Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dial M For Mass Murder - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In Process

Because of multi government lies, promoted by the main stream media and press, a lot of this information was washed under as the president and others lied about the dangers from Radiation coming from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.

(Update Reactor 4 is also in dangerous condition - Read Fukushima, Hanging By A Thread.)
Text below.

Dial M For Mass Murder

Fukushima Japan, March 2011

A 9.0 earthquake off the northern coast of Japan triggers a large Tsunami that slams into the Fukushima Diachi Nuclear Plant.

All cooling functions at the plant are lost and “3 GE Mark I Boiling Water Reactors” and 4 Spent Fuel Pools begin to enter an uncontrollable criticality.

Each Mark I Reactor contains 100 tons of fuel.

Unit 1’s, GE Mark 1! reactor, suffers a complete meltdown.  Hydrogen gas built up in the Containment Building.  It explodes and all containment is ruptured.

The Reactor’s Core and 8 Years worth of Spent Fuel melt down, are free to enter the atmosphere.

Two days later Unit 3’s GE Mark I Reactor suffers a hydrogen Explosion.  This explosion differs from the first because Weapons Grade Plutonium was also being used as a fuel in this reactor.

When the Hydrogen gas exploded it triggered a small nuclear explosion.  Ejecting the contents of Unit 3 into the Atmosphere.

(Images of Unit 1 – March 12, 2011 vs. Unit 3 March 14, 2011 explosions
Fukushima fission reactor vs. mini fission nuke)

Plutonium is the deadliest element known to man.

Man created Plutonium.  Ten pounds of Plutonium evenly distributed could kill-off the population 10 times over.

There were 10 tons of Plutonium in Unit 3.

Unit 4’s reactor is empty [ Since this piece was done it's ben discovered Reactor 4 is a danger also ] Spent Fuel Pool has 8 years of Fuel cooling.

The water in the Spent Fuel Pool boils off and leaves the spent fuel rods exposed.  Hydrogen is released and another explosion occurs, rupturing containment.

What was once a sprawling trophy to commercial nuclear power…..Is now a smoldering nightmare.

(image Unit 3 fuel pool – gentle steam from it 11-03-27 10:18)

Some Facts About the Fukushima Diiachi Meltdown/Melt-Throughs:  In the first week of Meltdown, Fukushima released more radioactive Cessium than Chernobyl and all of the Nuclear Bombs detonated during atmospheric testing. The 100 ton fuel cores of Unites 1, 2 and 3 melted through containment and fell into the basements of the Reactor Buildings.  Tepco confirmed this July 6th, 2011. The cores most likely melted through the concrete and entered the ground and water tables.

Chernobyl was a 7 as rated by the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA). Fukushima should be an 8+ and still has not been contained. There are millions of people in Japan living in radiation levels higher than that of the No-Go Zones of Chernobyl. 34,000 Fukushima children between the ages of 4 and 15 are wearing radiation detectors to measure the bioaccumulation of radiation at their School Grounds.

Since mid-March 2011, large amounts of Radioactive Fallout and Hot Particles have made their way to North America.

The EPA stopped monitoring Fallout from Fukushima in late April, 2011. Before they stopped measuring radioactive fallout Radioactive Iodine, Cesium, Zeon, and Uranium were measured in the U.S. at hundreds of times the legal background limit.

Thousands of tons of Radioactive water have been released by Tokyo Power and Electric Co. (TEPCO) into the Pacific Ocean, contaminating water and sea life.  Elements like Cessium and Uranium have half lives of thousands of years.

TEPC and General Electric (GE) continue to obfuscate and hide the truth.  It took 3 months to admit that a meltdown occurred in Units 1-3 and close to four months until a melt-Through had been confirmed.

The Japanese Government and TEPCO have yet to begin entombing the reactors, because radiation levels are so high, that skilled technicians and engineers can only work for minutes at a time, before receiving their yearly dose of radiation.  A few hours on site would lead to death.

“Hot Particles” are microscopic radioactive particles that travel with weather and wind patterns.  When “Hot Particles” are ingested by humans they lodge in Lung and Bone tissues and create CANCERS in the surrounding cells.

Citizens in Tokyo, Japan are inhaling 40 hot particles a day.

Citizens in Seattle, Washington and Los Angeles, California are inhaling 5 hot particles a day.
After years of decline two large American cities, Philadelphia and Seattle have seen a 35% rise in Infant Mortality rates from the months of March 2011-July 2011.

Radiation levels that are multiple times above legal limits, as set by the environmental Protection Agency, have been detected in rain water, milk, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and beef products in the United States.  This has not been covered by the mainstream media.

WHAT’S NEXT??? Video by Brian Rich  Special Thanks to Arnie and Maggie Gundersen for their generous truth telling in the last 130+ days.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Poverty Pimps On Parade - Election 2012

POVERTY PIMP ALERT: Poverty pimps need poverty to pimp or else they stop being rich. Their policies reflect their thumbs up position to maintaining the war on drugs. Based on results, these men, who are running for president, are classic poverty pimps taking over where Iran Contra left off. They must have prohibition in place to legally jail and murder people into manageable fear, the opposite of loving freedom. 

With initial presidential primary results in, I confess I don't mind that it is illegal for me to vote. I can finally be like George Carlin and have no responsibility for choosing the lesser of two evils.  

Mitt Romney has already said in public that he is not in favor of ending marijuana prohibition.

Instead of endorsing a modern Hemp For Victory program that could quickly crop finance over a half a million new or expanded businesses, creating over 5 million jobs quickly, both men, Black and Mexican, want to keep the largest Jim Crow system since slavery going. 

They would rather see us die from stress related illness or in prison for years for interacting with a plant, than be able to use hemp, proven to send cancer into remission.

Dissolving the international drug treaties and stopping the war on drugs by Jack Herer Executive Order 420 would turn poverty and fear into prosperity and joy. It would not cost the feds a dime and would save billions in state and federal dollars on prison and foster care costs, while increasing tax revenue because people in jail now for non-violent drug war offenses would be available to earn income and pay taxes.
How could the hemp plant, the foundation for this failed prohibitionist capitalism we are dying from, turn the world economy around? Let's do the math, US specific, yet can be translated into any country's economy.

Hemp can be easily made into over 50,000 products, many, like paper, medicine, building materials, plastics, foods, fabrics and other items have markets ripe for new product development. Each product, from planting the seed to the taxes paid on the income, will create at least 10 companies with 10 employees, especially in this job deprived market. So 50,000 products with 10 companies per product is 500,000 companies. 10 jobs per company is 5 million jobs. Products like medical marijuana already have more than 10 companies with 10 employees. 

Neither man running for the presidency is in favor of stopping the racist, evil, economically strangling, family destroying, murderous drug war. Blacks and Mexicans are the fodder for the drug war, the new Jim Crow. Insane from the membrane to the nucleus.' Non toxic hemp medicine is a federal offense while Medicine, Inc. remains a leading cause of death. Our economy remains in tatters as our number one cash crop remains illegal and untaxed by the federal government. 

Stop the insanity of the drug war and support FarmAid who can help people become hemp farmers. The government is not working for the good of the people. The system is corrupt and it is our responsibility to clean it up, get it working for the highest good, and keep it updated to meet the needs of the people.

We The People must non-violently take our power back. Like Gandhi making salt, it is time to implement the ancient solution of simply returning to nature for our needs. 

Waiting for the government could get us all murdered dramatically, not a reality I want. What about you? What do you want for your future?  What can we do today to make today and tomorrow better for everyone, including us? At least part of achieving your goal can involve the hemp solution from strong hemp paved roads, to nutritious hemp foods, to additional safety in building re-inforced with hemp plastic exteriors and interiors, according to Henry Ford, 10 times stronger than steel (that should be able to stand up to much that HAARP is dishing out.)

The energy I put into helping just another poverty pimp get into office in 2008, I’m concentrating to stopping the war on drugs.  This election is bull shit…back to the lesser of two evils.  Hell no, I won't go. 

Thanks God for rendering me without ID, my crime that disqualifies me from voting.

Lord, help us overcome government and corporate stupidity this and any other day it is needed. Based on almost a century of results, the White House is not the answer. Either one of them wins and it’s just a question of new ways to terrorize the people over the hemp plant.  Without radically positive change the presidency will be filled with an anti-citizen president again. Let's solve the problem at the root, international drug policy.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mark Twain's Preacher - Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright

I was so impressed to hear Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama propose a simple, peaceful solution to the problems of race and other economic issues in America, UNIFY.

In unity can be a reduction of stress. In a relaxed environment healing is easier.

The video above is from the Willie Nelson Peace Research Insitute, whose A PEACEFUL SOLUTION project is unifying folks in discussions of peaceful solutions to our problems, like the unity tip we just got from Sen. Barack Obama. Not since I HAVE A DREAM has there been a speech in America more uplifting and filled with solutions.

We've got to stop shooting the messenger. Reverend Dr. Jeremiah Wright is the preacher in Mark Twain's "The War Prayer." He's called for us to think things all the way through and look at the results of our actions. All this drama around his words, and not a peep about did he tell the truth.

On 9/11 was America as blessed as other days (we are always blessed)?
Did you read Gary Webb's book Dark Alliance : The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
Are the gangs Iran Contra created still terrorizing (and worse) folks?
Have you looked at the heroic work of Dr. Boyd Graves about AIDS coming from the American government?
Have we gone to war with innocent people while ignoring many of our children's & seniors needs?
Have we made nature, hemp, illegal, changed rivers paths, polluted the environment and trashed the land?
Have we perverted justice so bad we routinely jail people for interacting with a plant?
Have we made it illegal to 'spare not the rod' and replaced spanking with drug abuse for our children?
Have we forgotten how to love our neighbors as ourselves?
When one looks at the history of this country, we have done and allowed some pretty foul things.

A real preacher has the courage to listen to the Lord because wisdom erases karma.

Look at it based on results.

As a nation, we cannot continue to murder, torture, rape, jail innocent folks, hate, etc. and expect continued blessings. We cannot pretend not to know the 9/11 - 19 lucky Arabs story makes no sense and restore the whole truth. The military was on stand down and professional pilots claim they could not have done the Pentagon flight path.

There is a reason behind our failing economy, health care system in crisis, children afraid to go to school, police brutality, polluted environment, etc. The responsibility is with We The People. The reason is the dross that comes from our nation's greed that says it's ok to go to war with people who did us no harm.

Rev. Dr Wright's anger is not all about race, other than the human one. By the time of Rev. Wright's 2001 speech, the EPA had already lied to the people of NY/NJ/CT that the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink. The policy of the City of New York put Manhattan on lock down rather than evacuate the area. The government had dammed the people of the tri-state area to the risk of World Trade Center Illness, from which folks are dying. I'm sure I was yelling a lot worse words than what Rev. Dr. Wright said as I was considering the millions of people exposed to the toxic soup called World Trade Center Dust.

If we can't talk about the problems we face from our hearts too, where there is both love and fear, and think the solutions all the way out, we are doomed to repeat the dramas of the past. We must leave room for folks to speak their minds, especially when they are speaking truth.

The only thing I don't agreee with Rev. Dr. Wright about is that it was the US government that damned America. Not God. It is the US people who, based on our actions, will restore, expand and share the blessings.

We cannot continue to do wrong to folks, including ourselves, and enjoy God's Blessings. It's a stupid construct destined to fail.

With unity, as proposed by the man who has my vote to be the Sixth Black President of the United States, Barack Obama, we can not only solve our problems, but create a better world.

We can restore and amplify God's Blessings by doing the right thing, unify and heal.

God Bless You - God Bless America - God Bless The World - God Bless The Universe

Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's Election Stealing Season In America Again

Senator Obama is the leading candidate for the position of President of the United States. Obama is winning and needs to focus on being presidential by continuing to boldly propose solutions and their mechanics from now until Election Day. Forget the media drama and enjoy the response of honest voters. There is a celebration of constructive change in America going on. Just listen.


The American people need an empowerment, hope in hopeless times. My Latino brothers and sisters in the above webeo lets me know the great change is in process.

We can solve our problems with a bit of coordination of resources. Senator Obama has proven over this past year he has the skills necessary to be president for us to save ourselves. We need wisdom rather than experience in the White House. I'm not interested in recreating war or failed health care experiences, again.

It is important to clean this mess up, on all levels, starting with the vote.

Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D. the author of the definitive book on the 2004 presidential election in Ohio “Witness to a Crime: A Citizen’s Audit of an American Election,” recommends the links below regarding the stolen election in Texas, March 2008.

Like the others, Texas, as per Dr. Phillips links

The problem is not just in Texas. In New Hampshire according to,

Diebold voting machine flips votes

New Hampshire Primary - Sham Chain of Custody

Black Box Voting org in the webeo above shows the broken ballot boxes, easy to remove voting seals, and other signs that the election results are not accurate.

Let’s not forget the reports of the stolen election in New York

“Black voters are heavily represented in the 94th Election District in Harlem’s 70th Assembly District. Yet according to the unofficial results from the New York Democratic primary last week, not a single vote in the district was cast for Senator Barack Obama.

That anomaly was not unique. In fact, a review by The New York Times of the unofficial results reported on primary night found about 80 election districts among the city’s 6,106 where Mr. Obama supposedly did not receive even one vote, including cases where he ran a respectable race in a nearby district."

This stolen election is in our faces.

I've got to give it to many in the broadcast media for telling great lies with straight faces. Rather than deal with what's really going on in these elections, the media folks are shaking their heads wondering how they could have been so wrong. It must be difficult to pretend not to know on camera with a straight face. From 19 lucky hijackers on 9/11 to the latest election results, it's the best acting class I've ever seen. I miss the days of journalism in the mainstream media.

I find it difficult to comprehend that in this new age of great, constructive change, based on real election results, two of the three presidential candidates, Clinton and McCain, are leading members of the congressional/military/industrial complex that keeps us in a state of war rather than peace. Both have already voted for the next war, let alone the last two. Killing innocent people does not make us safer Senators Clinton and McCain.

Clinton’s 3 am phone call ad is a joke. I’d rather have Senator Obama answer the phone at 3 a.m. than Senator Clinton did at 9 a.m. on September 11, 2001.

When the call came in that New Yorker was under attack, the city was put on lock down. Then when the buildings came down, New Yorkers were exposed to known carcinogens from the exploded World Trade Center. Senator Clinton was silent as a sleeping kitten in the face of the EPA saying the air was safe to breathe and the water safe to drink on 9/13/01. Did you hear her say anything at the time?

First responders knew the government was lying, but the senator was not listening to them. New Yorkers were told to be strong as they worked on in the toxic dust.

Rather than demanding that the area be evacuated immediately, the city was on lock down and the folks there forced to breathe, eat and drink the toxic dust.

All these years later, the folks in lower Manhattan are getting sicker. The dying began in 2002 and is radically increasing in numbers. When the report came out that the White House told the EPA to alter the safety elements in the report, where was her call for reparations checks for folks affected with World Trade Center Illness? Why do sick people have to march to Washington to try to get some help? Isn’t that her job? And when will she have the courage to hold congressional hearings on the information regarding if 9/11 was an inside job…or just save us some time and look at the evidence herself?

In my opinion, Senator Clinton, you should be ashamed of your response on 9/11 and 9/13. It best demonstrates how you would handle the 3a call. Why didn’t you stand up to the EPA and challenge the lie? If you can’t stand up to the EPA within a crisis like 9/11 that happened in your state, how can I count on you to stand up to the other world leaders?

And we’re to believe she is one of the leading candidates for president based on her qualifications. This has got to be another stolen election.

The question is what to do about it.

First step is to talk loudly. Contact everyone and demand integrity be restored to the election process.

All candidates need to be able to debate as long as they are in the race. The exclusion that Dennis Kucinich went through in Vegas was just plain evil, evil, evil (live backwards). We must get the devil (lived backwards) out of the courts and the elections by restoring truth and wisdom to policy making. Like Harriet Tubman said “Go Forward.”

The commercial airwaves belong to the people. During presidential campaigns 5-10% of commercial airtime should be divided equally among all registered candidates at no cost. Of course the media could make ad revenue on the source shows.

All votes need to be treated with the respect we use to give a dollar back in the 70’s, when it had some value. Votes must come complete with a paper/digital trail so they can be traced from the voting booth to the national count. It's time for all citizens take responsibility for our votes.

That which is done in secret is easy to corrupt. Votes need to be public. Let voting be what a person stands for publicly regarding policy. It would restore integrity in the voting process.

Computers with Excel spreadsheets can keep a simple vote count posted on the internet. The computer system already installed at libraries would work as polling places. On line secured like at the bank voting should also be an option.

We have a long to do list, with the ability to get it done if we just work together. Life is just long enough to have a really good time when we work as a chorus, a member of the band.

We are part of a grand and glorious world. If we begin with forgiveness we can work together to solve our problems.

YES WE ARE...!!!

Vote Obama '08

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