Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Kyoto Hemp Forum - Phytoremediation

Since the problem is too many toxins in the soil, water and air, the solution is to use effective means to clean it up. 

Phytoremediation is the science of using plants to help clean our environment. Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum frequently said that hemp is a biomass champion at pulling toxins from our environment. For example, hemp breathes excess CO2, a major greenhouse gas as it grows. 

“Hemp improves the physical condition of the soil, and when retted on the same ground where it grows, it returns most of the fertilizing elements” Hemp, Lifeline To The Future by Chris Conrad pg. 167 

Hemp breathes in the excess global warming CO2 gas from the air as it grows” said Richard M. Davis, USA Hemp Museum

Focusing on agriculture is the best way to begin the process of using hemp to help us deal with climate change.Climate change is a global problem, not fixable by any one nation, though it will take only one nation to begin. When the cause of climate change is too many toxins in the environment, out of balance, the solution is to remove the excess toxins and restore balance. This is simple science.

In the name of greed, we have made parts of nature illegal while we wonder why we have environmental problems.

Hemp was planted around Chernobyl's nuclear disaster site to pull radioactive elements from the ground. Jack Herer said that hemp works like a mop absorbing nuclear toxins from the soil. Toxic metals like lead, which causes violent behavior and other health problems, are also absorbed by hemp and other phytoremediation plants like tobacco, mushrooms, thistle, sunflowers, etc. Science from many governments and educational institutions back up the need for us to implement an international phytoremediation program immediately to help solve climate change at the level of cause.

An immediate end to hemp prohibition will allow us to use this biomass champion in a hemp phytoremediation program.   

"Phytoremediation can be defined as the decontamination of soil, sediment or water using plant growth. Industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa L., is renowned for its ability to grow rapidly. In one growing season, fiber hemp can yield 250 to 400 plants per square meter, with each plant reaching up to 5 meters in height. As a result, hemp has been identified as a plant with the potential to serve as a phytoremediator." The same way hemp was used to clean up the toxins around Chernobyl, we should be using hemp to clean up the toxins from the Gulf of Mexico "oil spill" (more like a volcano) and other environmental crisis situations.

Remember: The McGraw-Hill Companies reported in 2000 "Overall, phytoremediation has great potential for cleaning up toxic metals, pesticides, solvents, gasoline, and explosives."  

Please post your thoughts, videos and photos in the comments sections. As we build and implement the Action Plan for implementing the hemp solution and other smart actions, we're sharing ideas. Thanks.

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