Showing posts with label phytoremediation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phytoremediation. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kyoto Hemp Forum - On Line Rooms

The Japan Hemp Association hosted an international gathering of hemp advocates in Kyoto, Japan, where the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 to address climate change. An amazing gathering of activist shared insights and notes, working out an effective, international hemp phytoremediation plan.

Hemp is an effective tool we can use to solve climate change because it pulls excess CO2 from the atmosphere as it grows and it's extensive root system cleans toxins from the soil like lead and nuclear radiation.

Here's some information on the event, which is planning a gathering in Thailand in 2022. 

In case you haven't noticed, the climate is changing.



It is imperative that we provide for at least seven generations ahead.Climate change must begin within, by fully understanding the problem, cause and solution.  When the problem is too much pollution, the solution is to remove the pollution.

Now that we've done the first Kyoto Hemp Forum, the next step in the process is to focus on getting hemp seeds into the ground. We have plenty proof that planting hemp is the right thing to do. 

To understand what's needed, we must talk to the farmers about what they need to engage in large scale hemp farming. Then we can teach the governments, UN and industry how to hemp from the foundation, up.  

FarmAid's annual concert is September 17, 2016. They have an activists section there and we're presenting a crop financed international phytoremediation program. Please share ideas on our call to farmers and others why we must get as many hemp seeds in the ground as possible now. As the grandest lady of all, male or female, Earth needs her weed! 

Check back for updates and visit / comment on the rooms links above.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Children

Welcome children. Nobody in this process of overcoming climate change is more important than you.

Fashion Diva Starr Mitchell and her brother, spelling champion and math enthusiast Coylee Mitchell, plus their brother Jon Pierre Mitchell who is teaching Medicine, Inc. about how to overcome brain seizures his whole life inspired this page. Their ideas throughout this process are keys to co-creating an action plan to save the planet and ourselves.

They are absolutely right. Children have a lot to say about how this world is run and adults must listen. This room is for you to post in plus please, feel free to visit any of the other rooms.

I respectfully disagree with the claim that you are our future.  You are our present, the reason we are here. It is important that we include your ideas and actions into healing ourselves and our world.  

Farming is an important element in healing the world. From nutrition to plants cleaning the soil and air, called phytoremediation, everyone has a role to play, none more important than yours. 

Technology is doing a lot to open the barriers to learning how to save ourselves. What we don't know we can learn and/or figure it out. 

Here's an example of the world of positive possibilities ahead. Using plants to fuel the 3d printing upgrade to our lives, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Here's another example below.

Children, you picked a great time to be alive. Your generation's participation is key to saving the world. Thank you. 

Upload your ‘environmental rap / spoken word’, or whatever other ideas you have in the comments section below. When you get old, you will have a record of you working to save the world since childhood. I pray that your children be as proud of and grateful for you as we are. It will bring you great comfort in your old age. 

Thank you.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Agriculture

When the problem is not enough food, the solution is to grow more food. Hemp foods solve that problem. When the problem is homelessness, the solution is to grow more raw resource material to make homes out of. Solving our agricultural problems using basic science can co-create abundant, healthy harvests. 

“Hemp improves the physical condition of the soil, and when retted on the same ground where it grows, it returns most of the fertilizing elements” Hemp, Lifeline To The Future by Chris Conrad pg. 167 

Hemp breathes in the excess global warming CO2 gas from the air as it grows” said Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum

Focusing on agriculture is the best way to begin the process of using hemp to help us deal with climate change. As we rebuild our agricultural structure from the foundation, roots up we must scientifically factor in farming basics. Water, soil condition, seeds, temperatures and lights.

From using a magnetic vortex water cleaning system, to better lighting i.e. , empowering system to choosing the perfect seeds for the environment, our agriculture portion of the hemp solution is key to not only reversing climate change, but also aiding the special needs of people now designated in the USA as "climate change refugees"

Serious Seeds - Time 4 Hemp

Hemp is a powerful, fast growing plant that has tens of thousands of applications, and that number does not factor in 3D printing.  With a growing span of 90-120 days, we can begin the process to Phytoremediate Earth.

The male plant is primarily used for industrial uses and the female plant for medical and recreational uses. Yes, the plant can even change genders. Either way, hemp can help us achieve a cleaner, healthier world.


Since hemp can grow in any agronomic farming system and requires no toxic chemicals to grow it is what Willie Nelson calls “A Peaceful Solution”.

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Phytoremediation

Since the problem is too many toxins in the soil, water and air, the solution is to use effective means to clean it up. 

Phytoremediation is the science of using plants to help clean our environment. Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum frequently said that hemp is a biomass champion at pulling toxins from our environment. For example, hemp breathes excess CO2, a major greenhouse gas as it grows. 

“Hemp improves the physical condition of the soil, and when retted on the same ground where it grows, it returns most of the fertilizing elements” Hemp, Lifeline To The Future by Chris Conrad pg. 167 

Hemp breathes in the excess global warming CO2 gas from the air as it grows” said Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum

Focusing on agriculture is the best way to begin the process of using hemp to help us deal with climate change.Climate change is a global problem, not fixable by any one nation, though it will take only one nation to begin. When the cause of climate change is too many toxins in the environment, out of balance, the solution is to remove the excess toxins and restore balance. This is simple science.

In the name of greed, we have made parts of nature illegal while we wonder why we have environmental problems.

Hemp was planted around Chernobyl's nuclear disaster site to pull radioactive elements from the ground. Jack Herer said that hemp works like a mop absorbing nuclear toxins from the soil. Toxic metals like lead, which causes violent behavior and other health problems, are also absorbed by hemp and other phytoremediation plants like tobacco, mushrooms, thistle, sunflowers, etc. Science from many governments and educational institutions back up the need for us to implement an international phytoremediation program immediately to help solve climate change at the level of cause.

An immediate end to hemp prohibition will allow us to use this biomass champion in a hemp phytoremediation program.   

"Phytoremediation can be defined as the decontamination of soil, sediment or water using plant growth. Industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa L., is renowned for its ability to grow rapidly. In one growing season, fiber hemp can yield 250 to 400 plants per square meter, with each plant reaching up to 5 meters in height. As a result, hemp has been identified as a plant with the potential to serve as a phytoremediator." The same way hemp was used to clean up the toxins around Chernobyl, we should be using hemp to clean up the toxins from the Gulf of Mexico "oil spill" (more like a volcano) and other environmental crisis situations.

Remember: The McGraw-Hill Companies reported in 2000 "Overall, phytoremediation has great potential for cleaning up toxic metals, pesticides, solvents, gasoline, and explosives."  

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Activist Alert: Hemp For Victory Mission - Fukushima

Despite what the president said, Fukushima's radiation and other toxic by-products have been circulating through the northern hemisphere for more than a year.

We just finished a first edition paper on Fukushima and how the hemp solution can help us solve this crisis. The piece is a collection of articles, videos, book titles and insights. 

Titled: HEMP FOR VICTORY MISSION: ACTIVIST ALERT it recommends that we do what was done in Chernobyl and use hemp for phytoremediation. In a nutshell the strategy is four part, PLANT, CONSUME, WEAR & SPEAK HEMP. Topics including a mix of hempcrete, hemp plastic and lead for nuclear entombment; Rick Simpson's cancer oil for the radiation cancers and some other ailments, and using hemp and a radiation eating mushroom to clean the soil and air. 

If it is a subject that interests you, the free report is posted at


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Hemp Solution

We have many problems we are dealing with in these wild and modern times including, but not limited to the UN declared world food crisis, the excessive chronic radiation exposure from our Japan Fukushima nuclear plant, our shattered economies and health systems from industrial and government incompetency.

It is time to rethink everything. With a little bit of common sense, we can answer that call and save our lives.

I've put together with a lot of help from friends and family three research documents to assist our generations in fulfilling our responsibilities to seven generations ahead.  They include:

USE HEMP FOODS TO SOLVE THE UN DECLARED WORLD FOOD CRISIS  Hemp foods are versatile, delicious and full of nutrition. Hemp flours can make anything wheat or other flours can like pastas, textured vegetable proteins, cakes and breads.  Hemp leaves for salads, seasonings and soups. 

Hemp foods can even help with world peace.  For instance, last summer over 29,000 children died of hunger in mention of the adults who died of hunger before the children did.  If Somalia, a coastal country, had been growing sufficient amounts of hemp, those children would not have died from hunger.  Not mentioned in the report is the probability that the war lords, if they had smoked a peace pipe, probably would have been too relaxed to want to kill people. Of course if hemp food could be grown on the 1/3 of the continental US land that the federal government owns and is not using, that would be another source of international food.  Based on resources, there is no need for anybody to be hungry, save greed.
HEMP OIL MISSION - The many financial and health opportunities available in the medical, spiritual and recreational hemp oil fields.

Hemp oils offer us a plethora of healing opportunities.  Medical grade oils like Rick Simpson's cancer oil that sends cancers into remission, or hemp seed oil that assists in nourishing the body, are covered.  Also included are uses for recreational and spiritual grades of hemp oils too.  Small business and individual empowerment are the focus in this mission plan, parts of which are adaptable to many situations.

ACTIVIST ALERT! DO WHAT THEY DID IN CHERNOBYL, USE HEMP!!! The governments of the world are lying about the radiation coming off of our Japan.  It is highly radioactive and some of it has already reached US shores.  If we become pro active, we can save ourselves. Hemp is one of the main elements that can help.  

This quickly compiled report featuring full length reports from experts including the article from the AP in March, 2012 which revealed the melt down was not only still in process, but that the nuclear rods have 'less than 2' and not the yards of water covering them.  This report also covers hemp phytoremediation for cleaning soil, medicine for fighting the cancers and other illness from chronic radiation exposure, hemp construction materials to encase the Fukushima plant with a blend of hemp plastic which is 10 times stronger than steel according to Henry Ford, building materials and lead (with a magnetic powered cooling system).

Of course there are other things we can do. For instance, at Chernobyl scientists also found radiation eating mushrooms, as reported by Albert Einstein University in New York.  More on that soon.
By Scott Norris
for National Geographic News
May 22, 2007

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