Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hemp. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fukushima Activist Alert - Amazing Grace And Chuck - Trailer

In light of Fukushima, it it way past time to revisit this movie, 


It is imperative that we take our nuclear crisis seriously. 

The next step is to entomb all leaking nuclear devices from the triple nuclear melt down in Japan to the massive nuclear weapons  


Use scientifically calculated layers of hemp concrete, lead and hemp plastic. 

Hemp hero Richard M. Davis, founder and curator of the USA Hemp Museum added that there is a way to configure alunimun on the interior so that the atoms reflect off the alunimum making them weaker when they leave the structure.  

Use 3D / 4D printing to build/assemble entombment structures.

There is a paper on how to fix Fukushima.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Letter Of Support To The Court Favoring The Immediate Release Of Roger Christie

I am J. Nayer Hardin, founder of and a conductor on the Computer Underground Railroad, a cyber division of the original Underground Railroad.  We use computers and other technology to help people be free.  The application of hemp, marijuana,  cannabis (by whatever name) to our many problems is one of the technologies we support.  The freedom to pray as our soul directs is another tool we can use to save ourselves from the environmental holocaust we have created.

I am writing this letter of support for Reverend Roger Christie who is in jail for praying with hemp and support the reverend’s immediate release.  I understand the process of releasing him and allowing him to have a trial, but in this time, when humanity must focus on saving ourselves from what we have created, it is imperative to unconditionally free Rev. Christie now!  Paraphrasing the old typing training phrase ‘now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of our world.’

My bias is I still believe in the court system’s ability to make constructive change, as was demonstrated in the civil rights movement and is in process for LGBT rights.  An uncorrupted court is committed to doing the right thing, what is in the best interest of the citizens above all else, by instituting the Will Of The People.  Countless surveys have revealed that We The People want to be free to consume hemp, a what the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute calls "a peaceful solution" to many of our modern problems.

There is no question that Roger Christie is a holy man in jail for empowering the process of prayer.  For those who have never tried it, hemped prayer is a process of ‘relax your animal so your spirit can soar.’  I was raised Catholic, been doing A Course In Miracles since 1986, was a member of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s church, and am a metaphysical book reader including currently engaged in a cover to cover reading of the King James Version of the bible, having recently completed the Book(s) of Mormon (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price).  I do my best to hemp and pray every day.  It keeps me on my mission without whining all the time.  

The United States was founded in part on hemp, which has been used to pay taxes in the past.  Given that both Washington and Jefferson were hemp farmers, it is logical to assume that their interests were part of the founding process.  No way that they would want a man of prayer in jail for interacting with nature. Neither do I.

Rev. Roger Christie is an ordained minister.  His site’s biographical information reveals

“On June 19, 2000, Roger received a license to perform marriages in the State of Hawai`i, becoming the nation’s first licensed Cannabis Sacrament Minister (Hawai`i Department of Health License # 00-313). Roger founded The Hawai`i Cannabis (THC) Ministry in Hilo, Hawai`i to share the blessing of the Ministry with the world. Roger opens the Ministry to all sincere religious users and cultivators of Cannabis and has built a world-wide congregation of Cannabis sacrament practitioners from more than 60 countries.

Rev. Christie did nothing other than his ordained duties...which is why this injustice is operating in the first place. It is a minister’s responsibility to provide the sacramental tools to the prayer group gathered.  Yet, and we’re talking America in the 21st Century, the Information Age, while in the process of fulfilling his God given responsibility Roger Christi was arrested three years ago without as much as a trial, let alone national media coverage.

“The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says the government cannot make laws "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion. Many people use marijuana as a religious sacrament, and forcing them not to use marijuana clearly prohibits the free exercise of their religion. In order to comply with the First Amendment, our laws should allow for the religious use of marijuana.

Back in 1996 9th Circuit Court of AppealsRuled Religion May Be Defense to Marijuana Possession

"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on February 2 that under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Rastafarian defendants should be allowed to show that they use marijuana for bona fide religious reasons in their defense against charges of possession of marijuana (U.S. v. Bauer, No. 94-30073, 96 C.D.O.S. 756, 1996WL42240 (9th Cir. 1996);; Reynolds Holding, "Rastafarian Pot Could Be Legal," San Francisco Chronicle, February 3, 1996, p. A14; "Marijuana For Religious Reasons," Washington Post, February 5, 1996, p. A10; Associated Press, "Court: Rastafarians Can Hold Marijuana," Chicago Tribune, February 4, 1996, p. 9)."

I don’t know if that ruling was overturned, but at least the court got that one right.  We have a right to pray in the style that suits our souls best.  It is most important for all of us, especially holy souls, to do the right thing, what the Lord says do. 

There are many references to the herb in the bible, and Rick Simpson’s caner oil sure reads like the “oil of gladness” in Psalm 45:7.  Without the court's intervention in this insanity called the war on drugs, we are doomed to deal with the excess radiation coming off of the nuclear disaster in Japan.  Hemp's "oil of gladness" has sent many cancers into remission.   

In summary Reverend Roger Christie has no business being in jail for living as a minister and fulfilling his divinely ordained function, like Moses, Jesus and countless other great souls have been free to do before him.  I am sorry to realize that we have devolved from the land of the free and the home of the brave to a nation where some forms of prayer that hurt nobody are illegal and can get one thrown in jail for years without a trial.  I pray the court will erase the folly of making prayer and prayer tools illegal.

Though it is a shame that he is in jail, it would be both the right thing to do and a blessing to free Reverend Roger Christie - and all other non-violent hemp political prisoners - now.  Fukushima’s triple nuclear melt down is in process, genetically modified foods have been approved, we have at least 3 oil “spills” going on today, the toxins from the BP oil spill are still in the ocean, and the news is full of talk of war.  We need all the prayer warriors free that we can get just to have a chance at surviving as a species.  Paraphrasing George Carlin, ‘the planet will be just fine…man on the other hand’  Freeing our prayer leaders affords us the opportunity to use the power to heal found in “Where two or more are gathered in my name.”

For the above reasons plus his profound work in expanding the use of the cannabis prayer tool, I recommend that Roger Christie and all other non-violent political prisoners be released as unconditionally free from religious persecution, just like the Constitution says.

J. Nayer Hardin
Computer Underground Railroad Enterprises

Monday, April 01, 2013

Why My Partner & I have been vegetarian for almost 7 years.

“Loma Linda University in California did a recent study where they found that vegetarians live 7.9 years longer than people on the Standard American Diet; studies done in England, Germany and Finland show that people on a vegan (no meat, eggs or dairy) diet will live up to 12 to 15 years longer.

“That supports the data that comes from C. Everett Koop, about people dying from diseases associated with their diet,” says Lyman."

...or why my partner Sherwood Akuna and I are vegetarians since the day after THE MAD COWBOY, Howard Lyman was on OUT THERE TV almost 7 years ago! (Of course we finished our home made half lb. BLT's with cheese before we stopped eating meat the next day - no I don't miss it.)

If you are like us and are working to be 100 years old when we grow up, consider making that change off of eating anything with eyes that is not a potato. 

It's not just the slaughter houses. The toxins BP put into the Gulf should give any fish eater cause to take a break. Despite the illusions of society, there is really only one your finger around the globe and you'll see the ocean is connected. What was used in the BP oil spill (gusher) and other ocean disasters, like nuclear subs lost at depths too low to retrieve, is a consideration when the decision involves eating fish. 

We have to be careful now with the veg. lifestyle in this shift because last week POTUS Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act which means we have to clean up our food supply. That story is breaking fast so Bing the Monsanto Protection Act.

Of course medical marijuana, hemp foods and hemp oils are health boosters.

There is a book on amazon HEMP FOR VICTORY: THE WONDER HERB by the USA Hemp Museum's founder and curator Richard M. Davis on many ways to use medical marijuana to help folks heal.  

Two papers out of the museum on the delicious and healthy ways to consume hemp as food and healing oil, including information on the cancer curing Rick Simpson cannabis oil are:

To start you on your kitchen journey to healthier eating below is a list of many vegetarian and vegan books, most recommended by

Bates, Dorothy R., and Colby Wingate

Bradford, Peter and Montse

Davis, Gail

Romano, Rita

Ornish, Dean, M.D.

McCarthy, Meredith

Gentle World

Davis, Karen

Robbins, John

Burke, Abbot George

Wasserman, Debra

Grogan, Bryanna Clark

Newkirk, Ingrid, and PETA

Saks, Anne and Faith Stone

Leneman, Leah

Bates, Dorothy R.

Geiskopf-Hadler, Susann & Mindy Toomay

Martin, Jeanne Marie

"400 Irresistable Recipes With
Fantastic Flavors From Home And Around The World"
Robertson, Robin

Stepaniak, Joanne

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lawd - What's Happening Now! Thank You

Whew!  I'm J. Nayer Hardin of the Computer Underground Railroad.  My mission since 1984 is to use computers and other technology to help people be free.  Over the decades, the work has taken me to the most amazing places, meeting awesome people while traveling on the wings of Atomic Hemped Angels.

For those who are just meeting me, here's a list of information age products (books) and services (papers) in case you're trying to catch up with me.  There is a lot more of activism in many areas over the decades, but this is a good starting list.  Follow the links that vibe with your needs.
Here's an update to by bio

Consultant: Akuna Brass Catcher - By independent American inventor Sherwood Akuna, a pistol accessory that catches brass shells as shot.

Consultant/Editor: USA Hemp Museum, 1356 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles, CA Open Sat/Sun 12 noon -6 p.m.  Richard M. Davis, Founder and Curator.  The museum houses the personal collection of over 3,000 hemp items.

Inventor; Compurest Keyboard Stand - Us Patented keyboard stand that has kept my computer injuries away since 1990.  Foundation is support the forearms and lower the keyboard to make carpal tunnel and other computer injuries disappear. Currently out of production, which changes with funding. Though the patent does not appear on a search from the patent office, I do have the paperwork granting the original patent to my brother Bernard Hirschenson and me and it's listed on google patents. 

Here's the dynamic update of sites:


Fukushima Nuclear Crisis with 3 reactors in melt down: Activist Alert: Do What They Did In Chernobyl: Use Hemp
Hemp Food as a solution to the world food crisis: Hemp Food Mission
Hemp Oils: Hemp Oil Mission

Book Publishing:

Below is a list of books I've either published or assisted in the publishing of over the last 10 years.  All titles are listed and currently available on Amazon and Lulu. CURE Publishing

Alternative Medicine:

Hemp For Victory: The Wonder Herb  by Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum

Based on the USA Hemp Museum's Medical Room, this book is a tour of information, a sampling of articles and photographs explaining how medical marijuana works from the perspective of the doctors, patients, caregivers, farmers, cooks and the Physicians Desk Reference Herbal Edition.

Every medical marijuana clubs, professional and customer should take this tour and better use the hemp tool that we have.

Black History: Black People And Their Place In World History by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA

I met Dr. Vaughn via my cousin Lloyd Hardin when I first came to California.  He had written a series of articles for the Los Angeles Sentinel from his floor to ceiling room of Black History books.

Black history is Dr. Vaughn's passion and his insights revolutionized my life.  From his articles I learned about Black Wall Street, who the 5 other Black presidents are, Queen Nzinga, Henry Flipper and the real wild west.  This book is a combination of Dr. Vaughn's articles and photographic supporting evidence…a wonderful journey that helps with the transformation from history to truthstory.

Economics: Hemp For Victory: The Trillion Dollar Crop by Richard M. Davis, Founder and Curator

If you're tired of the whining about how we are in economic trouble as a town, state, nation and world, then this is the book for you.

This museum tour takes you on a journey among business people, professors and lawyers who make the case in plain language for the many benefits that come from the simple change to a hemp based economy.  This trillion dollar crop is key to helping us save ourselves.

Read, meet many of the leaders in the movement to restore sanity to economics by removing the barriers to freedom, hemp prohibition.

Environment-Global Warming: Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution by Richard M. Davis

The solution to global warming is simple.  Since the problem is too much excess CO2 in the atmosphere the solution is to remove the excess CO2.

Hemp is a biomass champion that removes the excess CO2 as it grows, aerates soil up to six feet deep, burns clean as biofuel and can be made into 50,000 plus products.

To learn how to use hemp to help us reverse global warming, this is a great place to start for an understanding of the hemp solution.


Justice: Prelude To Intimacy by Ira Einhorn

This first Earth Day team member was framed without evidence   

Ira Einhorn is still serving jail time for a murder there is no scientific evidence he committed…no blood, DNA, hair, witnesses, nothing.  He claims his attorney, who was shortly after that “elected” to the senate, told him to run because it was a frame.

Read about his years on the run and the reasons he thinks he was framed.  


Magnetic EnergyDePalma Free Energy And The N-Machine by the late MIT Professor Bruce DePalma

The late Bruce DePalma created a magnetic generator that works with a Faraday motor to generate free energy.  His death, like that of other free energy inventors, was mysterious.

With DePalma’s friend David Crockett Williams, we compiled his papers in a logical manner and as per Bruce’s instructions, making it available for future research.


That should get you started.  Explore the blogs on the side bar for more information on various subjects. 

Thanks for visiting.  I look forward to knowing your work too.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Activist Alert: Hemp For Victory Mission - Fukushima

Despite what the president said, Fukushima's radiation and other toxic by-products have been circulating through the northern hemisphere for more than a year.

We just finished a first edition paper on Fukushima and how the hemp solution can help us solve this crisis. The piece is a collection of articles, videos, book titles and insights. 

Titled: HEMP FOR VICTORY MISSION: ACTIVIST ALERT it recommends that we do what was done in Chernobyl and use hemp for phytoremediation. In a nutshell the strategy is four part, PLANT, CONSUME, WEAR & SPEAK HEMP. Topics including a mix of hempcrete, hemp plastic and lead for nuclear entombment; Rick Simpson's cancer oil for the radiation cancers and some other ailments, and using hemp and a radiation eating mushroom to clean the soil and air. 

If it is a subject that interests you, the free report is posted at


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Hemp Solution

We have many problems we are dealing with in these wild and modern times including, but not limited to the UN declared world food crisis, the excessive chronic radiation exposure from our Japan Fukushima nuclear plant, our shattered economies and health systems from industrial and government incompetency.

It is time to rethink everything. With a little bit of common sense, we can answer that call and save our lives.

I've put together with a lot of help from friends and family three research documents to assist our generations in fulfilling our responsibilities to seven generations ahead.  They include:

USE HEMP FOODS TO SOLVE THE UN DECLARED WORLD FOOD CRISIS  Hemp foods are versatile, delicious and full of nutrition. Hemp flours can make anything wheat or other flours can like pastas, textured vegetable proteins, cakes and breads.  Hemp leaves for salads, seasonings and soups. 

Hemp foods can even help with world peace.  For instance, last summer over 29,000 children died of hunger in mention of the adults who died of hunger before the children did.  If Somalia, a coastal country, had been growing sufficient amounts of hemp, those children would not have died from hunger.  Not mentioned in the report is the probability that the war lords, if they had smoked a peace pipe, probably would have been too relaxed to want to kill people. Of course if hemp food could be grown on the 1/3 of the continental US land that the federal government owns and is not using, that would be another source of international food.  Based on resources, there is no need for anybody to be hungry, save greed.
HEMP OIL MISSION - The many financial and health opportunities available in the medical, spiritual and recreational hemp oil fields.

Hemp oils offer us a plethora of healing opportunities.  Medical grade oils like Rick Simpson's cancer oil that sends cancers into remission, or hemp seed oil that assists in nourishing the body, are covered.  Also included are uses for recreational and spiritual grades of hemp oils too.  Small business and individual empowerment are the focus in this mission plan, parts of which are adaptable to many situations.

ACTIVIST ALERT! DO WHAT THEY DID IN CHERNOBYL, USE HEMP!!! The governments of the world are lying about the radiation coming off of our Japan.  It is highly radioactive and some of it has already reached US shores.  If we become pro active, we can save ourselves. Hemp is one of the main elements that can help.  

This quickly compiled report featuring full length reports from experts including the article from the AP in March, 2012 which revealed the melt down was not only still in process, but that the nuclear rods have 'less than 2' and not the yards of water covering them.  This report also covers hemp phytoremediation for cleaning soil, medicine for fighting the cancers and other illness from chronic radiation exposure, hemp construction materials to encase the Fukushima plant with a blend of hemp plastic which is 10 times stronger than steel according to Henry Ford, building materials and lead (with a magnetic powered cooling system).

Of course there are other things we can do. For instance, at Chernobyl scientists also found radiation eating mushrooms, as reported by Albert Einstein University in New York.  More on that soon.
By Scott Norris
for National Geographic News
May 22, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Poverty Pimps On Parade - Election 2012

POVERTY PIMP ALERT: Poverty pimps need poverty to pimp or else they stop being rich. Their policies reflect their thumbs up position to maintaining the war on drugs. Based on results, these men, who are running for president, are classic poverty pimps taking over where Iran Contra left off. They must have prohibition in place to legally jail and murder people into manageable fear, the opposite of loving freedom. 

With initial presidential primary results in, I confess I don't mind that it is illegal for me to vote. I can finally be like George Carlin and have no responsibility for choosing the lesser of two evils.  

Mitt Romney has already said in public that he is not in favor of ending marijuana prohibition.

Instead of endorsing a modern Hemp For Victory program that could quickly crop finance over a half a million new or expanded businesses, creating over 5 million jobs quickly, both men, Black and Mexican, want to keep the largest Jim Crow system since slavery going. 

They would rather see us die from stress related illness or in prison for years for interacting with a plant, than be able to use hemp, proven to send cancer into remission.

Dissolving the international drug treaties and stopping the war on drugs by Jack Herer Executive Order 420 would turn poverty and fear into prosperity and joy. It would not cost the feds a dime and would save billions in state and federal dollars on prison and foster care costs, while increasing tax revenue because people in jail now for non-violent drug war offenses would be available to earn income and pay taxes.
How could the hemp plant, the foundation for this failed prohibitionist capitalism we are dying from, turn the world economy around? Let's do the math, US specific, yet can be translated into any country's economy.

Hemp can be easily made into over 50,000 products, many, like paper, medicine, building materials, plastics, foods, fabrics and other items have markets ripe for new product development. Each product, from planting the seed to the taxes paid on the income, will create at least 10 companies with 10 employees, especially in this job deprived market. So 50,000 products with 10 companies per product is 500,000 companies. 10 jobs per company is 5 million jobs. Products like medical marijuana already have more than 10 companies with 10 employees. 

Neither man running for the presidency is in favor of stopping the racist, evil, economically strangling, family destroying, murderous drug war. Blacks and Mexicans are the fodder for the drug war, the new Jim Crow. Insane from the membrane to the nucleus.' Non toxic hemp medicine is a federal offense while Medicine, Inc. remains a leading cause of death. Our economy remains in tatters as our number one cash crop remains illegal and untaxed by the federal government. 

Stop the insanity of the drug war and support FarmAid who can help people become hemp farmers. The government is not working for the good of the people. The system is corrupt and it is our responsibility to clean it up, get it working for the highest good, and keep it updated to meet the needs of the people.

We The People must non-violently take our power back. Like Gandhi making salt, it is time to implement the ancient solution of simply returning to nature for our needs. 

Waiting for the government could get us all murdered dramatically, not a reality I want. What about you? What do you want for your future?  What can we do today to make today and tomorrow better for everyone, including us? At least part of achieving your goal can involve the hemp solution from strong hemp paved roads, to nutritious hemp foods, to additional safety in building re-inforced with hemp plastic exteriors and interiors, according to Henry Ford, 10 times stronger than steel (that should be able to stand up to much that HAARP is dishing out.)

The energy I put into helping just another poverty pimp get into office in 2008, I’m concentrating to stopping the war on drugs.  This election is bull shit…back to the lesser of two evils.  Hell no, I won't go. 

Thanks God for rendering me without ID, my crime that disqualifies me from voting.

Lord, help us overcome government and corporate stupidity this and any other day it is needed. Based on almost a century of results, the White House is not the answer. Either one of them wins and it’s just a question of new ways to terrorize the people over the hemp plant.  Without radically positive change the presidency will be filled with an anti-citizen president again. Let's solve the problem at the root, international drug policy.


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

How hemp can make 5,000,000 jobs.

The way to empower our economic recovery starts with the farmers. As Willie Nelson and Marty Dread said in this song LEND A HAND TO THE FARMERS, "when we lend a hand to the farmers, we lend a hand to ourselves." Please, if you are able, send a contribution to Willie Nelson's FarmAid.

The radio show Time4Hemp's opening song sings about how an acre of hemp can produce 20 barrels of oil.  

Here's what I learned from the book HEMP FOR VICTORY: THE TRILLION DOLLAR CROP by Richard M. Davis, Founder and Curator of the USA Hemp Museum, a private museum with a virtual wing.

Basically, hemp was a billion dollar crop back in 1938, making it an easy trillion dollar crop today.

Hemp can make 5,000,000 jobs from 50,000 products, 

50,000 products create investment and business opportunities to start or expand businesses.

When each field has on average 10 companies per product (50,000x10) that is 500,000 businesses, each creating 

only 10 jobs per business (500,000 x 10) that is 5,000,000 jobs.  

Areas like medical have many more than 10 companies in that industry.  Hemp building materials, papers, inks, foods... will have many more than the minimal 10 companies-with-10-jobs per product/company.  This number does not factor in all the growers, processers, warehouser, transporters and retail ancillary jobs.   

So end hemp prohibition by Jack Herer Executive Order 420. Demand the president sign it today.  'Tell President Obama, let our hemp go.'

Dynamic Thought Books By Modern Sages
Great Gifts For The Holidays

Alternative Medicine: Hemp For Victory: The Wonder Herb  by Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum
Black History: Black People And Their Place In World History by Dr. Leroy Vaughn, MD, MBA
Economics: Hemp For Victory: The Trillion Dollar Crop by Richard M. Davis, Founder & Curator 
Environment-Global Warming: Hemp For Victory: A Global Warming Solution by Richard M. Davis
Justice: Prelude To Intimacy by Ira Einhorn - First Earth Day Team Member framed without evidence
Magnetic Energy: DePalma Free Energy And The N-Machine by the late MIT Professor Bruce DePalma
Surviving AIDS: Why I Survive AIDS by Niro Markoff - HIV negative since 1986

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Using The Keys Out Of Babylon



The use of technology is both powerful and impressive. We've mastered the keys that unlock the power of the Tower of Babel. We are speaking one language, web. We are limited only by our imaginations now. Imagine wisely.

Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, MSNBC, CNN, Yahoo, Google, Blogger and other "social" media are tools. We are showing the rest of the world how to use truth to free ourselves. Chaos or common sense? Health care access or not? Freedom or indentured servitude? 

We have the keys to escape from the land of Babel, as foretold in Genesis. There is the first ripple of the great change in consciousness that is going on. Answered prayer or 100th Monkey. Enough of us have chosen good over evil to make a difference in our future.

Humanity must be free to save ourselves. For example, here in the states it's illegal to use a plant that is a biomass champion at pulling excess CO2 from the atmosphere (a leading cause of global warming), is an effective 5,000 year old medicine (medical marijuana), a strong building material (from concrete to the couch), and a clean and easily renewable paper source. We have the ability to save ourselves from many modern problems, yet the hemp plant remains illegal. We could grow our way out of this economic crisis, yet some folks are still forced to choose between food and medicine.  Are you tired of the tail wagging you. I sure am.

I urge all to join in prayer and unite as one people of the world. The power of prayer is liberating and the color green is unifying.

We have the keys to escape from the land of Babel, as foretold in Genesis.

Using technology, our ideas are shared without regard to race, color, creed, religion or social order. 

As Stuart Wilde says in his awesome book MIRACLES "Fundamental structures are being swept away in an avalanche of awareness, and we're no longer prepared just to read about great miracle-makers; we want to have the same experience."

I have a theory that enough people chose good over evil in WWII that we were given the computer, the Enigma Machine, as the keys out of the sadness of Babel. 

In the Information Age, where we can all communicate in the language of technology, we are limited only by our imaginations.

Let's imagine peace, health, prosperity, joy and really good times.

Genesis 11: 5-9

"5. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men built.
6. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language and this they begin to do, and now nothing will be restrained form them, which they have imagined to do.
7. Go, let us go down, and there confounded their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
8. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth, and they left off to build the city.
9. Therefore, is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth, and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon to the face of all the earth."

We are the Next Testament - One working for the highest good for all concerned. Go Forward. Stay On Target. Provide for at least 7 generations ahead.

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