Showing posts with label Fukushima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fukushima. Show all posts

Saturday, December 03, 2016

TEPCO - A question concerning November, 2016 Fukushima earthquake & tsunami

What happened to those bags of nuclear waste stored outside of the Fukushima nuclear plant from the 2011 disaster?

Earthquake Off Fukushima, Japan, Triggers Tsunami

We need to talk. There is no such thing as man's safe use of nuclear energy consciously controlled by man. From Hiroshima to Fukushima II, we must shift to the ways of wisdom. The problem is not just in Japan who did not ask for this nuclear nightmare. Hemp was a major crop in Japan in before the horrors of WW II. It is time to bring it back to help us solve our nuclear crisis, i.e. phytoremediate the land, entomb the nuclear plants using 3d printing.

Despite the lies of the new USA president "Heil Trump" climate change is much more than weather. Nuclear radiation readings are part of our environment. Algae blooms and fracking are affecting our environment. Neither are weather. 

Let's solve this now.

When Dr. Martin Luther King was born in 1929 nuclear power was a remote scientific concept. Now we have a president who brings a former head of Exxon into the White House to accelerate the genocide.  

It is up to us to be wise. Our ancestors as well as our future are depending on us to provide for at least seven generations ahead. Greed is not the right way to go. Together we can do better.

Monday, July 07, 2014

"Fukushima Radioactive Aerosol Dispersion" by Steven Starr

Steven Starr does an excellent job breaking down to basics the dangers we are in from our ignoring the genocidal event coming off of the triple nuclear meltdown going on at Fukushima. The world needs to stand in support of Japan and provide whatever assistance is required to fix Fukushima now.

Below are the production notes from the Youtube posts above.  

Published on Jul 7, 2014

The Implications of The Massive Contamination of Japan With Radioactive aerosol dispersion
The Effects of Fukushima's Cesium Pollution by Steven Starr

Biographical Sketch of Steven Starr

Steven Starr, MT (ASCP), graduated from the School of Health Professions at the University of Missouri, Columbia in 1985. He subsequently worked as a Medical Technologist over a period of 27 years at a number of hospitals in Columbia, Missouri, including Columbia Regional Hospital, Boone Hospital Center, and Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, as well as at Saint Mary's Health Center, in Jefferson City, Missouri. Mr. Starr is currently the Director of the Clinical Laboratory Science Program at the University of Missouri. 

Steven is an Associate member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and has been published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. His writings appear on the websites of PSR, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies, Scientists for Global Responsibility, and the International Network of Scientists Against Proliferation. Since 2007, he has worked with the governments of Switzerland, Chile, and New Zealand, in support of their efforts at the United Nations to eliminate thousands of high-alert, launch-ready nuclear weapons. 

Mr. Starr is also an expert on the environmental consequences of nuclear war, and in 2011, he made an address to the U.N. General Assembly describing the dangers that nuclear weapons and nuclear war poses to all nations and peoples. He has made presentations to Ministry Officials, Parliamentarians, Universities, citizens and students from around the world, and specializes in making technical scientific information understandable to all audiences.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried by Fukushima

Here's what we need to do to fix Fukushima and help protect ourselves from the triple nuclear meltdown going on in Japan...soon the radiation will be everywhere, unless we fix this now. 

1. Entomb the plant 360 degrees in Contour Crafted 3D printed layers of hemp concrete, lead, tungsten with a hemp plastic exterior.  Put borates and anything else that provides radiation shielding into the printing mix.  No square edges to help the structure not be torn apart in rough winds and waters. 

2. Everyone needs to be on the Rick Simpson style cannabis oil (made safely) and optimal nutrition like Dr. Joel Wallach's vitamins & minerals. 

3. Retrofit living structures with shielding to make them more radiation resistant.  

4. Shift to clean, safe and free energies like solar, hydro, hemp and magnetic.

These ideas and more are explained in greater detail on my Hemp Nayer blog 

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Threatens USA Coast To Coast

Below is the intro to the Fukushima triple nuclear meltdown research.  The mission is to implement the hemp solution to increased radiation.  The entire work is posted on the Hemp Nayer blog

The links in this piece are listed after the Intro to assist in finding additional information.  

Production Note - Paragraphs are numbered in this edition for ease in finding the corresponding links at the end of the article:


1. The way to fix Fukushima is to combine technology with common sense. This triple nuclear meltdown that began on 3/11/2011 has put a reported over 300 tons of highly radioactive water - a day - into the Pacific Ocean and is emitting airborne radiation too.

2. This is an extinction level event, unless we fix it now. The situation is already harming life on earth and our failure to sufficiently address it is resulting in catastrophic consequences. The only hope we have to fix this situation is pooling our resources and working together in a logical fashion.

3. Now is the time to put "Mankind over money!"
4. We are at a historic convergence of tools that can help us implement an effective solution. Since the problem from TEPCO’s Fukushima nuclear plant fallout is excess radiation, the solution is to put ample radiation shields around it, 360 degrees, above and below, entombing the damaged buildings like what was built at Chernobyl, only more durable with a greater reach.

5. Simultaneously, since increased radiation exposure increases cancer and other illness rates, we need to combat the health effects we know are here, and still coming, as a result of chronic, increased radiation exposure.

6. The tools we have to balance this situation are, like ancient Babylon, biblical in scope; computers, construction grade 3D Printing, strong barrier building materials, advanced robotics, survival instinct, etc. For example, the technique of "Contour Crafting," an industrial application for 3D printing, can print a house in 24 hours. Shielded, remotely controlled robots and drones could handle the detail and maintenance work.

7. Here’s some ideas (not in any particular order) on how we can both entomb Fukushima and deal with the health issues that come from the increased radiation exposure.

8. Dr Masaru Emoto talks about Industrial Hemp as a solution to Fukushima

List of Research links from the above article.

Paragraph Number
Article Word / Phrase
Linked Article / Webeo Title

Fukushima Daiichi: five steps in cleaning up a nuclear power plant - interactive

Framework for bringing 3D Printing into the construction industry by Stanford University

USA Hemp Museum, The Late Richard M. Davis, Founder, Curator

POTUS Obama saying nothing to see here and a summary of what's going on

Fukushima Tank Leaks 300 Tons Of 'Highly Radioactive' Water At Nuclear Plant

Fukushima leaking 300 tons of toxic water a day: officials

Airborne Radiation Fukushima and Hanford

Dr. Helen Caldicott: The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation

Fukushima NHK Documentary: "The Truth Behind the Chain of Meltdowns"

Fukushima is 1,000x's worse than we thought!

Fukushima and the Transnationality of Radioactive Nuclear Contamination. “Visualizing Radiactivity” and its Impacts on Humanity

Youtube Playlist of over 125 webeos on Fukushima for review

Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat

The Leaf Online Article on Fukushima

World Nuclear Association - Outline History of Nuclear Energy

Tokyo Electric Power Company

Current situation of Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power statio

Dave Garroway Explains Fallout

Radiation Levels Near Fukushima Reactor Hit 2-Year High

Comparison of Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear accidents

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus

World Nuclear Association - Chernobyl Accident 1986

Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear on Casper Leitch’sTime4Hemp

CDC - Possible Health Effects of Radiation Exposure and Contamination

Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans

Fukushima-666, a medieval black death is among us

5a (reports mentioned in Fukushima-666
Dr. Alexey Yablokov - co-author - Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe

"Chernobyl consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment"

Genesis 11 - Tower of Bable

Enlightening TED Talks on Computer Science

Future of Construction Process: 3D Concrete Printing

Henry Ford's Plastic Car - Youtube

Wildcat Robot -- Introduction Of New Technology WILDCAT 2013 | Wild CAT Robot @wildcat #wildcat

Fukushima still spewing massive radiation plumes; America in 'huge trouble,' says nuclear expert

Researchers Are Making A 3D Printer That Can Build A House In 24 Hours

Fukushima Daiichi Radiation: Gundersen; "Entomb Reactors"

Q and A: Health effects of radiation exposure

UN: Fukushima radiation worse than feared

Dr Masaru Emoto talks about Industrial Hemp as a solution to Fukushima

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fukushima Activist Alert - Amazing Grace And Chuck - Trailer

In light of Fukushima, it it way past time to revisit this movie, 


It is imperative that we take our nuclear crisis seriously. 

The next step is to entomb all leaking nuclear devices from the triple nuclear melt down in Japan to the massive nuclear weapons  


Use scientifically calculated layers of hemp concrete, lead and hemp plastic. 

Hemp hero Richard M. Davis, founder and curator of the USA Hemp Museum added that there is a way to configure alunimun on the interior so that the atoms reflect off the alunimum making them weaker when they leave the structure.  

Use 3D / 4D printing to build/assemble entombment structures.

There is a paper on how to fix Fukushima.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Birds and Fish Dying from Eating Fukushima Tsunami Debris

The Fukushima nuclear plant is in a triple nuclear meltdown that is creating havoc on the planet while our international leaders close their eyes like it's a repeat of the classic AIDS drama, AND THE BAND PLAYED ON.

Sometimes the best way to comprehend a big crisis is to look at one small aspect first.  So let's start with the fish in the ocean, that is next to the Fukushima plant, receiving highly radiated water used to try to cool down the plant.

In other words, please pass on the fish. Here's a couple webeos on the subject in case you need more motivation. 

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Dr. Helen Caldicott - The Truth About Fukushima

Fukushima means more cancers.  There is no way around that.

From the book by Ken Keyes, Jr. - The Hundredth Monkey, 1989 Edition - Cancer and increased radiation.  

page 39  "Dr. Helen Caldicott writes: As a physician, I contend that nuclear technology threatens life on our planet with extinction.  If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive pollutants to pose a potential health hazard far greater than any plaque humanity has ever experienced.  Unknowingly exposed to these radioactive poisons, some of us may be developing cancer right now.  Others may be passing damaged genes, the basic chemical units which transmit hereditary characteristics, to future generations.  And more of us will inevitably be affected unless we bring about a drastic reversal of our government's pronuclear policies.*"

*Book referenced Nuclear Madness, by Dr. Helen Caldicott copyright 1978.

Just about everything in that non-copywritten book that is written about nuclear war can be applied to nuclear energy.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Seconds from Disaster: Fukushima

Please read and share this report below on how to use hemp, lead and radiation eating mushrooms to help fix Fukushima, Japan's triple melt down nuclear disaster. The hemp solution is the best solution out there and we can begin to use it now.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lawd - What's Happening Now! Thank You

Whew!  I'm J. Nayer Hardin of the Computer Underground Railroad.  My mission since 1984 is to use computers and other technology to help people be free.  Over the decades, the work has taken me to the most amazing places, meeting awesome people while traveling on the wings of Atomic Hemped Angels.

For those who are just meeting me, here's a list of information age products (books) and services (papers) in case you're trying to catch up with me.  There is a lot more of activism in many areas over the decades, but this is a good starting list.  Follow the links that vibe with your needs.
Here's an update to by bio

Consultant: Akuna Brass Catcher - By independent American inventor Sherwood Akuna, a pistol accessory that catches brass shells as shot.

Consultant/Editor: USA Hemp Museum, 1356 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA Open Sat/Sun 12 noon -6 p.m.  Richard M. Davis, Founder and Curator.  The museum houses the personal collection of over 3,000 hemp items.

Inventor; Compurest Keyboard Stand - Us Patented keyboard stand that has kept my computer injuries away since 1990.  Foundation is support the forearms and lower the keyboard to make carpal tunnel and other computer injuries disappear. Currently out of production, which changes with funding. Though the patent does not appear on a search from the patent office, I do have the paperwork granting the original patent to my brother Bernard Hirschenson and me and it's listed on google patents. 

Here's the dynamic update of sites:


Fukushima Nuclear Crisis with 3 reactors in melt down: Activist Alert: Do What They Did In Chernobyl: Use Hemp
Hemp Food as a solution to the world food crisis: Hemp Food Mission
Hemp Oils: Hemp Oil Mission

Book Publishing:

Below is a list of books I've either published or assisted in the publishing of over the last 10 years.  All titles are listed and currently available on Amazon and Lulu. CURE Publishing

Alternative Medicine:

Hemp For Victory: The Wonder Herb  by Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum

Based on the USA Hemp Museum's Medical Room, this book is a tour of information, a sampling of articles and photographs explaining how medical marijuana works from the perspective of the doctors, patients, caregivers, farmers, cooks and the Physicians Desk Reference Herbal Edition.

Every medical marijuana clubs, professional and customer should take this tour and better use the hemp tool that we have.

Black History: Black People And Their Place In World History by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA

I met Dr. Vaughn via my cousin Lloyd Hardin when I first came to California.  He had written a series of articles for the Los Angeles Sentinel from his floor to ceiling room of Black History books.

Black history is Dr. Vaughn's passion and his insights revolutionized my life.  From his articles I learned about Black Wall Street, who the 5 other Black presidents are, Queen Nzinga, Henry Flipper and the real wild west.  This book is a combination of Dr. Vaughn's articles and photographic supporting evidence…a wonderful journey that helps with the transformation from history to truthstory.

Economics: Hemp For Victory: The Trillion Dollar Crop by Richard M. Davis, Founder and Curator

If you're tired of the whining about how we are in economic trouble as a town, state, nation and world, then this is the book for you.

This museum tour takes you on a journey among business people, professors and lawyers who make the case in plain language for the many benefits that come from the simple change to a hemp based economy.  This trillion dollar crop is key to helping us save ourselves.

Read, meet many of the leaders in the movement to restore sanity to economics by removing the barriers to freedom, hemp prohibition.

Environment-Global Warming: Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution by Richard M. Davis

The solution to global warming is simple.  Since the problem is too much excess CO2 in the atmosphere the solution is to remove the excess CO2.

Hemp is a biomass champion that removes the excess CO2 as it grows, aerates soil up to six feet deep, burns clean as biofuel and can be made into 50,000 plus products.

To learn how to use hemp to help us reverse global warming, this is a great place to start for an understanding of the hemp solution.


Justice: Prelude To Intimacy by Ira Einhorn

This first Earth Day team member was framed without evidence   

Ira Einhorn is still serving jail time for a murder there is no scientific evidence he committed…no blood, DNA, hair, witnesses, nothing.  He claims his attorney, who was shortly after that “elected” to the senate, told him to run because it was a frame.

Read about his years on the run and the reasons he thinks he was framed.  


Magnetic EnergyDePalma Free Energy And The N-Machine by the late MIT Professor Bruce DePalma

The late Bruce DePalma created a magnetic generator that works with a Faraday motor to generate free energy.  His death, like that of other free energy inventors, was mysterious.

With DePalma’s friend David Crockett Williams, we compiled his papers in a logical manner and as per Bruce’s instructions, making it available for future research.


That should get you started.  Explore the blogs on the side bar for more information on various subjects. 

Thanks for visiting.  I look forward to knowing your work too.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Activist Alert: Hemp For Victory Mission - Fukushima

Despite what the president said, Fukushima's radiation and other toxic by-products have been circulating through the northern hemisphere for more than a year.

We just finished a first edition paper on Fukushima and how the hemp solution can help us solve this crisis. The piece is a collection of articles, videos, book titles and insights. 

Titled: HEMP FOR VICTORY MISSION: ACTIVIST ALERT it recommends that we do what was done in Chernobyl and use hemp for phytoremediation. In a nutshell the strategy is four part, PLANT, CONSUME, WEAR & SPEAK HEMP. Topics including a mix of hempcrete, hemp plastic and lead for nuclear entombment; Rick Simpson's cancer oil for the radiation cancers and some other ailments, and using hemp and a radiation eating mushroom to clean the soil and air. 

If it is a subject that interests you, the free report is posted at


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