Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Little Oil Pimp Should Rule No More - Restore Gore

How’s the weather by you? Comfortable that the food you put on your table is safe? Do you feel good about the direction the country is going in?

We have been had, took, bamboozled, and if we don’t take our power back, we’re dead. I want to live. How about you?

The word evil is live spelled backwards. Based on results, there is evil in the White House and it’s up to We The People to clean it out. Demand truth and justice, please.

We are at the most critical time in human history. Albert Einstein said if the bees leave then man has 4 years left. The disappearing bees is a fact. The rapture is in process. It’s time for each soul to take a stand for good or evil, survival or death. Let's do what we can to survive.

We need Al Gore in the White House now. Today.


The number one issue we are dealing with is the environment. The leading environmentalist in the country is Al Gore.

I’ve been working with Richard M. Davis of the USA Hemp Museum on his recently release book HEMP FOR VICTORY: A GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTION.

In the book Richard gives chapter and verse of how to use hemp to help solve the problem of global warming. Hemp is a biomass champion that scrubs the air of the excess greenhouse gas CO2 as it grows and burns clean as biofuel four times more efficient than corn. Hemp oil can do anything fossil oil can do, only without polluting.

An additional service that hemp can serve is to supplement the upcoming food crisis because hemp is a wind pollinated plant. A 20% recreational hemp tax could finance large scale growing on unused federal land and create a slush fund to help folks out dealing with natural disasters, i.e. Katrina.

I write about Richard’s work because with all this information on how to heal our environment by reducing the cause, excess CO2, the way the government is structured, we just keep on burning overpriced toxic energy, taking toxic medicine, and killing ourselves to the beat of fear on earth.

With Bush, this solution is still illegal. Gore can restore sanity to our government and possibly our environment.

I want my president back, the one who received the most votes. Restore Gore to his rightful role. Commission John Kerry, the other elected President of the United States to serve as Vice President. These men have made their positions on the environment known. The choice is ours.

We can still have an ’08 election (or one 4 years from when Gore/Kerry is restored to President). Yet, this next year is key to our survival and to have it in the hands of George Bush is folly. The closer we are to the truth, the more freedom we have.

The little oil pimp should rule no more.

Restore Gore.


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