Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Computer Ergonomics Made Simple

Are you a heavy computer user?
Do you sometimes feel pain or discomfort in your wrists, arms, shoulders and neck as a result of your extensive computer use?
Would you know how to achieve pain free computing
without going through a learning curve?

Ergonomics is simply the study of the interaction between man and machine, with a focus on how to improve the process.

Simply stated, when the computer ergonomic problem is repetitive stress, as in repetitive stress injureis, the solution is non restrictive, repetitive, support.

I've been typing for almost 40 years with speeds as fast as 119 wpm.,and I've had every computer injury in the book except a brain tumor.

My repetitive stress injuries were healed within 30 days by using a CompUrest, U.S. Patent No. 5,188,321, which supports my upper body while lowering my keyboard allowing splint technology to do its job.

CompUrest has kept me from having to have carpal tunnel surgery on my wrists, dramatically reduced my neck, back and shoulder pain, eliminated the late night and day computer injury pain in my arms, neck and shoulders, and afforded me years of pain free computing.

Since 1990, with regular use, the injuries never returned.

Here’s what the U.S. government does not want you to know about computer injuries. They are completely preventable. I write from almost 15 years experience being pain free on my computers.

My friend Bernie Hirschenson and I invented a simple device, CompUrest, U.S. Patent No. 5,188,321. The armrest portion of the CompUrest fully supports you from your wrists to your shoulders. The lowered keyboard well allows your hands to be positioned over the keys, keeping your wrists flat and straight, hands in a natural arch, and fingers fully supported, resting on the keys.
To explore an effective way to stop computer pain now, check out my site at

Why haven’t you hear about it in all this time? I don't understand it myself, and I lived it. I have some theories based on experiences and conversations over the years.

The government is not interested in the solution, only in the problems because they make their money through fines. (Most recent contact
Another e-mail:

"Meilinger, Francis"
RE: OSHA-003526 - Hazards in the Workplace
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 10:47:18 -0500

OSHA does not endorse commercial products. Thank you for your
correspondence and interest in occupational safety and health.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Georgiades, Gus
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 12:55 PM
To: Contact, OPA
Subject: FW: OSHA-003526 - Hazards in the Workplace
-----Original Message-----
From: Contact, CCU
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 2:28 AM
To: Contact, CCU
Subject: OSHA-003526 - Hazards in the Workplace
Name: J. Nayer Hardin
 State: Arizona
Phone: 928-***-****
E-Mail: Hospital for Special Surgery explained to me “it is not in our best interest to endorse your product.” They use to have a Director of Ergonomics, now ergonomics does not produce any search results at the hospital's website.

I went to many investment houses and independent financial sources in the early 1990’s. It’s funny to me that Arthur Anderson was telling me that there was no way I could compete with Microsoft, who was coming out with their natural keyboard. Though I got angry at the time, (to myself) it was proven in court that they were right. Arthur Anderson did, however, finance Enron around the same time.

I don’t take it personal. I use to think that it was just discrimination because I am a Black American Woman. That illusion didn’t last long. The U.S. government has subverted many good ideas to solve problems. 

Examples include:

The N-Machine vs. the Super Collider. The great inventor, Bruce DePalma, creator of the N-Machine that uses magnets to power a self-sustaining generator wrote in his paper, The Problem of Free Energy, “I have a very strong background in successful high-tech R and D. Once I had demonstrated the reality of direct extraction of electrical energy in a small model N-machine, I thought commercial development would be obvious and easy. That was 17 years ago.”

Instead of financing the N-Machine, the government blew a lot of money on the Super Collider, which they eventually shut down.

Niro Markoff Asistent healed herself of AIDS in the 1980’s. She was shut out and the AIDS epidemic gets worse every day with life long pills being the only hope offered. Every time I approach the government with “my injuries still have not returned” e-mail, presentation, etc., they are not interested. Yet they wrote a report on wrist rests and Microsoft’s natural keyboard.

Side Note - the computer injuries never returned.

Friday, August 06, 2004

There's a lot wrong with the way NYC 9-11 was handled.

When the planes hit, New York City should have been evacuated. Air, water and food testing should have already been in place, as should have an evacuation plan in the event of a natural or unnatural disaster. Instead, the great City by the Ocean was just shut down, locked down, and the people had no air but the very polluted toxic soup produced by the pulverization of the WTC.

As a New Yorker not living in New York anymore, I got issues with the way people were handled.

Like why when the EPA admitted that they altered the report on air quality in NYC post 9/11, the mayor or governor said nothing. No outrage, class action suit or anything. They just dealt with the blackout of the Northeast when the report was released.

Even factoring in party loyalty and the CNN report that the governor of New York was a classmate of the president of the United States, I still don't get it.

Thousands of people got sick from the dust when the buildings fell. They breathed it, ate it as it landed on their food, and drank the water with the small particles in it. Though the site got cleaned up, the surrounding areas, and I don't believe that the dust limited itself to Lower Manhattan, the pollution can still be found inside and out. Asthma, cancer and other environmentally induced illnesses are expected to manifest as a result to exposure. And the government's response is to have a health registry, tell them how one gets sick and dies without any obligation for treatment. Too stupid for words.

God bless the activist group Mothra, and the rest of the universe too.
This is a list they made of some of the blunders resulting from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) premature, unsupported announcement, shortly after 9/11/01, that the "air is safe to breathe, water safe to drink" in Lower Manhattan, which I'm publishing with their approval.

This list clearly indicates many of the reasons to reallocate some of those billions committed by the White House and other elements of the federal and state governments to fix Lower Manhattan.
The list was compiled By Members of 9/11 Environmental Action. - Nayer's Notes in {}

"Air is safe to breathe, Water safe to drink"

1. Decision by First Responders -- who learned as early as the first or second day, that the EPA thought there was no problem -- to be less concerned about getting/wearing adequate protective gear.

2. Decision to not evacuate all the people living in harm's way until it was certain that they were not in danger.

3. Decision to reopen the Stock Exchange before office buildings, retail stores, subways etc. had been proven to be clear of contaminants, endangering the health of thousands of workers.

4. Decision by the EPA, and other agencies at all levels, not to do as much testing of air and dust as they should have.

{The EPA did not begin testing the air until 9/14/01, giving the toxins time to settle down. - And when did the City's DEP start counting toxins? It's not like they didn't know there was a problem?}

5. Decision by EPA right after 9/11 to refuse offers of sampling equipment and personnel from EPA Region 8 and Desert Research Institute (Reno).

{Don’t the sewers keep air quality readings? What did their records say about 9/11 - 9/14?}

6. Decision to permit reoccupation of residences and businesses before there was evidence that it was safe to do so.

7. Decision by Gov. Pataki to not include, in his request for federal disaster funds, a specific request for funds for a complete toxic cleanup.
{CNN reported in 1/2004 that Pataki and Bush use to study together at Yale - the home of Skull & Bones and Prescott Bush - Hitler's U.S. Banker.}

8. Decision by NYC Board of Ed that it was safe for Stuyvesant students to go back to school on Oct 9. It was later found that asbestos and lead levels were high even after subsequent cleanings. Cases of nosebleeds, coughing and many more symptoms were never collected in a scientific study, and there was insufficient nursing staff to screen students complaining of illness.

9. Decision by EPA not to immediately start cleaning up indoor spaces, delegating that responsibility to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

10. Decision by the City DEP delegating indoor cleanup to landlords, with no oversight or follow-up to ensure that landlords actually did the cleanup - because the dust was supposedly not toxic.

11. Decision by the New York City Department of Health (DOH) to urge homeowners and office workers to clean up the dust themselves, without protection and using crude methods - because the dust was supposedly not toxic.

12. Decision not to have any kind of "smog" alert or noxious dust protocol in place in the City, even after the attack spread toxic fumes and contaminants for miles, for several months.

13. Decisions by EPA to withhold data on air quality from scientists, residents and even public officials; to delay putting information on their web site about air quality tests; to post only a tiny fraction of available information; to not aggregate information from all relevant agencies in one place (instead, their site had links to other web sites).

14. Decision by EPA not to ensure that the fires at the disaster site - the source of massive, continuing toxic emissions - were extinguished quickly; instead, relegating it to the New York City Fire Department, whose depleted force was consumed with rescue and recovery.

15. Decisions by residents and offices not to throw out carpets, drapes and other soft furnishings, although the EPA knew that those items cannot be completely cleaned of asbestos, even by the most stringent methods.

16. Decision by EPA, when it finally did start a remediation program a year later, to design it as a voluntary, arbitrarily limited program which did not clean entire HVAC systems, offices or most residences near Ground Zero, and none in Brooklyn or above Canal St. (they couldn't contradict their own earlier reassuring statements). Among many seriously flawed program protocols: clearance testing after cleaning was only for asbestos and not for dioxins, metals and fiberglass; the need to clean HVAC systems was determined by using visual inspection rather than analytical sampling; residents could choose 'passive' air testing -- either by itself or after cleaning -- a method that does not provide assurances that homes are free of asbestos or other contaminants; contracted cleaning crews removing asbestos contaminated hallway carpeting were not given respirators or other protective clothing, and were not even required to wear dust masks.

17. Decision by EPA not to do much testing for PAHs (a fact that EPA’s peer review panel noted in their July, 2003 sessions).

18. Decision by Gov. Pataki to suspend, for the World Trade Center recovery and site cleanup, state environmental regulations governing the transport and disposal of toxic waste. The governor signed this executive order on October 9, 2001, the very day that Stuyvesant High students were made to return to classes, next to Hudson River Pier 25. The governor’s order led to the following:

19. Decision by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to allow an uncovered barge-loading operation for WTC toxic waste at Pier 25, adjacent to Stuyvesant High School and within a block of residences and other schools; and to the decision to allow the transport of toxic waste through city neighborhoods in leaky, tarp-covered trucks rather than totally sealed vehicles. Yes, the site cleanup was completed months ahead of schedule, but at the expense of people’s health!

20. Decision by whatever government agency that someone should have been in charge. There was no urgent need to get protective respirators to everyone working anywhere near the toxic waste and fires. It was publicized much later that the US Army had plenty of respirators in storage that could have been deployed in NYC.

21. Decision by FEMA to not pay for businesses to premeditate their premises (because they said insurance companies would pay for it).
22. Decision by insurance companies not to cover claims to premeditate dust contamination because “there was no problem.”

23. Decision by the insurance companies to encourage people to move back in quickly so that their living-out expenses were limited.

24. Decisions by non-residents to take government bribes to move into Downtown (without full knowledge of the possible contamination in the buildings into which they were moving).

25. Decisions by relatively few residents to sign up for the voluntary clean-up, since they were initially, and continually, reassured by EPA statements.

26. Decisions by volunteers from around the world (e.g., Southern Baptist crews who cleaned apartments at Thanksgiving, 2001, some of whom were teenagers), who unknowingly assumed risks that they might not have elected to expose themselves to had they been honestly informed.

27. Decision by the Red Cross to discourage volunteers and participants at the October 11, 2001 memorial from wearing masks although they were plentiful and available.

28. Decision by those exposed to WTC air and dust not to consider their symptoms (shortness of breath, etc.) to be an illness caused by exposure to toxics, and therefore not to seek treatment. Doctors have said the sooner patients receive treatment, the better.

29. Decision not to begin a health registry of all those exposed to contaminated air or dust until years after the exposure, thus ensuring that the registry, when begun, would omit data about people who had already died or suffered in the interim, and increasing the likelihood of faulty data collection and inaccurate conclusions about the health impacts of the WTC collapses and fires.

30. Decision by Red Cross to refuse to notify volunteers that they had been exposed and that they are eligible for the Registry and Health Care for injuries from the attack.

31. Decision by doctors not to pay special attention to their patients who lived, worked or were otherwise exposed to WTC air and dust, because they believed it to be safe (note how even Mt. Sinai admits they fell for this).

32. Decision to allow ongoing digging and construction at the WTC site, as well as at the site of #7 WTC, without testing the site or, if any tests were done, without publicly releasing the results.

The above is published with permission from the great advocates for full disclosure about the risks from WTC toxins and exposes the extent and effects of Environmental Protection Agency's failed outreach.

Some relevant research articles are posted on Al Davis'
LINK MASTER:Add Your Comments...
Please let your elected and appointed officials know to help New Yorkers survive. Folks need medical attention, with or without insurance, help with financial and relationship issues as many have lost their jobs and are suffering from depression.
Most of all. If you know a person who was in New York and the surrounding areas, contact them, listen to them, and help them where you can. TELL your elected and appointed officials to do the same.

Peak Oil - Nayer's Notes


"God does not play dice with the world!"
Albert Einstein

Here's the "Peak Oil" problem

We're running out of petroleum, and unless we change our way of living, the vast majority of us could die soon and dramatically.

The rest of us will be left behind
to deal with a world in trauma and chaos unless we

I learned about peak oil early in January, 2004. I am not an oil industry person; never dipped into the wells. While reading message board postings, I came across an announcement by a wise young man, Matt Savinar. His site, a great "Peak Oil 101" place to learn is LIFE AFTER THE OIL CRASH . Another mover and shaker in the alternative energy field is David Crockett Williams who over the last five years has kept me on environmental point.

We are in the Information Age. The available information indicates we are reaching the peak of oil production. Further, reports indicate a link between fossil fuels, environmental pollution and health problems.
As we solve the peak oil problem by switching to clean alternatives energies like bio fuels and magnets, we can further solve the problem of our pollution killing us.

In America, we've been dealing with a health care crisis in terms of money. It's a convenient way not to discuss the causes of the rapidly rising cancer rates, among them, pollution. As we reduce the cause of people getting sick, the result, high health care costs, will reduce themselves based on supply and demand.

We have got to stop acting stupid. We live on the same planet and we have to work together to stay here.

A major problem is of course economic. Many are making a lot of money on war for oil, the continued use of oil, and the part of the medical industry that profits from cancer and asthma rates. Over the centuries we have seen that greed is not good. Peak Oil is just another example of where we need to remove greed from the daily operation of life.

Paying for the conversion is a problem given current laws that should be changed. Governments who band hemp need to get out of the way of a solution. An international hemp tax, part of which can go to the U.N. (or a newly created international project management board to oversee the conversion) can pay for the transformation.

For example, in the United States, implementing the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, a 20% tax on hemp revenues could generate a lot of money quickly, both from product taxes and stamp (license) fees. An estimated $7 billion marijuana is sold in the United States. 20% of that is $1,400,000,000. Not a bad start up budget and that's just America, with hemp illegal.

Side Note: Maybe there would be more peace in the middle east and elsewhere if both side of a warring issue took a hemp break and laughed about their differences.

It is time to stop Industrial Age Thinking in the Information Age. It's killing Us.

Like Many folks report doing their best "thinking" in the toilet. Maybe that's why the world looks the way it does. We can think this peak oil thing through on our computers. The evidence is too precise to ignore.
Changing from petroleum to bio fuels feeds my basic common sense. The oil within the planet is not an unlimited resource. We need to be living seven generations out, and we are failing. Our deficit, environmental and energy policies demand constructive change.
The next step is converting a car to an alternative energy source. I've begun by putting the web published writings of Bruce DePalma in an e-book to be released this summer. If you're interested in being on the mailing list for a copy, send an e-mail to

It's time to stop taking oil from the inner earth. Like We need oils for Our bodies; maybe the planet needs her oil for Her body. She gives Us what she can spare via bio fuels. There are more than enough of them to keep Us going and avoid the "Peak Oil" drama.

Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross in her book The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying taught me 'once I learned that I could do without, the rest was easy.' She's right. It's time for us to learn and live from 'We can do without petroleum oil' and it's resulting "Peak Oil" drama.' We can do without petroleum if petroleum is killing us. Carolyn Myss said in her book Anatomy Of Spirit that Wisdom Erases Karma. It is wise to learn the lessons of the past so we don't have to repeat them.

Yes, We may be too late, but if We put the conversions on a Project Manager, People who are now being told to kill, soldiers, can be re-directed to save the planet as well as ourselves. We can get the job done. It's worth an accomplishment.

The way we are doing things with petroleum is about to kill up to 5.5 billion (yes BILLION) of us if we fail to act. This knowledge has forced me to drop much of my life and focus on this issue.

It's a great first project for Us all to work as One. The web is helping Us get this done. After this we can work on better managing and cleaning up te food supply, getting all planetary residents computers so that issues of illiteracy, health care and other life support information is quickly shared, building ocean water distill boats to keep people supplied with clean water.

Please understand that the Table of Brotherhood that Dr. M. L. King spoke about is a table with a computer on it, and good people around it, solving problems and having a good time.

The mechanics of the transition can be coordinated on the web. The how to for converting autos can be downloaded by every shop and independent mechanic. Home conversion kits can also be available.
One more motivating factor to act now. There is a plan in the United States to take nuclear waste from all over the country and transport it in 2010 to an active earthquake fault line in Yucca Mountain, Nevada. This plan calls for this toxic, extremely radioactive waste to be transported via highways and railways. This endangers the lives of many of us while the nuclear industry just makes more waste.

The revenue generated by the conversion could be considerable. The amount of local work this conversion generates can jump start many economies around the world. A local hemp tax could fund many business and individual opportunities involved in solving this peak oil problem. Cash strapped farmers from all over the world can produce an income from a strong energy market. Current energy distribution companies can simply shift from one fuel to another. Everybody wins.
Continuing to live a lifestyle where our engines are polluting our air is just plain stupid, and stupid has consequences. (Just trying to lighten up - smile, we can do this.)

Blessings to you and yours and thanks for all the work you do on this and all other empowerment issues.

Please e-mail me to share your solution based thoughts. There is nothing to fear but fear.

We are overcoming now.

Peak Oil - The Solution

Switch To Clean Alternative Energies

Empowerment Key:
Implement Effective Solutions

Message For Posterity
Our time is rich in inventive minds, the inventions of which could facilitate our lives considerably. We are crossing the seas by power and utilize power also in order to relieve humanity from all tiring muscular work. We have learned to fly and we are able to send messages and news without any difficulty over the entire world through electric waves.
However, the production and distribution of commodities is entirely unorganized so that everybody must live in fear of being eliminated from the economic cycle, in this way suffering for the want of everything. Furthermore, people living in different countries kill each other at irregular time intervals so that also for this reason any one who thinks about the future must live in fear and terror. This is due to the fact that the intelligence and the character of the masses are incomparably lower than the intelligence and character of the few who produce something valuable for the community.

I trust that posterity will read these statements with a feeling of proud and justified superiority.”

From His Most Amazing Book
Out Of My Later Years

When the problem is we are running out of one energy source, the solution is to immediately implement the use of abundant clean, natural energy sources.

If there was ever a time for common sense and working together, it's now.

Contrary to what some "experts" say, we have an abundance of energy sources available to us. From a list provided by David Crockett Williams are just a few examples.

Bruce DePalma, Primordial Energy

The New Energy Movement

The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman

Infinite Energy

Project Earth

The Institute For New Energy

Motionless Electromagnetic Generator

The Space Power Generator

Since the problem is we are running out of oil, the solution is to immediately move to clean, safe alternative energies. No drama required, just positive action. Bio fuels like hemp, soy and other oils burn clean too. We have the tools...each other, computers and alternative energies and fuels.

Thousands of mechanics world wide can find work converting the autos of family and friends from petro to alternative energies. These independent mechanics will empower many industries around them, and areas where there is little work can become booming economies.
Here's information on another alternative fuel, hemp.

Empowerment Key:
Get off of petroleum

Revenue from a local hemp tax could finance the transition.

1. HEMP CAR - It's a site on a functional hemp vehicle.

2. The Hemp Museum. - Bio Fuels Room
"This (HEMP) plant is the earth's number one biomass resource or fastest growing annual plant for agriculture on a worldwide basis, producing up to 14 tons per acre. This is the only biomass source available that is capable of producing all the energy needs of the U.S. and the world."

3. Jack Herer's Hemp Bible - The Emperor Wears No Clothes
 Chapter 9 Economics: Energy, Environment and Commerce

Energy and the economy

The book Solar Gas, Science Digest, Omni magazine, The Alliance for Survival, the Green Party of Germany, the United States and others put the total figure of our energy costs at 80% of the total dollar expense of living for each human being.

In validation, 82% of the total value of all issues traded on the New York Stock Exchange and other world stock exchanges, etc., are tied directly to:

- Energy producers such as Exxon, Shell Oil, Conoco, Con-Edison, and so forth.

- Energy transporters such as pipeline companies, oil shipping and delivery companies.

- Refineries and retail sales of Exxon, Mobil, Shell, So. California Edison, Con-Edison, etc."

- Frackers & others engaged in raping Earth for oil we don't need.

4. Cannabis Fuel
"Each acre of hemp would yield 1,000 gallons of methanol. Fuels from hemp, along with the recycling of paper, etc., would be enough to run American virtually without oil."

"In the early 1900s, Henry Ford and other futuristic, organic, engineering geniuses recognized (as their intellectual, scientific heirs still do today) an important point - that up to 90 percent of all fossil fuel used in the world today (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) should long ago have been replaced with biomass such as: cornstalks, cannabis, waste paper and the like. Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol or gasoline at a fraction of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy - especially when environmental costs are factored in - and its mandated use would end acid rain, end sulfur-based smog, and reverse the Greenhouse Effect on Our planet - right now!* *Government and oil and coal companies, etc., will insist that burning biomass fuels is no better than using up Our fossil fuel reserves, as far as pollution goes; but this is patently untrue. Why? Because, unlike fossil fuels, biomass comes from living (not extinct) plants that continue to remove carbon dioxide pollution from Our atmosphere as they grow, through photosynthesis. Furthermore, biomass fuels do not contain sulfur."

5. Energy Farming
A Practical Answer To America's Farming, Energy And Environmental Crises

by Lynn Osburn

"Biomass is the term used to describe all biologically produced matter. World production of biomass is estimated at 146 billion metric tons a year, mostly wild plant growth. Some farm crops and trees can produce up to 20 metric tons per acre of biomass a year. Types of algae and grasses may produce 50 metric tons per year. Dried biomass has a heating value of 5000-8000 Btu/lb., with virtually no ash or sulfur produced during combustion. About 6% of contiguous United States land area put into cultivation for biomass could supply all current demands for oil and gas. And this production would not add any net carbon dioxide to the atmosphere."

6. Mass. Norml on Hemp Fuel


Farming 6% of the continental U.S. acreage with biomass crops would provide all of America's energy needs.

Hemp is Earth's number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months.

Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol, or gasoline at a cost comparable to petroleum, and hemp is much better for the environment. Pyrolysis (charcoalizing), or biochemical composting are two methods of turning hemp into fuel.

Hemp can produce 10 times more methanol than corn.

Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution.

The use of hemp fuel does not contribute to global warming."

7. Gasoline and Hemp

"And hemp has a lot going for it as a fuel.

Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the diesel engine, designed it to run on vegetable and seed oils like hemp; he actually ran the thing on peanut oil for the 1900 World's Fair. Henry Ford used hemp to not only construct cars but also fuel them.

As an alternative to methanol, hemp has at least one glowing report: the plant produces up to four times more cellulose per acre than trees. And a hemp crop grows a little quicker than a forest.

As for an alternative to petroleum,

• Hemp grows like mad from border to border in America; so shortages are unlikely. And, unlike petrol, unless we run out of soil, hemp is renewable."

8. Hemp Oil Fuels and How To Make Them
"• Growing and harvesting the stuff has much less environmental impact than procuring oil.

• Hemp fuel is biodegradable; so oil spills become fertilizer not eco-catastrophes.

• Hemp fuel does not contribute to sulfur dioxide air poisoning.

• Other noxious emissions like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are radically slashed by using “biodiesel.”

• Hemp fuel is nontoxic and only a mild skin irritant; anybody who’s ever cleaned out an old carburetor with gasoline can confirm the same is not true for petrol.

• Growing hemp for fuel would be a tremendous boon for American farmers and the agricultural industry, as opposed to people like, say, the Bush family."

9. Hemp - Lifeline to the Future

Chris Conrad has in his book a chapter on Energy Independence & Security.

Page 108:
"During the Second World War, the head of the Hemp for Victory program explained that hemp was again powering it own mechanical processing and generating a 50 percent energy surplus."

10. Alternative energy solutions
"Studies have also been conducted to demonstrate the viability of hemp oil as a fuel. Hemp oil converts fairly simply into a biodiesel fuel once mixed with caustic lye dissolved in methanol, a technique which makes the oil less viscous and more combustible. Environmental defense attorney Don Wirtshafter, (proprietor of the Ohio Hempery, the company providing the oil) notes that fuel and glycerine are generated from the process, and the glycerine can be used to make soap or candles. Potassium hydroxide used as the caustic agent results in fertilizer. The only modification made to the hemp car was the replacement of rubber hoses with synthetic rubber tubes - biodiesels erode rubber."

11. Biomass and bio fuels Web Site Links

12. Overview of Bio Fuels by the government

U.S. Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - they don't mention hemp but do a search on their site for biofuel.

13. National BioDiesel Board

14. Do a generic web search in various engines (Yahoo, MSN, Google and/or others for "Biofuel". "Hemp Fuel". "Peak Oil". and "Alternative Energy." Don't stop here.

Next step, implementation.

Peak Oil - The Problem

PEAK OIL PROBLEM - Lack of Petroleum

Empowerment Key:
Do Your Homework

We, the people of the world, are at a critical point in our existence. If we choose to work together, we survive. If we continue depending on depleting oil supplies and fighting among ourselves, the peak oil card is played.

To get through this lets begin by acknowledging the problem, then we'll go onto finding solutions and implementing them on a global scale, each community implementing their clean, safe energy choice.

Many respected scientists have estimated that we've used up about half of the world's petroleum oil supply. Whether we have or not, oil is being priced like we have. The price of oil, and all that is produced with it, like food, transportation, plastics, etc. is rising dramatically as costs to pump the crude increases and availability decreases. Estimates are that as soon as 2008, the drama could get serious.

Failure to deal with Peak Oil can cause an international economic collapse that could be at cause for the next big death cull. It's going to take all of us working together to solve this one, but we can do it. I'm not talking about 'the sky is falling." That happened in the United States on 9/11/01. We all saw it over, and over and over again. We're on the other side of that now.

The best "Peak Oil 101" place for a deep understanding of the issue with supporting documentation is LIFE AFTER THE OIL CRASH by Matt Savinar. Thank the Lord for the young people. They are the reason the rest of us are here. Check out:


LIFE AFTER THE OIL CRASH Great first step on the yellow brick road to understanding and solving the peak oil crisis.

"The situation is so dire that even George W. Bush's Energy Adviser, Matthew Simmons, has acknowledged that "The situation is desperate. This is the world's biggest serious question."

According to Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham, "America faces a major energy supply crisis over the next two decades. The failure to meet this challenge will threaten our nation's economic prosperity, compromise our national security, and literally alter the way we lead our lives."


"May 30, 2003, PARIS – Research presented on May 26th and 27th at the French Institute for Petroleum (IFP) by a wide variety of experts from varying and often competitive perspectives disclosed that, in the year since the first conference of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO), supply constraints have worsened and the realities of energy depletion are becoming more apparent. A year of violent political history centered on oil and ever-more unforgiving production results have begun to force reluctant political and economic acknowledgement of Peak Oil’s threat to civilization."Presentation at the Technical University of Clausthal, C.J.Campbell, December 2000

"2. Sub-Title: The title of my talk is Peak Oil. It truly is a turning point for Mankind. It will affect us all. It is a large subject, and it will take us about an hour to work through it.

3. Purpose: The purpose of the talk is to evaluate the resource base and its depletion. Then we can go on to study the present crisis and try to see how it will evolve. Finally we can think specifically about Germany's predicament."


"Named after the late Dr. M. King Hubbert, Geophysicist, this website provides data, analysis and recommendations regarding the upcoming peak in the rate of global oil extraction."

Oil depletion: One of the most important problems of the world

"To solve a problem one must understand the magnitude of the problem. To reiterate previous numbers energy is consumed by humans at a rate of about 13TW (1TW equals one (US) trillion Watts). A very large fraction (around 40%) comes from oil. Oil is therefore the primary energy source, and it is the primary energy source which should concern us.

The world consumes 77 million barrels (one barrel is 42 (US) gallons or 159 (SI/metric) liters) of petroleum daily, which makes 26 billion barrels annually. The biggest extractors are Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United States, and Mexico. The biggest exporters are Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Norway. The biggest importers are the United States, Japan, Korea and Germany."


"Petroleum geologists have known for 50 years that global oil production would "peak" and begin its inevitable decline within a decade of the year 2000. Moreover, no renewable energy systems have the potential to generate more than a tiny fraction of the power now being generated by fossil fuels.

In short, the end of oil signals the end of civilization, as we know it."

Maybe, as Die says, no single bio fuel can save us. But the open market availability of all bio fuels can solve the problem without the drama. Everything needs to be re-thought through so that we produce life enriching rather than murderous results.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Harlem's High Asthma Rates

It was recently reported that Central Harlem, NY has one quarter of its young people suffering from asthma. Yet, the elected and appointed officials continue to pretend not to know why this is occuring.

There was a recent claim that the cause was exposure to roaches. However, as a member of a family who has roots going back to the 1920's in Harlem, I can assure you that Harlem has been living with roaches and mice since at least then. As a historical note, I remember my grandmother wondering in the 1980's if the rat and roach poison she put out back then was still impacting on the land and the people.

If modern science, which has been proven to be for sale, pretends not to know what's really going on, consider this:

Harlem is surrounded by 5 Open Sewers, North River Water Pollution Control Plant, Wards Island, Tallmans Island Water Pollution Control Plant, and Bowery Bay Water Pollution Control Plants. The year after North River was built there was a radical rise in the infant mortality rate. However too many people are making too much money keeping the system as is, so the roaches are blamed. Can't blame everything on Canada.

The two most obvious, North River (135th & Hudson River, 10027) and Wards Island (Wards Island, NYC 10035) Water Pollution Control Plants (Sewage Treatment Plants) are on the west side of Harlem and in the river off of the east side respectively.

In great part due to the open windows at all ends of the North River Water Pollution Control Plant, and outdoor tanks at Wards Island, Harlem is breathing, daily, volatile organic compounds (VOC's -airborne living organisms) from these sewage tanks.

Across the river on the east side, Harlem is also close to Hunts Point Water Pollution Control Plant, Tallmans Island Water Pollution Control Plant, and Bowery Bay Water Pollution Control Plant. You can find a map of the NYC sewer system as published by the Department of Environmental Protection.

Politics and common sense need to merge in Harlem. Her best park, Riverbank State Park, is located over the North River plant and has people, among them children and seniors, exercising over an open sewer…not healthy. The NYC EPA says “The roof of the building is the home of Riverbank State Park, a popular recreational facility with three swimming pools, an amphitheater, an athletic center, a skating rink, a restaurant and sports fields - and, of the two New York State park facilities in the City, the only one built on top of a water pollution control plant.” It’s won many awards while placing Harlem residents in danger of toxic chemicals, methane gas and mutating germs.

Established Harlem leadership had decided to put a Hudson River mall just south of the sewer. Don't they think that the funk from the sewer may affect the quality of the meal? There are germs in the sewer air. Environmentalists are being honored in Harlem who keep the conversation about odor and flow rather than toxins and germs and toxic chemicals coming off the sewers.

Sewer System As A Source of Germ Disbursement: “The greatest danger…in breathing of sewer air is that of inhaling with it the living particles (bacilli, etc.) contained or developed in the excrement of diseased persons.” {Roger S. Tracy, Handbook Of Sanitary Information For Households, NY Appleton, 1895}

Sick people from all over the world come to New York City to benefit from her extraordinary medical system. Though hospital waste is handled separately from the general sewer system, during the time before sick people check into the hospital, and, if they remain in the city, after they leave, they are using the general sewer facilities.

In this time of terrorism, toxic materials (both medical and chemical that could cause illness and death) can be dropped into the sewer system and a large portion of the population could be impacted days after the event. Floating material could contain harmful elements and the results, devastating. This is because many, if not all of the NYC sewer plants, are not covered and in some cases could be easily contaminated from street or building levels without the culprit being noticed.

At North River, the large windows by the tanks are open. At Ward’s Island, the tanks are outside. Though we are encouraged to take comfort in the fact that chlorine kills 85-95% of the germs in the sewer, the more relevant question is what is in the other 5-15% that is strong enough to survive chlorine, food additives, genetically altered foods, human growth hormone, antibiotics, etc. Consider what happens when those strong germs and toxic chemicals get together in North River’s secondary tanks, with their steam wafting off the tanks next to open windows. Also, the additional chlorine put into the environment via tap water and flushed into the river can have a seepage effect on the land it comes in contact with, further empowering mutating bacteria.

The water in North River’s secondary tanks frequently has steam coming off them, which lifts some germs and they become air borne. Harlem's infant morality rate in the year after the North River Plant went into operation was 2.5 times higher than the rest of the City. Yet the discussion is limited to odor and flow, which haven’t killed anybody.
When you connect the dots between when the North River plant was open and rises and falls in her infant mortality rates over the years, you’ll see a direct correlation.

North River Plant and Infant Mortality Rates in
NYC & Harlem 1984-1993

Year (Event at North River plant), NYC, Harlem
1984 (Plant Construction), 13.6, 16.0
1985 (Plant built), 13.4, 23.3
1986, 12.8, 27.6
1987, 13.1, 20.9
1988, 13.4, 22.0
1989, 13.3, 23.4
1990, 7.6, 27.7
1991 (Primary Tanks Covered), 11.4, 19.2
1992, 10.2, 15.9
1993 - (Crack in tank), 10.2, 25.

Shortly after I published this data, the information source dried up. I had children with oxygen masks protesting the plant and the damage it was doing to them in the mid-90's.

What needs to happen to correct the problem?

First, the windows need to be covered or, like at Ward's Island where the open sewer tanks are outside, at least the tanks sealed, like what was in the original plans. “The problem with covering and air treating the secondary tanks is one of expense … NYCDEP’s rough estimate for subjecting the secondary tanks in a similar odor control system as that for the primary tank is in excess of $100 million.” From “The Smell of Success? An assessment of Odor Control Measures at the North River Water Pollution Control Plant” (June, 1994)

Where are they shopping? Tiffany’s? We need to honestly evaluate the situation at hand. Consider using sealed aircraft aluminum covers for the secondary tanks and using a NYC labor pool, featuring Harlem residents trained for the job.

Community residents will be motivated to do a good job because they and their families are breathing the air.

Second, regular testing of the sewer's contents and airborne materials need to be done and the results published. They test for indicator gases, but with the level of chemical reactions that can happen when various chemicals are mixed, we need to test for what is in the air.

The people have a right to know what's in the air, water and land more than they need a say over "is coke or pepsi or snaple going to get the vending contract for the park on top of the sewer, Riverbank State Park, the best park in Harlem.

As we remove or control the cause of the problem, the effects, what we experience as reality, will diminish like what happened in 1991 when the primary tanks were covered.

I've put up a page on Harlem's environmental crisis.

Please, tell New York's elected and appointed officials to stop leaving New Yorkers in danger of environmental hazards like when the WTC fell, and cover the 5 open sewers.

I still feel deep sorrow toward the mayor and the govenor about their silence concerning the EPA lying about the dangers in the dust. Yet, the congressmen, senators and many elected and appointed officials in Harlem are just as silent as the children die from asthma.

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