Sunday, July 15, 2018

Miracles for Nayer - Thank You Lord

I don't usually do personal notes on this blog. This is an exception.

I am J. Nayer Hardin, founder of and a conductor on the Computer Underground Railroad. Thank you for your prayers. Sharing an update on New Hemp Cities and me. I am in the middle of a major series of miracles for which I am offering profound gratitude. I feel a lot like George Bailey at the end of the movie "It's A Wonderful Life." Thanks Clarence!'

"Information is transformation"

My life, not to be confused with easy, is full of miracles. I am blessed with Sherwood Akuna, the perfect husband for me, plus the rest of my fabulous family and friends for my entire long and happy life.

Since the 1960's I've been smoking weed and typing fast. My first exposure to a computer job was in 1974 on word processors. I've been a cyber diva full time since 1977. My own emancipation proclamation day came in the early 1980's when IBM announced home PC's. Now I get to do a masterpiece of my life's work, combining prayer, hemp / cannabis and computers.

We're settling in on 10.4 acres in Cochise County's Mc Neal, AZ thanks to a land investment and consulting by long time hemp activist Dr. Jeri Rose. The purpose is to develop it as a profitable proving ground for 3d printing Harriet Tubman style environmentally conscious buildings and roads from hemp. We will be subcontracting work to qualified companies like Contour Crafting and Apis Corp., over seeing to assure buildings and roads meet quality control standards. 

Below is a link to a drone shot of the area where we are. The first and last thirty seconds show the land we are on to begin growing next year when hemp farming becomes legal in Arizona. The balance shows possible room for expansion.

From crops we grow as well as commercially available filaments, we can print the driveway, environmentally conscious Harriet Tubman dome homes, an inn and 5 acres of hemp / cannabis farm land.

This area is on an aquifer making it a perfect place for senior citizens to retire to and cyber citizens to grow in. With basic health numbers reading machines, we can lead the way in teleconferencing medicine. Robotics for maintenance (i.e. farming) will be incorporated with the jobs. There is plenty of area out here to expand as opportunity presents itself.

This phase of the mission is to develop Harriet Tubman style buildings and roads, built to get passengers safe.

Tubman never lost a passenger. These dome shaped buildings are:
  • rounded, designed to reduce wind damage,
  • strong and waterproof using ABS hemp plastic that is ten times stronger that steel,
  • radiation shielded using NASA science of magnetic shielding,
  • an extra family core in the center of the building in the event of extreme storms, fires, nuclear blast, etc.
Miracles In My Health Too

After 61 years of good health, I had my first seizure in 2014. In May, 2018, when we moved onto our dream property, described above:

At the end of June, 2018 I was in the hospital for my 3rd major brain seizure in 4 years.
First two words I said 
when I got out of Intensive Care
"Lap Top"

By the Lord's Grace I survived an ugly spell with a broken blood vessel in May, 2018 (right). I thought I had too much work to do settling in to pay attention. Sherwood demanded that I at least take a picture so I could see the condition my body was in. A month later I woke up in at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson in Tucson, AZ attached to a set of machines in June (above). I survived. "Love is the way that I walk in gratitude." At least it was not like the first one, the grand mal that killed me.

What I learned from the grand mal is that the devil has a restraining order against me because he doesn't want me lowering the temperature in hell by saving souls there too.

I am also blessed to understand that even when I was 'dead', through the afterlife experience and return miracle, I was/am still me on both sides of the life and death veil. That miracle of understanding brings me so much peace.

In process. It was like turning my head left and right in a conversation. One moment I was communicating with my mother on the other side, the next I was talking with my sister Robin who traveled from Detroit to Vegas to keep the medical decisions in A+ fashion, like no picc line while I was out. 'Every day in every way by the Grace of God I am getting better and better and better'

June 27, 2018 - Home From The Hospital

I'm writing this from home in the middle of July, having been released from the hospital at the end of June. High blood pressure and liver dramas to heal.

Continued prayers for us all. I am praying for every soul every day and night, unconditionally, for the living, beyond living and pre living too. Not even Donald Trump is the exception to that rule.

Enjoy your miracles too.

Again, thank you for your prayers. We are overcoming. Joy!

If you would like to participate 

Sunday, July 01, 2018

New Hemp Cities Energy Options


Currently, energy is from the traditional electric company. Since water is already off the grid here, energy independence is next. Life will be a lot less stressful for many without electric and water bills.

The three initial energy sources we're looking into are solar, magnetic and hemp biofuel.


Clean solar energy in Arizona is well documented, though a $144 a year savings is NOT free.

3D printing solar panels out of hemp plastic could create free energy. Here's some initial solar in Arizona research links.

"Your guide to going solar in Arizona

We've designed this page to be a complete guide to the complicated and sometimes confusing process of installing solar panels on a home in Arizona. Since there's a lot of important information to consider, we've separated the page into sections to help you find what you are looking for. If you find this page useful, please share it with someone who might also find it interesting!

The Solar Strategy section is all about the various financial options you have in Arizona. We've created a tool that asks you a few questions about what you hope to get out of a solar purchase and recommends whether you should pursue a solar lease, loan, or outright purchase. Then, we give you a detailed picture of how each could work for you.

The Policy Information section contains all of our latest research on the rules set by the state legislature and public utilities commission that determines how easy it is to go solar in Arizona. These policies and rules govern everything from renewable energy mandates to whether you get paid retail or wholesale rates for the extra energy your system produces, and can have a huge effect on the viability of solar.

Finally, the Solar Incentives section lists all of the available financial benefits available to homeowners who go solar. This section includes information about money-back rebates and grants, tax credits, and tax exemptions. If you're looking for what Arizona is doing to make solar more affordable for its citizens, you'll find it here."

"Despite a lengthy battle between the solar industry and Arizona utilities over how solar owners would be paid for excess electricity and curbs put on those payments, there is more solar than ever in the state."


  • "Average cost of panel installation in Arizona is $24,500
  • Average cost of solar per watt in Arizona is $3.50 per watt
The range of solar panel installation costs in Arizona are between $17,000 – $52,200. Putting the average solar system cost in Phoenix, Arizona right around $24,500 for a 7 kilowatt residential solar system. Estimates are based on installing a 7 kilowatt solar system (average sized solar system), at a rate of $3.50 per watt. The solar panels and installation are included in these estimated costs. Low Cost: $20,000, AVG Cost: $25,000 and High Cost: $30,000. "


Magnetic Energy

Free energy and world peace activist David Williams brought this mission to the Underground Railroad. Williams is a contemporary and friend to the late inventor, M.I.T.'s Bruce DePalma. DePalma's magnetic generator works with a Faraday motor to create clean, free energy. Yes, we can new age print both the N-Machine and the Faraday motor.

To quickly visualize the power discussed here, think of a magnet pulling a metal object toward it. Direct that power to turn a generator. We can print magnets. Simply prove the product, promote and sell on amazon, complete the sale. [No illusions, simple not to be confused with easy - yet - nothing is impossible!]

The railroad did a book on DePalma's work awhile back that's for sale on Lulu, DePalma, Free Energy and the N-Machine.

Here's an interview piece DePalma did. DePalma's N-Machine patent application material is free to replicate, which is great to do using new age printing techniques.

Here's Part 2

Hemp Biofuel 

Richard M. Davis, founder of the USA Hemp Museum (current curator Chris Conrad) did a lot of research in and promotion of hemp biofuels. The museum is Richard's lifelong collection of thousands of hemp based items. Here's his page on hemp biofuels

Richard had a theory that with the tens of thousands of products hemp can be made into, (pre 3d printing calculations) the oil could be distributed at no cost other than packaging and shipping, qualifying it in the category of clean and free (low cost) energy. For farmers it would be free as other hemp products are sold for profit.

Hemp empowers folks to grow our own energy, energizing buildings and vehicles with bio diesel too instead of toxic petroleum. Maybe the Earth needs her deep soil oil for her body the way we need oil for ours. She shares plenty with us already through her plants.

Stay tuned! Building New Hemp Cities is an awesome experience. Now which energy source will we shift to?

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New Underground Railroad Station, New Hemp Cities, Mc Neal, AZ

 If you would like to participate click here to read the overview -- click here to donate.

Now begins a new cyber station on the Underground Railroad, located in Mc Neal, Arizona. The purpose is to fuel the new age printing (3d printing, 4d printing, 5d printing plus what's next) evolution with hemp and other non toxic materials as filaments, inks.

Hemp is the perfect raw resource material to fuel the great change ahead. Here on Double Adobe we are building a proving ground for new age printing in hemp, launching many spiritual, business and healing opportunities.

The Computer Underground Railroad, a cyber division of the original, quietly, at least until now, been serving since the mid 1980's. Some of CURE's missions accomplished, dreams achieved over the decades include training over 3,000 folks how to use computers, community education of environmental dangers and solutions, co-published seven books for sale on line, and was awarded with Bernard Hirschenson a patent on an ergonomic computer arm rest that healed extensive computer injuries - they never returned, and it's been a quarter century plus.

Currently CURE is developing environmentally strengthened 3d printed roads and buildings out of hemp.

Sunrise View From The Back Porch
Underground Railroad Station
Thanks to brilliant insights and a land purchase by Dr. Jeri Rose, identified and sold by real estate agent Linda Nunez of Pearce, AZ, the railroad is opening a new age 3d printing in hemp proving ground in Mc Neal, Cochise County, Arizona.

"We're transforming from the research and development stage to legally sowing of the seeds necessary for maximum healthy crop yields to 3d print environmentally conscious communities out of hemp. We are working on getting a Hydreva water system for truly clean and agriculturally empowering hydration." said founder J. Nayer Hardin.


Hemp farming with paperwork becomes legal in Arizona mid 2019 thanks to a bill recently signed by Governor Ducey. Negotiations are in place for legal medical cannabis farming too. "We are taking the necessary steps to qualify to grow hemp, male, female and trans. In the meantime, we're also considering subcontracting out 5-10 acres at fair market value to folks / companies / dispensaries who are currently qualified to legally grow cannabis and hemp in this state." said Hardin

Information Is Transformation!

Arizona's Governor Ducey legalizing hemp farming with paperwork starting the middle of 2019 is an amazing opportunity. The railroad is "just in time for the future" to get our paperwork in order so we can, as free men, start growing hemp for energy, new age printing plus the other legal cannabis markets. Vertical farming techniques all us to grow a lot more crops on a lot less land.

We are going forward into this brave new world of legal medical cannabis and ibogaine farming that are exciting possibilities too.

 If you would like to participate click here to read the overview -- click here to donate.

Closing thought

Like Jack Herer said, 'Get your fucking education. Hemp can heal the planet.'

For example, the environment.

We have access to hemp solutions by simply following Paul Stanford's suggestion, RESTORE HEMP!

When the problem is too much CO2 in the atmosphere, the solution is to safely reduce the CO2 to healthy levels. An added benefit to the environment by growing is hemp breathes excess CO2, making it a biomass champion in the fight to balance climate change. Hemp phytoremediation cleans the soil of toxic metals and nuclear radiation after a few years of crop rotation.

Happy Hemp!

Saturday, December 03, 2016

TEPCO - A question concerning November, 2016 Fukushima earthquake & tsunami

What happened to those bags of nuclear waste stored outside of the Fukushima nuclear plant from the 2011 disaster?

Earthquake Off Fukushima, Japan, Triggers Tsunami

We need to talk. There is no such thing as man's safe use of nuclear energy consciously controlled by man. From Hiroshima to Fukushima II, we must shift to the ways of wisdom. The problem is not just in Japan who did not ask for this nuclear nightmare. Hemp was a major crop in Japan in before the horrors of WW II. It is time to bring it back to help us solve our nuclear crisis, i.e. phytoremediate the land, entomb the nuclear plants using 3d printing.

Despite the lies of the new USA president "Heil Trump" climate change is much more than weather. Nuclear radiation readings are part of our environment. Algae blooms and fracking are affecting our environment. Neither are weather. 

Let's solve this now.

When Dr. Martin Luther King was born in 1929 nuclear power was a remote scientific concept. Now we have a president who brings a former head of Exxon into the White House to accelerate the genocide.  

It is up to us to be wise. Our ancestors as well as our future are depending on us to provide for at least seven generations ahead. Greed is not the right way to go. Together we can do better.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kyoto Hemp Forum - On Line Rooms

The Japan Hemp Association hosted an international gathering of hemp advocates in Kyoto, Japan, where the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 to address climate change. An amazing gathering of activist shared insights and notes, working out an effective, international hemp phytoremediation plan.

Hemp is an effective tool we can use to solve climate change because it pulls excess CO2 from the atmosphere as it grows and it's extensive root system cleans toxins from the soil like lead and nuclear radiation.

Here's some information on the event, which is planning a gathering in Thailand in 2022. 

In case you haven't noticed, the climate is changing.



It is imperative that we provide for at least seven generations ahead.Climate change must begin within, by fully understanding the problem, cause and solution.  When the problem is too much pollution, the solution is to remove the pollution.

Now that we've done the first Kyoto Hemp Forum, the next step in the process is to focus on getting hemp seeds into the ground. We have plenty proof that planting hemp is the right thing to do. 

To understand what's needed, we must talk to the farmers about what they need to engage in large scale hemp farming. Then we can teach the governments, UN and industry how to hemp from the foundation, up.  

FarmAid's annual concert is September 17, 2016. They have an activists section there and we're presenting a crop financed international phytoremediation program. Please share ideas on our call to farmers and others why we must get as many hemp seeds in the ground as possible now. As the grandest lady of all, male or female, Earth needs her weed! 

Check back for updates and visit / comment on the rooms links above.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Children

Welcome children. Nobody in this process of overcoming climate change is more important than you.

Fashion Diva Starr Mitchell and her brother, spelling champion and math enthusiast Coylee Mitchell, plus their brother Jon Pierre Mitchell who is teaching Medicine, Inc. about how to overcome brain seizures his whole life inspired this page. Their ideas throughout this process are keys to co-creating an action plan to save the planet and ourselves.

They are absolutely right. Children have a lot to say about how this world is run and adults must listen. This room is for you to post in plus please, feel free to visit any of the other rooms.

I respectfully disagree with the claim that you are our future.  You are our present, the reason we are here. It is important that we include your ideas and actions into healing ourselves and our world.  

Farming is an important element in healing the world. From nutrition to plants cleaning the soil and air, called phytoremediation, everyone has a role to play, none more important than yours. 

Technology is doing a lot to open the barriers to learning how to save ourselves. What we don't know we can learn and/or figure it out. 

Here's an example of the world of positive possibilities ahead. Using plants to fuel the 3d printing upgrade to our lives, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Here's another example below.

Children, you picked a great time to be alive. Your generation's participation is key to saving the world. Thank you. 

Upload your ‘environmental rap / spoken word’, or whatever other ideas you have in the comments section below. When you get old, you will have a record of you working to save the world since childhood. I pray that your children be as proud of and grateful for you as we are. It will bring you great comfort in your old age. 

Thank you.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Tradition

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

Kyoto Hemp Forum - World Hemp Unity

Light up and share because we have work to do. One never knows who we'll meet in the process of unity. 

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

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