’s already seeing with his own patients.
BLACK: We know that people that use cell phones a lot also complain of headaches, difficulty with concentration, with memory. You know, this is a microwave antenna, so you’re essentially cooking the brain when you hold the receiver right next to your brain."

The City of San Francisco asked a PhD. in Canada for the real deal regarding the health risks associated with cell phones and Wi-Fi. The report is dated May 29, 2007.

Unlike the vast majority of available research on the subject of cancer and wireless technology, it was not financed and approved by the wireless technology industry.

If you use a cell phone or Wi-Fi please read the report referenced, excerpts below.

Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D.
Environmental & Resource Studies
Phone: (705) 748-1011 ext. 7882, FAX: (705) 748-1569, e-mail
Date: May 29, 2007
To: Board of Supervisors, City and County of San Francisco
Regarding: Case No. 2007.0097E
San Francisco Citywide Wireless Broadband Internet Access Network

Analysis of Health and Environmental Effects of Proposed
San Francisco Earthlink Wi-Fi Network


Laboratory studies of radio frequency radiation as well as epidemiological studies of people who live near cell phone antennas and/or use wireless technology indicate adverse biological effects.
These effects include increase in cancers, DNA breaks, impaired reproduction, increased
permeability of the blood-brain barrier, altered calcium flux, changes in enzyme activity,
neurological disorders, altered brainwave activity, insomnia, decreased memory, inattention,
slower reaction time, tinnitus, dizziness, skin disorders, headaches, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, respiratory problems and arrhythmia. A growing population is becoming sensitive to
electromagnetic energy and some of these people are affected by radio frequency radiation and are unable to live near antennas. Animals that live near cell phone and broadcast antennas are also affected by RF radiation, which manifests itself in reproductive impairment and behavioral abnormalities.

The cancers and symptoms of EHS occur at levels well below the FCC guidelines for radio
frequency radiation. These guidelines are based on short-term (6-minute) thermal effects and are inadequate to protect the population from long-term, non-thermal exposure. The FCC guidelines conform to ICNIRP guidelines (15) but are much higher (i.e. less protective) than guidelines in other countries.

Metal objects such as wiring in the home, fences, poles, roofs, filing cabinets can redirect RFR and create hot spots or interfere with reception. For this reason calculations of exposure may not be as reliable as actually measurements. Appeals and resolutions from physicians and scientist request governments to provide the strictest guidelines for RF exposure and address the growing number of people developing a sensitivity to this form of energy.


The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco should adopt the
precautionary principle in their decision regarding the Earthlink Wi-Fi Network. The scientific
evidence indicates that exposure to radio frequency radiation near cell phone antennas and in laboratory studies is associated with and/or causes adverse biological and health effects at levels well below federal guidelines and at levels to which people who use wireless computers are likely to be exposed. Policy makers and the public should heed the warning that this form of energy, at current exposures, is far from benign and should act accordingly to protect human health and the environment.

Since cumulative radio frequency exposures are unknown from currently operating antennas and towers, a baseline analysis is important to determine what these current exposure conditions are at present. This should be done prior to approval of a Wi-Fi system. An exposure assessment should be done in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines to determine that there are no health risks. San Francisco EarthLink Wi-Fi Network, 2007 page 21/51

Blanketing San Francisco with yet another source of radio frequency radiation in addition to the existing cell phone, broadcast, and essential police, fire, ambulance communication antennas is likely to result in a growing number of people becoming ill.

Those who have to make decisions about where antennas should be placed are seldom provided with all the facts. Often they are given conflicting information and side with the industry because they don’t want to stand in the way of “progress.” The oath of office that most public officials take requires protecting public health and may require swimming against the tide in order to do what is right.

The Board of Supervisors will be shown studies that document no adverse effects of this
technology and they will be told the scientific evidence in contradictory and inconclusive. The underlying assumption is that until science can prove this form of energy is harmful, until scientists understand the mechanisms involved, until every study shows the same thing, we should allow human exposure. That approach could be tantamount to the costly history lesson of smoking and lung cancer; asbestos exposure and mesothelioma; DDT and loss of bird populations.

Science does not have all the answers and the understanding of mechanism is incomplete.
However, according to the Precautionary Principle “threats of serious or irreversible damage” is all that is needed to act.

Monday, August 10, 2009

World Trade Center Illness Research

The best film on World Trade Center Illness we've seen yet

"Immune system cancer found in young 9/11 officers - Yahoo! News"

Mon Aug 10, 6:13 am ET "NEW YORK – Researchers say a small number of young law enforcement officers who participated in the World Trade Center rescue and cleanup operation have developed an immune system cancer.

The numbers are tiny, and experts don't know whether there is any link between the illnesses and toxins released during the disaster.

But doctors who coordinated the study, published Monday in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, said people who worked at the site should continue to have their health monitored."

The problem of World Trade Center Illness is now without warning. The first solid evidence was a beautiful, young, successful with a fine family New York City attorney. Her name was Felicia Dunn-Jones and she is the first person acknowledged to have died (2/10/02) from World Trade Center Illness. Her name was read along with the other victims without mention of the addition during the 9/11/07 memorial.

"Citing "accumulated scientific research" that linked sarcoidosis to ground zero exposure, Hirsch wrote in May, "the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has thus concluded that Mrs. Dunn-Jones' exposure to World Trade Center dust on 9/11/01 contributed to her death and it has been ruled a homicide." reports USA Today

After months of bounced emails from elected and appointed officials about World Trade Center Illness, this site went up in February, 2002. The the death toll from 9/11 is rising as a result of the World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 being exploded.

World Trade Center Cough and World Trade Center Illness are real health issues occurring since 9/11. People are dying and the government was, until recently saying the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink.

The White House told the EPA to alter the health report about what the people were eating, drinking and breathing. Officials quickly assured folks that the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink. They didn't even begin testing for toxins in the first few days, when the count would have been the highest, the reading most accurate of the quantity of toxic exposure. Why the sewers, who are suppose to be testing local air quality did not have readings for 9/11, is beyond me. Both Red Hook and Newtown Creek may have numbers. Also, Port Richmond and Owls Head were without obstruction and may have records of what was in the dust there.

World Trade Center Cough is a condition resulting from breathing the toxic materials released into the environment. World Trade Center Illness is a condition that includes respiratory, digestive and other problems resulting from exposure to the WTC dust. I've posted a piece on my blog, that explains in detail how WTC Illness is affecting folks.

"What we are now calling “World Trade Center Illness” - sickness that results from exposure to the toxic dust of the WTC - can manifest as squamous cell cancer (SCC) or mesothelioma asbestos lung or stomach CANCER. Both cancers result from chronic chemical, petroleum by-products or asbestos exposure. There is a really great site The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Center that has more information on asbestos and World Trade Center Illness.

Many other complications have occurred, including death, i.e. the attorney mentioned at the beginning of this article.

"Felicia Dunn-Jones, a 42-year-old attorney who was caught in the dust cloud while fleeing the collapsing towers on Sept. 11, 2001, died of sarcoidosis, a disease that causes inflammation and scarring in the lungs, on Feb. 10, 2002."

Exposure increases risk, and folks have been exposed to large quantities of toxic material for years now. The City may have cleaned up the pile, but they didn't clean up the surrounding areas, and I don't know how far that dust reached.

Since September 11, 2001, folks in parts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have been breathing, eating and drinking the concentrated dust from the World Trade Center. It happened because rather than evacuate, New York City was put on lockdown. The military filled the streets. The people had no choice but to consume the toxic soup, drink the kool aid and hope you survive.

The toxic dust contained transformer oil contaminated with PCB's, polyvinyl, chloride, copper, furans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, dioxins, asbestos, mercury from the computers and lights, thousands of gallons of jet fuel, and what the National Resources Defense Council - NRDC defined as “small hazardous waste generating entities.” Add to that an estimated 50,000 personal computers with four pounds of lead each, pulverized, and that is 200,000 pounds of lead released into the atmosphere."

In August, 2006, the City of New York released guidelines to the medical community for how to deal with WTC Illness. The report is from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene titled CLINICAL GUIDELINES FOR ADULTS EXPOSED TO THE WORLD TRADE CENTER DISASTER.
Page 47:

"The World Trade Center (WTC) terrorist attack and its aftermath exposed hundreds of thousands of people to debris, dust, smoke, and fumes. Studies conducted after September 11, 2001, among rescue and clean-up workers,1-4 office workers, 5 building evacuees,6 and residents of lower Manhattan 7-9 showed an increase in respiratory and other physical and mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Many New Yorkers have health problems that could be associated with – or made worse by – exposure to the attack and its aftermath. Primary care physicians need to know how to identify, evaluate, treat, and if necessary, refer these individuals to expert care."

The press copy should have read BUSH TO CITY: DROP DEAD....only this time it's literal. The body count of victims of the WTC is rising, the death toll clock is still clicking, and the government has failed to give an accurate account of how many people died and are dying from the explosions at the World Trade Center in 2001. The standard rate for cancer to develop is between 5-15 years from exposure...which is why we are reading many stories about people still dying from exposure to the WTC toxic dust, much of which was never cleaned up, probably still in old curtains, children's toys and business people's suits as asbestos does not come out of fabric with traditional cleaning.

The people were lied to and told the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink.

If you were around Ground Zero during or we don't know how long after 9/11/01 here's the NRDC list:



Building Materials 1.2 million tons
Jet Fuel thousands of gallons
Mercury from computers and light bulbs
Asbestos 300-400 Tons
Concrete 424,000 Tons
Lead from 50,000 Personal Computers - 4 lbs. ea. 200,000 lbs
Main Frame Computers
Wire and cables Hundreds of miles
Transformer Oil contaminated with PCB's 130,000 gallons

From Plastics (still looking for amounts)

polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Small hazardous waste generating entities


The evidence is too precise to ignore. Those buildings were exploded. The pulverized toxins are still flowing everywhere.

As wrongfully imprisoned Ira Einhorn would say; here's the rub. It wasn't just first responders exposed to the toxic dust for long periods of time. Nor was it just adults. Many people lived, worked or visited the area.

In essence, when the buildings were pulverized, the dust spread and was in the air and water as well as on the food. Contrary to what we've been told about the affected area, this dust spread beyond the borders of lower Manhattan. The point in questioning surrounding areas is because bits and pieces of paper from the WTC were found on Long Island - if paper traveled that far, how far did the dust travel? I remember being impressed at the ability to see 3 states from the WTC restaurant Windows On The World. What if the dust traveled at least as far as I could see?

The White House remains dynamically silent on the issue of World Trade Center Illness, failing to address their role in altering the EPA report that said the area was safe. Where is the political debate on this issue? Still no word about when the White House and the EPA will be brought to justice for lying to the people about the danger in the dust.

There are volumes of information about exposure to toxic materials and cancer.


Demand accountability from the White House and the EPA regarding both lying about the dangers in the dust and putting New York on lock down rather than evacuate. I noticed that it was announced that the White House altered the EPA report regarding environmental safety during the week New York lost its electricity.

Contact your elected and appointed officials and demand a shift in medicine from studying the problem to implementing effective solutions. They know the long term results of carcinogen exposure. Squamous cell cancers on internal and external organs and orifices is what they are dealing with. They also need to pull out what they know about exposure to heavy dust, airborne particulate matter, on folks lungs and stomach, because people ate, drank and breathed the toxic dust.

Rinsing one's system with clean, distilled water and reducing stress can help. Old style medical treatments including hydrotherapy (which boosts the immune system and cleans toxins) and for those inclined, medical hemp (relieves stress, which is a major killer and cancer trigger) should be offered. Provide full medical and life support coverage to those exposed. Legalize hemp and tax it at 20% to create a revenue flow to support the health care crisis and solve other social problems.

Call together many of the metaphysical healers to have a discussion on techniques folks can use to use their minds to help heal their bodies. For example, I've reconnected with Niro Markoff healed herself from HIV/ARC in 1986. Niro's on Facebook. Given her extraordinary work in AIDS and exposure to World Trade Center dust as a result of her healing work, it's time to expand our definition of doctor.

Books to consider for further research on hydrotherapy include:

Check out the
No Cost Water Cure
Rescue workers are already manifesting World Trade Center Illness. Chronic exposure to the toxic chemicals in the dust from the fallen WTC puts the population at risk from breathing and eating residual matter.
When the problem is dirt, the solution is a cleansing. What was called the Water Cure is a common sense approach to dealing with the high levels of toxic exposure.
Jethro Kloss's book, BACK TO EDEN has a chapter on the subject covering the How To.

"Always do direct action.

If you are lying in a ditch with a truck on your ankles,
you don’t send somebody out to find out how much it weighs –
you get it off."

NYC Environmental Crisis is an overview of the situation.

32 EPA Related Blunders is a look at the tragedy of errors made by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

A moving explanation of a volunteer's experience at Ground Zero, and a great description of what was known as "the hole" is found in the Davis Report.

WTC Fallout has a list of some of the materials that folks were exposed to when the buildings fell and afterwards.

For a bird's eye view of the times, including her emails about NYC on lockdown, read Nelson's Notes .

The medical community is using the standard procedure of pills and shots to deal with this crisis.

Hydrotherapy information is listed above. Medical Marijuana and World Trade Center Illness is more information on how the stress reduction of hemp has positive medical benefits.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Did Peter Jennings Die Of World Trade Center Illness?

8/24/2016 updated - added Youtube pieces and updated links for more information.  It's not too late to fix this!  Implement the hemp solution! Hemp phytoremediation, 3D Printing (plus whatever's next), hemp for health, etc.

I asked this question awhile ago and never got an answer. In case the problem is I need to ask again, I'm still asking.

Did Peter Jennings die of World Trade Center Illness?

World Trade Center Illness is one of those things that demand we look at both sides of the coin, the cause and the effect. I've been looking for a straight answer about what type of cancer did Peter Jennings have. If you know, please leave a note on this blog.

I know the media is saying lung cancer, but was it on the internal (small cell) or external (large - non-small-cell). 

Peter Jennings was one of the many heroes of 9/11, reporting on the drama of the day for 16 hours straight. As a person living in New York City at the beginning of this century, he was exposed to many of the toxins from the WTC. Despite the government theory that the dust from the WTC magically stopped around 14th Street, in reality it traveled as far as the winds could carry it. Paper from the buildings were found as far east as Long Island.

If Jennings had small cell lung cancer, then it was probably from smoking. If he had non-small cell cancer, then that's caused by chemical exposure, like what happened as a result of the pulverized material from the WTC.

I think there is a possibility that Jennings is the first big name personality to die from WTC Illness.

This is just a theory based on chemical and other toxic materials from the WTC that he and others in the area were/are exposed to and their known impact on health. Not rocket science.

I can't find anywhere the real reason he passed, just the general catch all phrase "lung cancer."

Yet it seemed so fast, like squamous cell cancer.

I think, mostly due to the silence around the type of lung cancer that Jennings had, that he possibly got his lung cancer from exposure to the chemicals from the demolition of the WTC.

I've been suspicious of Jennings cancer based on my mother in love, Edith Akuna, passing in April, 2005 from squamous cell cancer on the exterior of her lungs.

Squamous cell is usually a skin cancer, but it can happen on internal organs.

Edith was a smoker too and I initially assumed that her lung cancer was from that. But then I learned that internal squamous cell cancer does not come from smoking, it comes from industrial grade chemical and other toxic material exposure on internal organs.

When the buildings fell New Yorkers were put on lock down. There is no way around it, the EPA lied and there was danger in the dust. The dust from the pulverized buildings and materials inside include according to the WTC TOXIC MATERIAL LIST FROM Natural Resources Defense Council -NRDC REPORT: Building Materials (1.2 million tons), Jet Fuel (thousands of gallons), Dioxins, Mercury from computers and light bulbs, Asbestos (300-400 Tons), Concrete (424,000 Tons), Fiberglass, Lead from 50,000 Personal Computers - (4 lbs. lead ea. or 200,000 lbs. of pulverized lead released into the air), Main Frame Computers (300), Wire and cables (Hundreds of miles) Transformer Oil contaminated with PCB's (130,000 gallons), to name a few.

People in the area breathed, ate and drank the chemicals. It was on their skin, in the water they bathed in. On the toys their children played with. In the curtains they looked through as they redefined their lives.

"Another possibility is that Jennings had late stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or a very aggressive type of NSCLC, such as large-cell undifferentiated carcinoma, which accounts for about 10% to 15% of all NSCLC. This aggressive cancer can be found in any part of the lung and it carries a very poor prognosis. " From

Many rescue workers are already getting sick, and others in the area are experiencing reduced vitality shall we say.

Was Jennings cancer a normal, small cell cancer or a squamous (non-small cell) cancer? If it was regular cancer, then that makes the point no less valid. People in NY, NJ and CT have been exposed to known carcinogens and the clock is ticking.

Whether I’m correct or not regarding Jennings, we’ve got work to do. 

I've been writing the City of New York and finally got a response.

I told them that their strategy of waiting to see what happens was incorrect because by the time they found the problem, it would be too late.

From: Robert M. Brackbill, Ph.D, M.P.H Principal Investigator World Trade Center Registry NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene He wrote about the World Trade Center Health Registry (April 4, 2005):

"We will be doing epidemiological follow-up including re-surveying enrollees and measuring incidence of diseases that take longer to develop by using cancer registries and death certificates. Follow-up will be very important for our being able to ascertain the presence of such problems you describe, which warrant further investigation. If adverse health effects are identified at any point during the 20 year follow-up of registry enrollees (of which we have over 71,000), a comprehensive description of those findings will be posted on our website and communicated through the press and directly to health care providers." With all we know about the results of exposure to toxic material like asbestos, benzene, etc., they are waiting to see if there is a problem which “warrants further investigation” so they can write a “comprehensive description of those findings.”

What the !#%&. I’m not accusing the medical community of malice. Just being good business people developing customers.

Rather than stress means to reduce the chance of developing cancer like early detection, proper nutrition, medical hemp, etc., they say they’ll let us know if something develops.

We don't need a description of what’s happening. Common sense addresses that. There is much information already available about the results from exposure to those materials.

What is needed are health strategies for people to minimize their risk of getting sick from the exposures. The time to address this issue so something could be done has just about passed.

Here’s what I think needs to be done.

1. Regular health screening and treatment needs to be available at no cost for all exposed, beginning with those who don’t have any health insurance.

Since that group is most likely to not have seen a doctor recently, and may be too poor to afford a healthy diet, clean water, etc., I believe they are at great risk to develop cancer.

2. Legalize hemp and tax it at 20% to cover health care costs and other social programs.

With billions of dollars of marijuana sold every year, the tax could be a substantial revenue source.

3. More research needs to be done on how to effectively deal with these cancers. Consider “Sharks Don't Get Cancer : How Shark Cartilage Could Save Your Life” by William I. Lane and Linda Comac.

I’ve posted on line for free a copy of Niro Markoff Assistent’s book WHY I SURVIVE AIDS. The second part of her book has great exercises and life style suggestions for reversing disease. She healed herself from HIV with ARC back in 1986.

Her book was originally published by Simon and Schuster, but then Simon and Schuster was purchased and the option on Niro’s book dropped.

SCIENCE AND HEALTH by Mary Baker Eddy is also on line for free.

4. Consider the old Water Cure from the book BACK TO EDEN by Jethro Kloss. The problem is the toxins in the body, so a solution may be to keep ones body, inside and out, as clean as possible. Distilled water draws more toxins and minerals, so take a mineral supplement or add more mineral rich foods to your diet should you switch to a cleaner water like distilled.

5. Demand action from the elected and appointed officials now.

6. Talk with local health care folks about the real dangers from exposure to toxic materials.

7. Get to the truth about what really happened on 9/11. Broken and burned buildings are one thing, pulverized toxic material, quite another.

8. Incorporate hemp and hydrotherapy into healing strategies. Check out Richard M. Davis' USA Hemp Museum as a starting research point. I put up a page called "Apply Medical Marijuana to World Trade Center Illness".

9. Pray and meditate. Then share your conclusions too.

If Jennings death was from WTC toxic exposure, then he would do for WTC Illness what Rock Hudson did for AIDS. There are still folks walking around like they don't have a clue this is going on.

Caroline Myss in her book “Anatomy of the Spirit : The Seven Stages of Power and Healing” speaks of “Wisdom Erases Karma.” It’s time to wise up on this issue.

Those responsible for 9/11 were also responsible for telling the EPA to alter the safety report and put the city on lock down, forcing the people to be exposed to the toxins.

If you have not done so already, go to or do a search for "9/11 was an inside job." One of the many issue they address is a piece on the toxins from the WTC. There you will also see the evidence that 9/11 WTC, buildings 1, 2 and 7 (which was not hit by a plane) all fell in the same style, that of a controlled demolition, making the air the consistency of Drano.

In conclusion, for the above reasons I think that Peter Jennings may have died from World Trade Center related toxins, and thousands more are in grave danger as a result of the controlled demolition known as 9/11. 

We are overcoming now.

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