Showing posts with label nuclear waste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear waste. Show all posts

Saturday, December 03, 2016

TEPCO - A question concerning November, 2016 Fukushima earthquake & tsunami

What happened to those bags of nuclear waste stored outside of the Fukushima nuclear plant from the 2011 disaster?

Earthquake Off Fukushima, Japan, Triggers Tsunami

We need to talk. There is no such thing as man's safe use of nuclear energy consciously controlled by man. From Hiroshima to Fukushima II, we must shift to the ways of wisdom. The problem is not just in Japan who did not ask for this nuclear nightmare. Hemp was a major crop in Japan in before the horrors of WW II. It is time to bring it back to help us solve our nuclear crisis, i.e. phytoremediate the land, entomb the nuclear plants using 3d printing.

Despite the lies of the new USA president "Heil Trump" climate change is much more than weather. Nuclear radiation readings are part of our environment. Algae blooms and fracking are affecting our environment. Neither are weather. 

Let's solve this now.

When Dr. Martin Luther King was born in 1929 nuclear power was a remote scientific concept. Now we have a president who brings a former head of Exxon into the White House to accelerate the genocide.  

It is up to us to be wise. Our ancestors as well as our future are depending on us to provide for at least seven generations ahead. Greed is not the right way to go. Together we can do better.

Friday, March 25, 2016

West Lake Landfill - Coldwater Creek - Manhattan Project Nuclear Waste Fire

This playlist consists of videos I've found on the Westlake Landfill / Coldwater Creak crisis consisting of Manhattan Project nuclear waste that is in danger of an underground chemical fire reaching it. It has Michael Jackson as an opener as you browse through the list to find a piece, pieces you find of interest.

Scotts Contracting has an innovative hemp based solution to nuclear waste. Click here for a preview of an idea that should be, must be implemented now on all nuclear waste sites. Here's a link to a more detailed presentation of MOhemp's technology. Make sure you check out Slide 7.  

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

THE FIRE THIS TIME! Nevada Radioactive Waste Facility Fire Close to Las Vegas - October 2015

The Fire This Time Is 100 Miles
North of Las Vegas, NV

I live in Lake Havasu City, AZ, at least for now. I am questioning the environmental impact of the nuclear radiation from the October, 2015 explosion at a U S Ecology nuclear waste dump as a result of a fire, so we've been told. 

Since I live about 400 miles from the explosion, and have a recent history of brain seizures, I'm wondering if we should get out now and avoid the holiday rush?

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Nevada state officials said Tuesday they don’t know what sparked an apparent explosion and fire at a closed commercial radioactive waste dump in a predominantly rural county, but they vowed that the state will handle the investigation and cleanup.
“We have the jurisdiction. We have the assets, and that’s the course of action,” James Wright, state Department of Public Safety chief, said after reporters asked Nevada emergency, health and environmental protection officials whether state agencies should investigate each other."

"“If we have to fix it, we’ll fix it,” Wright vowed.
The 80-acre industrial dump in Nye County about 115 miles northwest of Las Vegas is on state land and is under state regulatory oversight.
State emergency management chief Caleb Cage and Fire Marshal Peter Mulvihill said the fire burned unabated after starting Sunday during intense thunderstorms and flash flooding in the area."
Here's the short strokes of what I think we should be doing to fix this mess now. Modify from a piece I wrote back in 2013 called HOW TO FIX FUKUSHIMA. Same principles apply. Phytoremediate in hemp, sunflowers, mushrooms and thistle; cannabis for the cancers and brain seizures; entomb existing nuclear plants and waste using 3D printing's contour crafting technique in long lasting radiation shielding materials like hemp, lead, tungsten; and get on a nutrition program to fortify the body like Dr. Joel Wallach's Youngevity vitamins. 

The Fire Next Time Is In St. Louis, MO

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Presidential Debate - Obama Won Big On Green Economy

There is no issue we are dealing with more important than can our planet support life. it is key to solving our environmental, economic and educational crisis we are dealing with.

As demonstrated in the second presidential debate, Senator John McCain is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG on green jobs and how to save our environment too. Senator McCain is clueless. The wisdom Senator Barack Obama presented is clear, invest in green jobs and technologies. Senator McCain wants us to drill and build many more nuclear plants, which he won't be here for when they eventually go into nuclear meltdown, like Chernobyl.

What was most vivid in this debate is the contrast of looking to the past or to the present/future. McCain is so past. Maybe his presence around nuclear energy has something to do with his cancers.

Obama is so CORRECT, CORRECT, CORRECT on the path we must take to continue with a present and future.

In my opinion, the only way Senator McCain can win is another stolen election. This is not an challenge, it is an opportunity to heal ourselves and our world.

McCain proposes more nuclear waste endangers life, if not ours, then those in the future who gained no benefit from our use. The problem of nuclear waste has not been solved, as putting it on an earthquake fault line under Yucca Mountain is not a smart idea.

We need to look at energies like solar, wind, hydro, magnetic and hemp biofuels and biomass.

Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palan want us to "Drill Baby Drill". Does the phrase "Katrina my ass" have any meaning? America's heaviest hurricane hits are to areas where we have a lot of off shore drilling, i.e. the Gulf of Mexico - Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ike. Off short drilling heats up the ocean, making the environment ripe for killer storms.

Please vote for wisdom in the White House. Please vote Obama-Biden '08

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