Showing posts with label weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weapons. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fukushima Activist Alert - Amazing Grace And Chuck - Trailer

In light of Fukushima, it it way past time to revisit this movie, 


It is imperative that we take our nuclear crisis seriously. 

The next step is to entomb all leaking nuclear devices from the triple nuclear melt down in Japan to the massive nuclear weapons  


Use scientifically calculated layers of hemp concrete, lead and hemp plastic. 

Hemp hero Richard M. Davis, founder and curator of the USA Hemp Museum added that there is a way to configure alunimun on the interior so that the atoms reflect off the alunimum making them weaker when they leave the structure.  

Use 3D / 4D printing to build/assemble entombment structures.

There is a paper on how to fix Fukushima.

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